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Why I will never eat fondue again:

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May 19, 2012
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Cloxxki said:
Except for in public, and with regards to the government :)
But yeah, you're allowed to talk crap about corperations and persons.

No doubt at all that the American government is incredibly hypocritical and as a practical matter it can suppress free speech, but the distinction is that this suppression has not been legally codified.

The beauty of the USA legal system is that Floyd can go into court armed only with the truth and its corroboration and destroy Armstrong, Hein, Pat, Feinstein, Birotte, and Boxer or any other power hungry tyrant who wants to get in the way of the truth.

Of course corruption of the SCOTUS is one way that can successfully get around the truth and this has happened occasionally as of late.
Al Lesklar said:
Switzerland, like the US, is a federation of states (known as cantons/kantonen/cantoni). The decision was rendered by the court of the East-Vaud, a cantonal court roughly equivalent to the 4th district court of Colorado.
You can still eat fondu, because the classic cheeses used to make it (gruyere, vacherin mont d'or) come from the canton of Fribourg. You might want to boycott Nestle, though, since its corporate headquarters are located within that same judicial district of the Est-vaudois.

Freiburg? :rolleyes:
Apr 26, 2010
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rhubroma said:
Why are you another one of those pettifogging lawyers? :D

Or just another type of elitist snob who thinks the obvious is too trite to be said? I could quote Manzoni right now about the convolutions of the whole legal aparatus, but I won’t just to not be thought of in the same light. ;)

Rhub, we've had this conversation... No dictionary on the desk...English, like 4th grade level English next time.:D