= The Paris-Roubaix final
Well, the whole race, but the last 20k this year were especially grand, and so was Tom Boonen. Flecha, Hushovd.... PR defines drama!
= The windy Paris-Nice stage in which Rabobank put the hammer down and destroyed the field. [stage 3, thanks ak-zaaf!]
Seeing it unfold second by second was one of those enjoyable woaw...you're-kidding-me... no-way...f*ing-hell moments that are pretty rare that far ahead of the finish line. I had hoped to see them deploy that far-out attack strategy more often this season, I thought they were doing a final rehearsal, just to see.
= Menchov's last km in the Giro until that raw scream
If that spare bike hadn't arrived so quickly, it would have been at the top of this list I think. After an epic battle with DiLuca across several stages (making the Giro the GT I once again enjoyed best), Menchov actually could afford a screw up. Knowing that kept me just on the healthy part of sane when he decided to add another bit of tarmac to his "palmarses". Evans, lesson there?
= Wiggins somehow hanging in there on Mont Ventoux.
I thought he was toast the moment they hit the base. And when he got dropped. And dropped again. So chuffed for the guy, as I think it will be his TdF glory moment that he will have to look back on. Can't see him top it.
= Every time Johnny Hoogerland's name kept popping up in yet another breakaway during the Vuelta.
Yup, this really did knock Schleck's LBL, Kenny van Hummel's doomed but gritty attempt to drag his sorry **** across the Alps, VDB's death, Evans win, and the crashes by Voigt and Horillo from my top 5 moments. Ignorance can be bliss I guess, and having seen the road ahead only in race handouts somehow meant he gave those climbs a shot and found himself riding with the better climbers at the front in the first mountains stage. A "wow I can do this" moment. And from that day on he just kept giving it a shot, thinking he could do it every day. And pretty much did. More Vino than Vino this autumn.