Porte in top form has been able to outclimb everyone but Froome. Yeah Porte was working for Froome til this year, but 1km of pulling doesn't account for a 1 minute gap on both PSM and Ax 3, which remain Porte's best performances in his career (maybe Ventoux this year could have been, but we'll never know). Porte is also unable to TT better than Froome, be that on flat, hilly. Maybe, just maybe on mountain TTs that don't have any flat or descending.
Recovery doesn't really matter (well it does, but not much, and not enough to really make a difference between the top guys) for 1 week races (not that Porte is better at that either), but he's not as good a descender either.
But nah, Porte is a better week long stage racer that Froome...
And mods, before you say it, this post clearly belongs in the Contador discussion thread, so leave it yeah? thx