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AFLD's Pierre Bordry Comments on Doping at Tour

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Jun 18, 2009
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Cobblestones said:
Krebs cycle, nice find. Also I like your username. Obviously you're interested in biochemistry. The AICAR topic should be right up your alley. :D

As for the road race forum, it's not funny anymore. I looked into the 'Contador blasts LA' thread and it's incredible to see the amount of hate and viciousness directed at Bertie.

+1.......... yeah, hopefully it will get back to normal (ie. pre-TdF) in a couple of weeks. The road race forum seemed to degenerate a little during the TdF, but sisne the conclusion it seems to have degenerated a lot. :confused: It's almost if people have been recruited to throw shit around over there.....
May 1, 2009
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Bala Verde said:
Did some quick research (I am just a layman, no chemist) and I found the following website "Cayman Europe" which is "a leading provider of high-purity, active Fatty Acid Binding Proteins"


Again, I do not have or claim expertise in this matter, so I don't know if it is correct...:D

Cool. I can get a free TShirt! Although, probably not the thing to wear to my next club race. Hehe.
May 1, 2009
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Cobber said:
+1.......... yeah, hopefully it will get back to normal (ie. pre-TdF) in a couple of weeks. The road race forum seemed to degenerate a little during the TdF, but sisne the conclusion it seems to have degenerated a lot. :confused: It's almost if people have been recruited to throw shit around over there.....

Yeah, I agree. It normally gets full of crazy, but it's an absolute sh!t show at the moment. Pretty ugly. People getting banned etc.

I'm staying away for a while still. Hopefuly it calms down before the Vuelta, or we will have to start talking about racing with secret doping headlines for the threads :)
May 13, 2009
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boalio said:
Yeah, I agree. It normally gets full of crazy, but it's an absolute sh!t show at the moment. Pretty ugly. People getting banned etc.

I'm staying away for a while still. Hopefuly it calms down before the Vuelta, or we will have to start talking about racing with secret doping headlines for the threads :)

I'm surprised about some of the bans. A few specific posters which I value, in particular.

About discussing racing here, I think we floated the idea once. As I understand it, the clinic is the only place where we are allowed to talk about doping, but nowhere does it say that we can't talk about doping-related things such as racing ;) Might be I interpret the subheading too literally, though.
Oldman said:
Yeah a small local race this weekend. Definitely not implying anything and didn't know you stopped racing, but now know you are admittedly not at your desired fitness. I'm old but the spirit is still willing...The power of will is incredible and cycling is a great venue to show that potential.

Got it. Good post. You know what's peculiar, is that I did some coaching. Just on an amateur level, under another coach. Getting riders to learn to wheel suck, move the bike with your hips, how to descend, interval training, why training with an HRM can be good, etc. This was several years ago, but I have shared my knowledge since with those who wants to learn it. Doping came up, but it's rare. I tell people the same thing. If you want the same benefits of doping (in a sense) get a good, dedicated coach who will put you on a program that will work you to get the best gains. You can also head somewhere like Mammoth Lakes, Alma, Leadville, etc. for a few weeks and train there with your bike. When you get back to sea level (or under 1000' anyway), you'll be pleased with your gains. For a short period of time at least. The overall cost will probably be the same as doping anyway.

All that aside, I agree with you completely on the will. Desire may not overcome pure numbers, but desire will get you training, get you preparing, get you wanting and trying when others won't. Eddy Merckx won what he did because he was a freak of nature. But he also had great passion to race the bike that was constant, and never went away. He wanted to simply destroy everyone else in every single race, every single time. Compare that to Freddie Hoffman, who probably had a VO2 Max close to 100, and had no trouble hammering out back to back double centuries. But a simple, easy going guy with zero desire to race.

Every year I say I'd like to pay more attention to local racing, and get back into coaching Cat 5's and citizen racers that want to learn the basics, as there are plenty of coaches who could use assistant coaches to help here and there. But every year one thing or another keeps it from happening. This year it was just money and the economy. Well, really, it's me that keeps it from happening I suppose. If I'm to coach, or even rider in master's ITT's, I'm also going to have to have a good 1000 miles in my legs by the time Memorial Day rolls around, instead of now! Hard to think one year I put in 8,800 miles. Seems impossible now.

Sorry, I digress.
Jun 19, 2009
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Every year I say I'd like to pay more attention to local racing, and get back into coaching Cat 5's and citizen racers that want to learn the basics, as there are plenty of coaches who could use assistant coaches to help here and there. But every year one thing or another keeps it from happening. This year it was just money and the economy. Well, really, it's me that keeps it from happening I suppose. If I'm to coach, or even rider in master's ITT's, I'm also going to have to have a good 1000 miles in my legs by the time Memorial Day rolls around, instead of now! Hard to think one year I put in 8,800 miles. Seems impossible now.

Sorry, I digress.[/QUOTE]

it's still beautiful out on the road. The miles come a little easier when you try to do it everyday. I inevitably counter-coach Masters and Cat 1 riders that pay other coaches. They become prisoners of their SRM and power printouts. When that training plateau doesn't change they can lose heart or look to alternatives. You've got alot of time in the forums. Even indoor training to good music beats the computer time. Lowers the anxiety level nicely. Good talk, thanks.
issoisso said:
Notice how Bourdry said the use of AICAR was clear from how frighteningly thin some riders were at the Tour?

Anyone seen Tim de Waele's pic of the riders at the top of the Ventoux? Look at their legs. Jesus.

(Open that link, then click on the pic to see it full size)

Aside from any point people are trying to make about doping, I just need to say that photo is fairly distorted, even at full size. It exacerbates the thinness.

Not sure if it's the lens or something in the post-processing.

I get that you're pointing out the "cable" effect in the legs.

To be honest, I think we're reaching here folks. I'm sure these guys are on all kinds of dope, but the photo isn't evidence.
Aug 13, 2009
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luckyboy said:
I'm not going to start a new topic - McQuaid says UCI doesn't need AFLD
Why can't the ASO appoint the AFLD to carry out tests independent to the UCI? Or would the riders/teams just ignore them?

They can and have done so. They did this in the 2008 Tour.

McQuaid once again proves he is an idiot. The AFLD is not going anywhere, they are a government agency and can test any rider they want, any time, anywhere in France.

Once again the UCI is full of crap.
Mar 18, 2009
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Since an antagonied AFLD will be even keener to test McBent's golden goose could there be some stranger truth here? Is McQuaid in fact a deep double agent for WADA or an anti doping agency that actually gives a sh*t? Now that would absolutely do my head in ;)
Apr 22, 2009
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bianchigirl said:
Since an antagonied AFLD will be even keener to test McBent's golden goose could there be some stranger truth here? Is McQuaid in fact a deep double agent for WADA or an anti doping agency that actually gives a sh*t? Now that would absolutely do my head in ;)

I think your head will be safe.
Oct 6, 2009
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This pi$sing contest will go on forever. I'm just waiting for the day when some branch of the French government decides to bring charges against the UCI for aiding and abetting doping on the grounds of UCI chaperones interfering with proper testing procedures (not storing samples properly, not supervising riders between notice of test and actual test, etc.)


Beech Mtn said:
This pi$sing contest will go on forever. I'm just waiting for the day when some branch of the French government decides to bring charges against the UCI for aiding and abetting doping on the grounds of UCI chaperones interfering with proper testing procedures (not storing samples properly, not supervising riders between notice of test and actual test, etc.)

This is an excellent point. Hopefully there is something in French law that would support a case being brought. Evidence 'proving' guilt might be difficult to come by but it would make my day to see McQuaid led away in cuffs.

Book 'em Dan 'O.


Mar 11, 2009
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crazy uncle

Boudry's antics are very entertaining if not a bit embarrassing.
(And he is such a media ho...or maybe a drama queen lol)

It is no wonder the ASO demoted Boudry&theAFLD in 2009 and put the UCI back in charge of testing - the AFLD made a mockery of the 2006-2008 TdF's:(

Although I am enjoying Boudry's tantrums and strange behaviours - I will NOT miss them TOO much when he gets booted out of the picture eventually.
Aug 13, 2009
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Polish said:
Boudry's antics are very entertaining if not a bit embarrassing.
(And he is such a media ho...or maybe a drama queen lol)

It is no wonder the ASO demoted Boudry&theAFLD in 2009 and put the UCI back in charge of testing - the AFLD made a mockery of the 2006-2008 TdF's:(

Although I am enjoying Boudry's tantrums and strange behaviours - I will NOT miss them TOO much when he gets booted out of the picture eventually.

The ASO did not demote the AFLD, the UCI begged their way back in. The ASO has no control over the AFLD.

How did the AFLD make a mockery of the 2006-2008 Tour? Catching dopers in a mockery?
Polish said:
It is no wonder the ASO demoted Boudry&theAFLD in 2009 and put the UCI back in charge of testing - the AFLD made a mockery of the 2006-2008 TdF's:(

Please explain what is your concept of making a mockery of the Tours in 2006 to 2008? So we can not catch the dopers anymore to be serious about cycling? :confused:
Mar 18, 2009
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Sorry, but the current French Government taking any action against the Golden Goose's personal bodyguards is about as unlikely as me learning to love Lance any time soon - Yada has already called for a rapprochement between UCI and AFLD and Equipe have quoted Armstrong as calling Sarko 'the bigggest cycling fan in the world, and my biggest fan in the world' - they really suit each other, don't they? The poison dwarf and the poison chalice.


Mar 11, 2009
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If you do not understand the joke/humour that is Boudry,
explaining it is of no use...like trying to explain
why the Keystone Cops are a mockery.

And I should not have stopped at 2008.
Boudry is making a mockery of this year's tour also;)

I am looking forward to the announcement that Alberto's lunch,
I mean DNA, has been found on blood bags uncovered at Le Dump.

Aug 13, 2009
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Polish said:
If you do not understand the joke/humour that is Boudry,
explaining it is of no use...like trying to explain
why the Keystone Cops are a mockery.

And I should not have stopped at 2008.
Boudry is making a mockery of this year's tour also;)

I am looking forward to the announcement that Alberto's lunch,
I mean DNA, has been found on blood bags uncovered at Le Dump.


So you are saying that you were wrong and cannot explain what you wrote?


Mar 11, 2009
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Not just for breakfast anymore

Race Radio said:
So you are saying that you were wrong and cannot explain what you wrote?

Yes, I could be mistaken...the DNA off the half-eaten Fish Taco may have been from
AC's dinnner not lunch as I had suggested . Inspector Boudry will advise all in good time.