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Wig Strong

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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badboygolf16v said:
Brad's cut his barnet.

Looks just like Lance now..

Can you test for drugs in hair?

Who knows if he's on the programme?
Ya- Brads gone back to his old look......


....this is the Team Sky boys doing a mountain recon earlier in the year - EBH, Brad, Carlstrom and it looks like Cummings at the back (maybe TSF can confirm :) ).

Here are the Sky Team doing some 'interval' training.
Jul 30, 2009
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whatever - he's not totally thin in that pic - I dont mean he's fat, and maybe the angle isn't that flattering but he's not Tour 09 anorexic thin. I guess it will come off on Zoncolan and Corones...

haircut - he's channelling Athens

Apr 19, 2010
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Didn't he do the same before the Giro last year? I think it's his grand tour cut. It was certainly that short by the TdF.

Presumably this cut is more pleasing to the military types on the forum like BroDeal and TFF who hated the hippy mop thing. This is what they like...

Nov 17, 2009
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Dr. Maserati said:
....this is the Team Sky boys doing a mountain recon earlier in the year - EBH, Brad, Carlstrom and it looks like Cummings at the back (maybe TSF can confirm :) ).
Now that's how you should do mountain recon! :D


Dr. Maserati said:
Ya- Brads gone back to his old look......


....this is the Team Sky boys doing a mountain recon earlier in the year - EBH, Brad, Carlstrom and it looks like Cummings at the back (maybe TSF can confirm :) ).

Here are the Sky Team doing some 'interval' training.

One of my all time favorite movies. Choose life.
Apr 27, 2010
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interesting quote from wiggo after the prologue today..

Team Sky has come to signify a clean team. Is it important to win clean after cycling has had so many problems?

BW: I disagree, to be honest , I don’t think Team Sky sells itself as the “clean team.” We don’t preach to the world about what we do. We believe in what we do, we have our belief system and we stick with it 100 percent. We don’t go out there and accuse everyone else to be on drugs. We cannot control whatever else does, but we’re not walking around like Jehovah’s Witnesses preaching about drugs. We do what do, this is our philosophy, we don’t have to preach about it. We just get on it, that’s the way I prefer to compete. Like with Vinokourov and all the stink-up after he won Liège. The guy has made a return to bike racing, he’s allowed to race under the rules of cycling, as long as that’s the case, and his team complies with the rules of the biological passport, we have to get off his back and give him a chance to race. There are a lot of hypocrites in this sport. It’s quite sad that the sport gets dragged down by all the doping stories. You have to assume everyone is clean until they test positive. It’s not that Team Sky is clean and everyone else is on drugs.

lol, No no, we are NOT a clean team, definitely NOT. I mean.. uhh yah of course we're clean, I mean... shi... uhh
Mar 13, 2009
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santacruz said:
interesting quote from wiggo after the prologue today..

lol, No no, we are NOT a clean team, definitely NOT. I mean.. uhh yah of course we're clean, I mean... shi... uhh
thumbs up to Wigans on that statement. Yes, mealy mouthed, but hey, it is better than his manager Brailsford and Garmin-speak. And good to welcome back Vino.
Apr 17, 2009
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What a depressing quote. He used to have a completely different take on things back when he was a **** GT rider.

He's well and truly absorbed into the Borg of Pro Cycling. Know's what side his bread is buttered.
Jul 23, 2009
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santacruz said:
interesting quote from wiggo after the prologue today..

We just get on it, that’s the way I prefer to compete...

Please tell me the original quote was "we just get on with it..."

The way you quoted it, it sounds like he is admitting that he prefers to get on the gear and compete. :D
santacruz said:
interesting quote from wiggo after the prologue today..

lol, No no, we are NOT a clean team, definitely NOT. I mean.. uhh yah of course we're clean, I mean... shi... uhh

Translation from Wigans-speak: "As long as a rider does not test positive then he is not doping."

Love how he goes out of his way to make sure that he does not offend anyone who is doping but has not been caught. And this was the dude who his supporters say speaks out about doping?? Yeah, right.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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badboygolf16v said:
What a depressing quote. He used to have a completely different take on things back when he was a **** GT rider.

He's well and truly absorbed into the Borg of Pro Cycling. Know's what side his bread is buttered.

I have to ask..... what did you expect him to say?

I thought it was one of the best quotes/opinions he has ever given.
Ya - Vino is back, he (ahem) made a mistake, has served his time - then thats it.

Brad is tied to the same anti-doping controls as Vino, ie currently on testing procedures they are equally innocent.

If BW had made a comment like poor Taylor P. then he would have quite rightly been accused of either being hypocritical or dishonest.
Apr 19, 2010
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badboygolf16v said:
What a depressing quote. He used to have a completely different take on things back when he was a **** GT rider.

He's well and truly absorbed into the Borg of Pro Cycling. Know's what side his bread is buttered.

As the interviewer noted, Sky has a reputation for being a clean team. That's the context of Wiggin's comments. Wiggins was simply saying they don't want to ram that down everyone's throats and go about saying every victory is a strike against the dopers - as if everyone else must be doping. Perhaps he was referencing Garmin who use anti doping as a marketing strategy.

As ever, Wiggins' straight foward, down to earth, honesty is twisted against him on the intenetz.
santacruz said:
interesting quote from wiggo after the prologue today..

lol, No no, we are NOT a clean team, definitely NOT. I mean.. uhh yah of course we're clean, I mean... shi... uhh

there you go Wiggo- a nice riddle to sort of explain what the world already knows about doping in Pro-cycling....
BTW he needs to chose his words carefully in the future, because an statement like this can become liable if something goes wrong in the doping controls...
Mar 13, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Translation from Wigans-speak: "As long as a rider does not test positive then he is not doping."

Love how he goes out of his way to make sure that he does not offend anyone who is doping but has not been caught. And this was the dude who his supporters say speaks out about doping?? Yeah, right.

Meet the same boss, same as the old boss.

Oh, the first rule of omerta 101.

The 2nd rule - learn how to spit good.
Apr 19, 2010
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hfer07 said:
he needs to chose his words carefully in the future, because an statement like this can become liable is something goes wrong in the doping controls...

You mean when he said we stick with our anti doping belief system 100%?
The key point here is that Wigans goes out of his way to talk about hypocrites. He clearly does not want to be seen as one. And then he refuses to diss Vino. He brings Vino up on his own to let his fellow riders know that he is a stand up guy who won't spit in the soup. He also takes time to badmouth those who speak out about doping,, likening them to annoying, prudish Jehovah's Witnesses. The conclusion is obvious.
Bravo to Wiggans.

Let's be honest here-more than any other sport, cycling has been consumed by talk of doping and it's becoming a drag.

When was the last time cycling was any fun?

I remember the mid 90's when I first became a fan-the riders were characters, the frames and equipment interesting and affordable and doping was a mere side issue.

Now everyone rides the same carbon frame made in the same factory in Asia, the riders for the most part look terrible on them and hardly anyone rides with any panache.

Where have the stylists gone? Where is this generations' Maurizio Fondriest? Who looked better riding a bike than him? Instead, we have to be subjected to Lance the humpback whale, whose riding style resembles a camel cramped into a convertible sports car.

And with most riders, the talk is always about peaking for the Tour. The early season races are training rides, and the races after the Tour are a desperate last gasp to snag a contract for next year.

Roche and Delgado went at it during the Tour in 1987. His triple crown of the Tour/Giro/World Championships was a once in a lifetime occurrence that made the sport compelling.

Lance and Contador went at it via Twitter. We needed a backstage pass to figure out what the drama was about, and it all added up to making the 2009 Tour one of the worst to watch in many years.

Pro cycling sucks right now. We need guys like Vino in there who race with panache. So what if he doped? And since when are pro cyclists supposed to ride with halos over their heads? How did we collectively become such puritans?

I remember the good ol' days when the first suspension was 6 months, the second was a year and the third I believe was two. That's how it should be done. Two years is ludicrous if you suspend the riders but the rotten core remains intact.

By "rotten core" I mean all the director sportifs, the doctors and suppliers.

THEY are the ones who should be targeted. The riders are just pawns.
Jun 16, 2009
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BroDeal said:
The key point here is that Wigans goes out of his way to talk about hypocrites. He clearly does not want to be seen as one. And then he refuses to diss Vino. He brings Vino up on his own to let his fellow riders know that he is a stand up guy who won't spit in the soup. He also takes time to badmouth those who speak out about doping,, likening them to annoying, prudish Jehovah's Witnesses. The conclusion is obvious.

He basically contradicted himself. Nearly all are scared of saying something bad about him.
Apr 19, 2010
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BroDeal said:
The key point here is that Wigans goes out of his way to talk about hypocrites. He clearly does not want to be seen as one. And then he refuses to diss Vino. He brings Vino up on his own to let his fellow riders know that he is a stand up guy who won't spit in the soup.

Actually he is only doing precisely what almost everybody here was demanding the kid from RadioShack do last week.

Wiggins has two choices if he wants to be consistent. Firstly, he could turn himself into a Greg Lemond type farse and do a speech against doping at every race, become judge and jury and attack every rider even suspected of doping, putting him at war with half the peloton and all the big names like Armstrong.

Now, though you would love that, it's just not practical, would be hugely distracting and would make him very unpopular with the public before it even got to the riders. It's just not his job to do that, nor should it be, and he would hate all the attention.

So, what do you do to be a consistent anti doper? You lead by example and are known for your clean practises, but are careful not to be a hypocrite - which means not saying Vino should not be allowed to race but are then seen chatting happily to Basso and Millar in the peloton.

I don't know why some people hate Wiggins. He's precisely the type of person who would not be seen dead with a foundation named after him. He hates talking about his gold medals and says he does not want to "live off" them, and is obviously embarrassed by all the promotional and sponsorship stuff for the team. He has two loves in life - cycling and playing the guitar, and not all the celebrity bullsh*t.

Surely this is a man right up your street?
Apr 19, 2010
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auscyclefan94 said:
He basically contradicted himself. Nearly all are scared of saying something bad about him.

Why isn't Evans attacking all known and suspected dopers in the peloton? Why was he chatting away with Armstrong in the tour down under? Oh he must be a hypocrite doper then.
Jun 16, 2009
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Eyjafjallajokull said:
Why isn't Evans attacking all known and suspected dopers in the peloton? Why was he chatting away with Armstrong in the tour down under? Oh he must be a hypocrite doper then.

Made comments on vino and valerde. Can't really to armstrong as he has never been convicted by anybody for doping

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