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"You want a rider?"

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Oct 5, 2009
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You don't know what Contador did. We know since the latter part of Armstrong's career he has been very concerned about the ethics of the sport. It could have been about that issue, Mr Power record and TT king etc.

We just don't know.
Sprocket01 said:
You don't know what Contador did. We know since the latter part of Armstrong's career he has been very concerned about the ethics of the sport. It could have been about that issue, Mr Power record and TT king etc.

We just don't know.


I called it. I knew Sprocket would find a way. It was all Contador's fault.


Oct 5, 2009
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BroDeal said:

I called it. I knew Sprocket would find a way. It was all Contador's fault.

But you were trying to ensure that we only speculate about it all being Armstrong's fault, of course, when obviously you don't know that. I'm not going to pretend that Contador definitely had no role in the argument when I don't know this.

But I will say that I have long thought there was more to the Astana bust up this year than simply a power battle between Armstrong and Contador. There was a lot of surprise about Contador's power and this may have caused a lot of friction that we, naturally enough, can't know about.
Sprocket01 said:
But you were trying to ensure that we only speculate about it all being Armstrong's fault, of course, when obviously you don't know that. I'm not going to pretend that Contador definitely had no role in the argument when I don't know this.

I can generally read a report, factor in similar incidents by the same person, and make an obvious decision based on the available evidence. Armstrong acting like a petulant dick for the hundredth time this year does not take a lot of effort to decide.

Sprocket01 said:
But I will say that I have long thought there was more to the Astana bust up this year than simply a power battle between Armstrong and Contador. There was a lot of surprise about Contador's power and this may have caused a lot of friction that we, naturally enough, can't know about.

LOL. There he goes again. So now the problem was that Contador's power numbers were high enough to win the TdF for the team? Dang, teams just hate it when that happens. Well, most people on most teams don't. There can always be an aging douchebag whose fragile ego takes a hit when he will no longer be the center of attention.
Sprocket01 said:
I guess I'd have to be there to see how it really went down, to see the context of it. For all we know it could have been a joke or something. There's always lots of rumours and gossip about Armstrong.

Also this thread was started by 'the hog', who is famous for spreading inaccurate rumours about transfers and signings.

I don't think there is much chance that Armstrong was "just kidding". I do question whether we even need exhibit #10095 that Lance is a tool.
We can keep doing this from now until next year at TDF time and the same people will still defend LA no matter what he does just as the same people will dislike him no matter what he does.
Personally I think Armstrong is a giant douche and I am tired of hearing about him every day, but that's just me.


And amidst all of this The Hog is sitting back, watching and rubbing his hands with glee...

all he has to do is put out a bit of rumour, from a paper or magazine, offer no opinion and sit back and watch everyone rip the hell out of each other... its like chucking a peice of meat in a den of hungry lions and watching them fight..

the guys smart, i will give him that... hes clearly bored though..

wake up guys...
Jul 22, 2009
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Well, the thread is up to 2k views already and the same ensemble has ushered in for the same tired argument. What are ya gonna do?
BroDeal said:
LOL. There he goes again. So now the problem was that Contador's power numbers were high enough to win the TdF for the team? Dang, teams just hate it when that happens. Well, most people on most teams don't. There can always be an aging douchebag whose fragile ego takes a hit when he will no longer be the center of attention.

I think you're giving sprocket too much credit for being reasonable. He is attempting to intimate that Lance (who we all know is staunchly anti-doping) didn't want Contador around because he obviously is a doper.


thehog said:
It's being reported in this months ProCycling magazine that Armstrong stood up and "crowed" at a rival team during dinner at a hotel during the Tour. Armstrong was heard shouting at the unnamed team saying without any provocation:

"You want a rider?"

"you can take this guy...." gesturing at Contador.

The rival team sat in silence as did Contador as Lance stared him down.

Does this constitue Armstrong being the biggest w&nker known to cycling?

Firstly, thanks to dimspace for being the voice of reason here, the little information that is proved, and 'quotes' are 9 words without any scope for when it was said, how it was said and who it was said to...

For all we know it may have been after the TT win by AC. And LA was pointing out to the other team something along the lines of, wouldn't you guys love to have a rider like this on your team, becoz we do.

IF it was said in a negative context designed to embarrass or taunt AC, then sure he is elevated (or remains) at massive wancker status, but we just don't know that... but the speculation is always interesting, I just think that without facts, this thread is more for a good laugh than serious finger pointing...

My prediction: this thread inevitably ends up in le Clinique.


Mountain Goat said:
For all we know it may have been after the TT win by AC. And LA was pointing out to the other team something along the lines of, wouldn't you guys love to have a rider like this on your team, becoz we do.

could even have been after the TTT jokingly offering AC to another team to even out the balance a little bit.. im not the gloating type, but after the TTT i think i probably would have been a bit smug
scribe said:
Well, the thread is up to 2k views already and the same ensemble has ushered in for the same tired argument. What are ya gonna do?

A) I did not posit my usual argument.

B) No one is requiring you to participate (with your same tired argument, no less.)

C) You have appointed yourself one of the shining stars of the tired ensemble. So like, do you like, hate yourself or something?


Hugh Januss said:
I think you're giving sprocket too much credit for being reasonable. He is attempting to intimate that Lance (who we all know is staunchly anti-doping) didn't want Contador around because he obviously is a doper.

doper you say... that sounds like clinic talk...

is the clinic the new recycle bin?


dimspace said:
could even have been after the TTT jokingly offering AC to another team to even out the balance a little bit.. im not the gloating type, but after the TTT i think i probably would have been a bit smug

Absolutely, and I couldn't agree more he is very smug for gloating if this was the time and place it was said.

It's interesting to think up the different scenarios as to when it could have been said (especially since the road racing season and teams transfers are almost complete - aint much to talk about)

There are probably 10 ways this quote could be viewed as LA gloating about AC being on his team, and there are probably 10 ways this quote could be viewed as LA literally telling AC to puck off to another team...

both contexts seem plausible, really, but I'm gonna go with the more positive version (I believe he was taunting other teams saying check out how good we/AC are/is)


Sprocket01 said:
Ah you don't know. LA is famous for joking around with people. Not just all that other stuff. There were a few days at this year's tour where he was having fun, like when he joked about giving Contador a radio...


yeh, further proof if ever there was needed that he is a humorless, arrogant, conceited, self obsessed twit... :)

i thought he was funny personally..
Sprocket01 said:
Ah you don't know. LA is famous for joking around with people. Not just all that other stuff. There were a few days at this year's tour where he was having fun, like when he joked about giving Contador a radio...

Yeah. That's it. It was a joke. That's the ticket. They might buy that. Amstrong is always joking around. Just like he did when he took all the team cars and left Contador with no way to get to the time trial. That one was a barrel of laughs.
Jul 22, 2009
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dimspace said:
yeh, further proof if ever there was needed that he is a humorless, arrogant, conceited, self obsessed twit... :)

i thought he was funny personally..

Oop! Join the blacklist club. Some guys in here never forget tidbits like that.

[bush]You're with us, or you're with the enemy.[/bush]


scribe said:
Oop! Join the blacklist club. Some guys in here never forget tidbits like that.

[bush]You're with us, or you're with the enemy.[/bush]

yeh, but i also get wiggins's humour and think cav is perfectly normal in the way he talks.. its these nancy americans taking everything to seriously are the problem.. :D


just out of intrest.. has anyone apart from captain hogwash actually read the article, and the context, and perhaps the paragraph around it..?
Mar 18, 2009
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dimspace said:
yeh, but i also get wiggins's humour and think cav is perfectly normal in the way he talks.. its these nancy americans taking everything to seriously are the problem.. :D

LMAO...apart from the obvious admiration for Cav's talent, I love the way he puts sh!t on the others....nothing like firing up the competition.

As for Lance, never liked the guy, and its not about arrogance or any of his antics,for my mind he just has a face that screams out to be slapped.:D


Mar 11, 2009
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Ghost Riders in the Sky

Lance sat eating his dinner, chewing each gram/bite with measured precision.

At the table behind him 2 riders were discusssing the Peurto Cheating Ring,
and wishing a brave soul with First-Person Inside Information would write
a Tell-All Book.

Lance spoke up:

"You want a Writer?"

"you can take this guy...." gesturing at Contador.

The rival team sat in silence as did Contador....

Omerta rules the day ONCE more too bad:(



Polish said:
Lance sat eating his dinner, chewing each gram/bite with measured precision.

At the table behind him 2 riders were discusssing the Peurto Cheating Ring,
and wishing a brave soul with First-Person Inside Information would write
a Tell-All Book.

Lance spoke up:

"You want a Writer?"

"you can take this guy...." gesturing at Contador.

The rival team sat in silence as did Contador....

Omerta rules the day ONCE more too bad:(


Weren't you the guy posting earlier about other members posting about Lance? Another fanboy with a 0 in the "Sense of Irony" column...
Polish said:
Lance sat eating his dinner, chewing each gram/bite with measured precision.

At the table behind him 2 riders were discusssing the Peurto Cheating Ring,
and wishing a brave soul with First-Person Inside Information would write
a Tell-All Book.

Lance spoke up:

"You want a Writer?"

"you can take this guy...." gesturing at Contador.

The rival team sat in silence as did Contador....

Omerta rules the day ONCE more too bad:(

Sorry TFF but i find that hilarious........Nice one Polish
Mountain Goat said:
My prediction: this thread inevitably ends up in le Clinique.
dimspace said:
doper you say... that sounds like clinic talk... is the clinic the new recycle bin?
At the rate we're going with the AC/LA threads being regurgitated over and over with the same arguments, we very well could just start a new forum. Then again, half the threads in the Clinic already seem to be about these two anyway. :(
errrr no. I have a life unlike you outside this forum which I go and live rather than "sitting back" and watching you pheasants feed. If you like we could all sit back and say nothing? How about that? Would that be better? We'd just wait for the Livestrong press releases and read those and when they're not being released you can recount stories about your old KAS jersey for all of us?

I'm sorry but this is news.

I am as you are allowed to question what ever we feel. You wish to question my motives, fine. However I'll question Armstrongs and I'll do it on this forum because that what the forum is here for. If you don't like it go to the offical Astana forums.

Along with this what makes it ok for you to constantly critise Evans but for me not Armstrong? Don't bother responding I already know the answer - you don't like the truth or you can't handle the truth.

If this was football, baseball or anything a story like this would be big. It also makes Alberto's win all the more magical because for him just getting to Paris was an achievement.

I'm reporting the news how it is, if you don't like it, leave. You won't be missed.

dimspace said:
And amidst all of this The Hog is sitting back, watching and rubbing his hands with glee...

all he has to do is put out a bit of rumour, from a paper or magazine, offer no opinion and sit back and watch everyone rip the hell out of each other... its like chucking a peice of meat in a den of hungry lions and watching them fight..

the guys smart, i will give him that... hes clearly bored though..

wake up guys...