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Jun 22, 2009
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auscyclefan94 said:
Because i dislike tommy-loves-rabo i hope it's from rabobank.If their is somebody else who is going to be positive according to that paper tommorow where is the dutch paper getting this information from before everybody else knows?

ouch i guess... :confused:
i wouldn't want cadel evans to test postive because i didn't like a member on some forum. That's just sad.
Jul 2, 2009
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The telegraaf just posted the details on " the other doper". Apperently Rasmussen used dynepo as well, who would've thought that? :confused:
Other then that they claim that L'hotellerie (vacansoleil) has tested positive as well, no details on it though. Guess we know how he rode so well in '08 paris-nice.

Good to know that no current Rabo rider has been caught, it seems rabo did a pretty good job in getting rid of the dirty laundry...


Mar 18, 2009
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Lhottelerie. Aka the guy who told the press "french riders are stupid because they don't dope"
Zero surprise. When I read susan's first words "french rider", I was sure it was him. There's a reason why he had such brilliant youth results yet didn't have offers from any top french team.

As for Rasmussen and Dynepo, that had been made public back in 2007 already :confused:


Mar 17, 2009
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.................................and of Kloden ? If they are going back to 07/06 will they bust him for his transfusions ? They can't possibly let him ride the Tour. Friggin Houdini that guy.


Mar 17, 2009
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issoisso said:
Lhottelerie. Aka the guy who told the press "french riders are stupid because they don't dope"
Zero surprise. When I read susan's first words "french rider", I was sure it was him. There's a reason why he had such brilliant youth results yet didn't have offers from any top french team.

His right thou. The French don't win because they don't dope....... thats ok but when everyone else is doping its not so fair.
whiteboytrash said:
.................................and of Kloden ? If they are going back to 07/06 will they bust him for his transfusions ? They can't possibly let him ride the Tour. Friggin Houdini that guy.

That should be funny, except it's no joke.
Bursts onto the 2000 scene like Eddy Merckx, then disappears without a trace, for 3 years....
Mar 18, 2009
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Timmy-loves-Rabo said:
ouch i guess... :confused:
i wouldn't want cadel evans to test postive because i didn't like a member on some forum. That's just sad.

It is sad, mean and unneccesary....but don't take it to heart....I am sure there are a few other people on here hoping that their favourite rider isn't going to be named anytime soon.;)
Mar 13, 2009
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Indeed it is Clément Lhotellerie:

Lhotellerie let go by Vacansoleil

Richard Tyler
July 2, 09:29,
July 2, 09:41

Rider returns positive test for methylhexanamine

Dutch team Vacansoleil have dismissed rider Clément Lhotellerie on Wednesday, after the Frenchman failed a doping control conducted on April 28.

The team confirmed the news on its website and reported that the 23-year-old had tested positive for methylhexanamine. The substance, an active ingredient in nasal congestion medication, is listed on the banned lists of both the International Cycling Federation (UCI) and World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

The team said that an investigation would be carried out in accordance with UCI and WADA regulations, but that Vacansoleil and Lhotellerie had mutually agreed to terminate his contract.

It is the second time in as many years that Lhotellerie has been dismissed by a team. Last year, Skil-Shimano dissolved its contract with the rider after he failed to attend two appointments with the team.

Lhotellerie finished eleventh and won the climbing classification at Paris-Nice, in 2008.
I don't know about you guys, but as happy as I am about flushing out the sludge, I'm sick of all this bad news. :(

Turd Ferguson said:
Wow - potential systematic doping at yet another team...is this really news anymore?
No, of course not.

whiteboytrash said:
and of Kloden ?
That's a damned good question. How is this guy slipping through the cracks through all this??? They'll toss all these riders. Plus Boonen. Plus Valverde. But he's still good to go?

whiteboytrash said:
His right thou. The French don't win because they don't dope....... thats ok but when everyone else is doping its not so fair.
Not according to Hinault. (The doping part. The fair part too maybe!)
Jun 16, 2009
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Sorry, tommy-loves-rabo

Timmy-loves-Rabo said:
ouch i guess... :confused:
i wouldn't want cadel evans to test postive because i didn't like a member on some forum. That's just sad.

I will take that comment back:(. Sorry that was harsh!
May 8, 2009
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When I first saw Dekker's positive I was actually quite pleased, surely this is the reason he was dropped from Rabo last year, pointing to a clean Rabo team (at least no systematic doping), Kohl's comment about Rabo CT would seem to back this up as well. I don't think it requires naivety or ludicrous optimism to draw a positive conclusion from this news.

Also, with regards to Menchov, why are people so suspicious just because he wins the giro, ok so the "everybody dopes" viewpoint I can understand why you would be suspicious of Menchov, but surely everyone can agree that his performances in the giro are not so far removed from other performances to suggest he is doping more than other years.
Mar 10, 2009
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I do sometimes wonder, if doping is as bad as everyone says it is, who decides who gets caught and who doesn't. According to some comments it's the entire top 50 GC riders so there must be some insider dealing on who and who isn't caught. Was Vino banned and thrown out just because the gap at the TT was so huge it looked out of place.

Do teams even do deals and give up other riders to keep their star riders ?
Jun 16, 2009
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Seems to me that riders whose behaviour might be considered to bring the sport or their team into disrepute seem to be targeted / busted.

Dekker and L'hotellerie both had high profile falling outs with their old teams, and L'hotellerie was not turning up to races, disappearing, and saying silly things to the newspapers.

It's also easy to pick on a few billy no names from small teams who are retiring / retired / out of form....

Also riders whose performances are deemed to be incredible, impossible, suspicious (Schumacher, Kohl, Ricco) might have to be sacrificed from time to time.

I think the big names - the crowd pleasers - the established figureheads - provided they are careful and don't cause too much bad publicity or say anything that threatens the money the sport generates are protected.

In some "superstar" cases (LA, Conta) I suspect that even despite the negative publicity it is far far better for the UCI to protect them than to destroy the sport by allowing them to be targeted.


whiteboytrash said:
.................................and of Kloden ? If they are going back to 07/06 will they bust him for his transfusions ? They can't possibly let him ride the Tour. Friggin Houdini that guy.

Yea, I don't get that one either. Didn't we have a Tour last year where suspicion of using a gynecologist warranted exclusion and much gnashing of teeth? Now this year only doing a little blow gets you the treatment, while evidence showing you got a refill during the race in question a few years back doesn't even garner a response from the head honchos? Dang.
Jul 1, 2009
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Mongol_Waaijer said:
Seems to me that riders whose behaviour might be considered to bring the sport or their team into disrepute seem to be targeted / busted.....In some "superstar" cases (LA, Conta) I suspect that even despite the negative publicity it is far far better for the UCI to protect them than to destroy the sport by allowing them to be targeted.

Interesting point, never thought about it like that... Let's assume that what you are saying is correct. We then should be able to make a shortlist of riders likely to be caught in the upcoming 3 weeks, based on the 'solid' facts we know right now (so without speculation on the new revelations, i.e. Kohls & Schumachers, of this year)?

Actually I'm not a big fan of such suspect-dopers-naming-game, but I think that to check your theory we would need to make a list now to prevent reasoning with hindsight after the tour is over.

Would Kloden for instance be to important for cycling to take him down? What about 'low-profile' Joost Postuma who has been linked with HumanPlasma (if I'm correct)? Is the progress Tony Martin has made over the last year too suspicious? Does the same apply to Boasson Hagen and Fuglsang (both not present in France I think)? Are there any guys like L'Hotellerie that have said stupid things in the recent past?
sherer said:
I do sometimes wonder, if doping is as bad as everyone says it is, who decides who gets caught and who doesn't. According to some comments it's the entire top 50 GC riders so there must be some insider dealing on who and who isn't caught. Was Vino banned and thrown out just because the gap at the TT was so huge it looked out of place.

Do teams even do deals and give up other riders to keep their star riders ?
No one decides who gets caught and who doesn't. They catch everyone they can catch - which is anyone who makes a mistake, or just gets unlucky.

There are undetectable substances and techniques, but you have to be very careful to get it right. If you cut corners by using too much, or not spending enough money to figure out how to remain undetected, you're taking more of a risk. The risk is having something detectable in your system at a moment you're actually tested - that is the lottery aspect of it.

Consider that they are as meticulous about the doping as they are about their training and riding.

Asking who decides who gets caught is like asking who decides who is going to crash and break a collar bone.
May 13, 2009
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The bigger the name the longer they will wait. In fact I expect that they will pop out a name right before the start so the team cannot replace him.
Mar 10, 2009
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Menchov may go down next. There's something to him and the Austrian brotherhood, i'm guessing. He wanted to drop that subject like a hot turd in a post stage interview at the Giro. He's got slavery tracks on his back.


linenoiz said:
The bigger the name the longer they will wait. In fact I expect that they will pop out a name right before the start so the team cannot replace him.

Yep, history would suggest that could be the case.
linenoiz said:
The bigger the name the longer they will wait. In fact I expect that they will pop out a name right before the start so the team cannot replace him.

My money's on Klodi. There've been a lot of people wondering why he hasn't been busted yet and I think it's b/c he's their ace in-the-hole, the big name they can throw to the sharks. Or maybe not. Who knows?

But if he was the one it would make the Tour that much more interesting: everyone else would only have to deal with Contador, Armstrong, Zubeldia, and Leipheimer instead of those four plus Kloden. :rolleyes:
May 14, 2009
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My bets are on riders of the team which destroyed the field in Switzerland : Columbia !
Cancellara could be one of them too.