hfer07 said:
Shame on the UCI for keep defending the current number of riders per teams in Pro-races, given the current way of racing, the insane amount of crashes the incidents caused by the motos & VIP cars etc. I'd personally be pleased IF the number of riders allowed in a team riding a GT is reduced to SEVEN, so there is more room to maneuver & promote attacks while having less dependency on trains, more control of traffic flow during the race, mayor improvements in racing quality etc. UCI could actually benefit from it by expanding their races/racing schedule because teams then will have more riders available to send to other races they initially were not interested in participating/competing. Sadly Cookson has to consult with SKY's management first if they OK the initiative....
1st: How reducing the number of riders is related to the crashes caused by motos and VIP cars? I mean, I know the answer, you reduce the number of potential targets but you are not targeting
the source of problem, which is the increased recklessness of the secondary vehicles. I see cycling regularly since 2003 (with full 8 and 9 men teams) and haven't seen so many incidents like in the past few years.
If you reduce the number of riders I'm pretty sure that in the general case, the perspective of the teams is to reduce their size roster and not to increase their race calendar. After all, the marginal cost of an extra rider in a line-up is way, way, way less than the marginal cost of going to another race. In the latter you have to send more mechanics, masseurs, chefs, sports directors, a couple of cars, maybe a bus. Way more costs for extra logistics that is not going to be needed all the time. And being that extra races less prestigious and possibly without a good amount of media coverage, there is less incentive to support these costs.