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Who would you like to see win the Giro?

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Who would you like to see in the Maglia Rosa?

  • Scarponi

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Jul 13, 2009
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davis_123 said:
People like you are the reason doping continues to exist in this sport, to openly support a drug cheat is down right disgusting.

You should honestly be ashamed of yourself, the sport will never be clean while people still support the ones who are willing to cheat, riders like Vino should wear a big "I AM A DRUG CHEAT" sign on their jersey's until the day they retiree.

Actually, it is more likely that the continued support for dopers who are smart and rich enough not to get caught is what keeps doping attractive.

The people who should be ashamed of themselves are the ones who think they can distinguish between those who always dope and those who never did.


May 4, 2010
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rxgqgxnyfz said:
I don't know publicly saying that someone should wear an equalient of "Juden" badge for the rest of the life because of your personal superstitions sounds like fit of hate to me.

If it's not... I really don't want to be near you when you will have a REAL FIT OF HATE.

Superstitions? What part of Vino testing positive in the 2007 TDF made it my "personal susperstition"?

Do you conveniently block that out of your memory or something? Maybe you believed him when he said "omg I am a saint I never doped!" I guess Landis is a hero of yours as well huh?

As always in the court of law its an innocent until proven guilty stance with anything, Vino has been proven guilty so supporting him is the equivalent of saying a Child Molester is a good guy because he served his prison time.


May 4, 2010
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Jonathan said:
Actually, it is more likely that the continued support for dopers who are smart and rich enough not to get caught is what keeps doping attractive.

The people who should be ashamed of themselves are the ones who think they can distinguish between those who always dope and those who never did.

There is only one line you can take, those who have been found out and those who haven't, the rest is pure speculation.
Jan 18, 2010
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I'd like to see David Millar get it.

I reckon Vino will win it though but no problem with that. As long as a Spanish rider doesnt win I'm happy.
Mar 11, 2009
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davis_123 said:
Vino has been proven guilty so supporting him is the equivalent of saying a Child Molester is a good guy because he served his prison time.

This is beyond ridiculous. How can you even compare the two? What kind of twisted fuk are you?
I really hope you never come close to serious issues like child molestation, for your sake and the sake of people who are actually sane.
Mar 11, 2009
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sublimit said:
I'd like to see David Millar get it.

I reckon Vino will win it though but no problem with that. As long as a Spanish rider doesnt win I'm happy.

What do you have against Spaniards in general?
Feb 14, 2010
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I'd like to see Nibali, Vino or Basso win, and I'm rooting for neo-pro Richie Porte to do well (since the rules say he's ruining his career by riding a grand tour in his first year). I just read an interview with him at Pez, and he seems like a good guy, who's grateful just to have a pro contract.
Jun 18, 2009
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davis_123 said:
As always in the court of law its an innocent until proven guilty stance with anything, Vino has been proven guilty so supporting him is the equivalent of saying a Child Molester is a good guy because he served his prison time.

Wait.. child molestation is the same as doping in pro sports???


May 4, 2010
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richwagmn said:
Wait.. child molestation is the same as doping in pro sports???
Perhaps a little extreme in the comparison, its much more like a bank robber being hired to work in a bank after his jail sentence ended, it just shouldn't happen.

Vino a convicted CHEAT/DOPER coming back into the sport at all is a joke on the whole system but for him to then be supported by 25% of people?

Is that the kind of role model you want future cyclists to look up to? Its ok I'll cheat now and make lots of money, even if I get suspended for it everyone will embrace me on my comeback in 2 years time anyways.

The attitude you and people like yourself who support these cheats on their comebacks basically says to the future generations "Why wouldn't I cheat? Vino is more popular after cheating the he was before he did it and I'll make more money with them then I can without them"

ak-zaaf said:
This is beyond ridiculous. How can you even compare the two? What kind of twisted fuk are you?
I really hope you never come close to serious issues like child molestation, for your sake and the sake of people who are actually sane.

How can I compare the 2? How can you suggest a doper should be praised and looked up to? How is Vino doping in 07 okay with you? Do you just say to yourself "oh everyone else does it who cares?"

Do you not agree the sport would be much better to watch if every rider was completely clean? Perhaps you enjoy watching fake stuff your probably a hardcore WWF fan right?

You are the type of person who would walk away if they seen someone in trouble. People like you disgust me with your poor attitude, its rather sad that while people like you exist riders will actually be encouraged to dope.
Mar 19, 2009
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I dont see the big deal with doping and cheating in sports... srsly.... i think these things arent really that important... there's no need to for people to get so angry about it... I suppose it's wrong ... but to me it's not really such a big deal if some guys who aren't really doing any harm are up to no good..... On the list of crimes and bad things people do this is quite low down my list..

Anyway so far so good for vinokourov I hope he does good here cause he seems a great laugh(in a humourless soviet way).... basso is probaby the one I want to win most of all... tooearly to say how its going for everyone but the ttt should be very interesting.
palmerq said:
I dont see the big deal with doping and cheating in sports... srsly.... i think these things arent really that important... there's no need to for people to get so angry about it... I suppose it's wrong ... but to me it's not really such a big deal if some guys who aren't really doing any harm are up to no good..... On the list of crimes and bad things people do this is quite low down my list..

Anyway so far so good for vinokourov I hope he does good here cause he seems a great laugh(in a humourless soviet way).... basso is probaby the one I want to win most of all... tooearly to say how its going for everyone but the ttt should be very interesting.

Well it's just a natural reaction because everyone thinks that their personal favourite is clean. They feel that their rider is being cheated.
Mar 11, 2009
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You are the type of person who would walk away if they seen someone in trouble. People like you disgust me with your poor attitude, its rather sad that while people like you exist riders will actually be encouraged to dope.

You apparently know a lot about me. In your twisted logic i could say you don't think it's really bad to molest a child. It's just the same as a little doping in a pro-sport right?
Luckily your comparison made it clear you are not sane. Or at least completely oblivious to serious issues. But you do think you know a lot about me from a post on an internet forum. People like you are dangerous.

I suggest you find a pure and clean sport to follow. I don't think any exist.

Vino is more popular after cheating the he was before he did it
You're just making this all up along the way right?
Sep 25, 2009
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davis_123 said:
You are the type of person who would walk away if they seen someone in trouble. People like you disgust me with your poor attitude, its rather sad that while people like you exist riders will actually be encouraged to dope.

I think you are that person actually because you think horrible things of people you don't even know.
Mar 10, 2009
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Evans or Sastre, I wouldn't mind so much if Basso or Vino won it, I was never really a fan of either rider. I have always liked Sastre, who doesn't? As for Cadel Evans I like him but he is a bit marmite.
May 12, 2010
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My Giro hero will be Evans. Largely national pride, also to see him win a Grand Tour event, it will be a great phenomenal story: new team, weak team, losing minutes by stage 4, then????? .... has a puncture no teammates within cooee and loses more time, can't keep up but plugs away to minimise losses, when the going gets tough he shows his balls and he gets going, closes gap, gap widens, closes gap, rides a ripper of an ITT, clinches it by seconds.


Other then that? An Italian.
Eratosthenes said:
My Giro hero will be Evans. Largely national pride, also to see him win a Grand Tour event, it will be a great phenomenal story: new team, weak team, losing minutes by stage 4, then????? .... has a puncture no teammates within cooee and loses more time, can't keep up but plugs away to minimise losses, when the going gets tough he shows his balls and he gets going, closes gap, gap widens, closes gap, rides a ripper of an ITT, clinches it by seconds.


Other then that? An Italian.

Great post Eratosthenes,good tosee more Evans supporters logging on and posting.......What a great race the Giro is every year.......
May 12, 2010
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schism said:
As for Cadel Evans I like him but he is a bit marmite.

What, you mean like a "a large, covered earthenware or metal cooking pot"

or that he has (used to have) an occasional tendency to self destruct like the key process in marmite production in which cells shrivel up, thus triggering "autolysis", in which the yeast self-destructs.

or maybe because:

"The main ingredient of Marmite is yeast extract, which contains a high concentration of glutamic acid, a known excitotoxin." and watching Cadel can be excitedly intoxicating (World Champs, The Arrow).

To paraphrase I assume it would be "a bit vegemite" in Australia. I have an inkling of what you mean, but could you elaborate from your British/Kiwi? perspective (since no Australian worth his salt would consume that vile concoction).