fatandfast said:
If you mean anymore then yes. Landis did a big roll out at Nokia Center and said he looked forward to working with Bahati Foundation and enjoyed the role model part of being a racer with the Bahiti squad...now he flipped and says he is a longtime drug user and said a bunch of names. All the names of would be drug users should have been given to a BALCO/WADA prosecution team. Whatever shi-t sticks to the wall after Floyd's toss is yet to be known..I hope anybody he "outed" that is found not guilty sues him in every court that a case can be tried in criminal or civil. The damage Floyd caused to Bahati and Ouch and everybody that has come in contact with him is as close to cycling cancer as you can get. The Bahati/Landis association got Bahati excluded from the Tour of California. I hope Landis eats out of a dirty cat litter box for the rest of his days on earth. Single most destructive person against US cycling that has ever existed
The issue of the Bahati team coming to pieces appears to pre-date, as a probable outcome, Landis showing up. I agree he tainted the options the team had once his allegations came to view but that was not geared to injure Bahati. As was mentioned, it appears Dr. Kay came to the financial aid of the team, and it all went belly up, for several reasons.
The fact that Landis yanked the carpet from underfoot the most fraudulent generation of racers from the United States only support the idea that he should be applauded for not wanting to be part of it anymore.
If he ends up destroying US cycling, it will have come to pass as a consequence of possibly one of the largest sporting frauds in the history of sport.
You seem to take all of this quite personally. To be sure, the more I research this, the USPS team, the doping, the Weisel purchase of and placement of his puppets at USA Cycling, the bullying and legal jamming Lance has done, this scenario is rotten right to the core. From your posts, it sounds like you have some affiliation with that world. Care to elaborate?
In your statement, Landis is a cancer, it would seem more accurate to call him the Chemo, with Lance (and cronies) as the cancer. Chemo does leave the afflicted weakened and sickly but if the cancer abatement is successful, a full return to life can be possible.