lenric said:
I agree that, currently, Aru's ceiling is higher than Contador's.
I see it this way...
Form = Fitness - Fatigue
Training blocks of three weeks followed by a week of active recovery seem to be a generally accepted way to work on form. The recovery week is when the adaptation happens. Form takes a big leap after that week of recovery. Large efforts like overtraining or grand tours, while boosting fitness, also increase fatigue to the point where a week of rest is not adequate. More qualified posters can comment how this is reflected in the Training Stress Score (TSS) and other measures.
When measuring your own form against those of your rivals, (and realizing you are behind), you can always overtrain to boost your fitness to the point where you look impressive. Aru, Chavez, TJVG all come to mind. To prove they are relevant, they overtrain to stay with the best. They have flashes of brilliance, but then crash in the grand tours, as the effort needed to boost their fitness becomes an anchor in the last 10 days.
Based upon my interpretation of what Contador has said since December, he has realized that in past years, internal and external pressure to match Froome blow-by-blow has compelled him to overtrain. He has sacrificed overall form to try to boost his fitness to Froome levels.
By giving up on doing well at the Dauphine, Contador can make the race a part of one of his training blocks. That means he would want to keep his power in a range dictated by his training plan, as it is part of a bigger block of training. It would also mean that he hasn't had the active recovery necessary prior to the Dauphine to realize the benefits of his last training camp. Instead, he is likely to use the last 10 days prior to the Tour as his recovery so that he comes in fresh, but with a new adaptation from a long hard block of training.
Does that mean I think he is going to podium the Tour? Who knows. I think he is probably only at 85% today. If the others are at 90%+, I think it will be competitive. If he just got beaten by others also at 85%, then it could be a long month of July.