> Elapid - Much as I hate to contradict what your coach is telling you, might thoughts are that you are taking a long while to 'get used to' the Cervelo.psychlist said:This sounds like sage advice. You must be in pretty good shape right now. The hard part will probably be riding easy enough to give your body a chance to get used to the Cervelo.
Whilst there might be subtle differences in ride comfort due to the difference in bike construction (I am assuming the Lynskey is Ti), if all the reference points of your bike fit are the same for both bikes, your body won't 'see' any difference. This includes identical saddles, angles etc. Yes the way it handles will change and one might pick up more vibration than the other, but this no more difference than say swapping from a heavy set of wheels to light carbons. The amount of discomfort you are describing seems extreme.
If you havent done so already, it might be worth sending a video of both bike fits to your coach. You may look OK on the one that you sent, but your coach should be able to pick up the difference if he reviews both. Sounds like you also need a visit to a good cycling Osteopath.