This is hilarious! Please read the story where Greg tells everyone that Lance is in big trouble. Lance's reply is that Greg doped when he won the '89 Tour (with the aero bars by 8 seconds over Fignon)!!!
When Lance was a neo-pro he used to say the stupidest things. Now he is returning to his old ways. Can't he figure out that if he says that the only way that Greg could win was by doping (and this was before EPO, remember!) then it stands to reason that the only way that Lance could win was also by doping. What a dope...
When Lance was a neo-pro he used to say the stupidest things. Now he is returning to his old ways. Can't he figure out that if he says that the only way that Greg could win was by doping (and this was before EPO, remember!) then it stands to reason that the only way that Lance could win was also by doping. What a dope...