@ingsve. I get the point ,but I believe ,you can't compete without dope, too. Of course if my son want to compete, I'll not say like: '' don't compete because you can't without dope''. But lots of rider confess that comes a point, a moment, when you have to think about doping, if you want performance, if you want money if you want contracts. Of course you can compete and stay clean but will you make performance? How long you can ride if you are not winning? Domestique? Yes, even to perform as a good domestique you have to dope, otherwise you can't suport a rider who are on dope and who compete against oders dopers. Pantani, and not only, said that comes a moment when you notice the mules suddenly start riding like arab stalions ,at that momment you start thinking of doping. At least at that momment. of course depending of the riders; there are riders like Virenque ( see Villy Voet ''Braking the Chain'' )who are dispose to take anything with any cost if there is a slight chance to improve their abilities to win and gain fame=money, no mater what and what this will afect their health.
In the mater of doping, I'll always suport the idea, that police enforcements should deal with sporting drugs, because it's about money, big money,fame, and those cheater are model for the young people; it is obvious there isn't a unique Fuentes and a unique Ferrari. It is obvious it is about a network ,supliers doctors, labs, biologisst pharmacists ,team managers soigneurs etc. etc and these networks are build exactly as the ''ordinary'' drug dealer network are builded.
I love this sport and I will keep watch cycling but also I am not naive. All these ( to consider only the last 20 years of cycling) last year Casandras in cycling was right and all those who tried to minimize the drug phenomenon in cycling was wrong: Verrbrughen, ASO,UCI, Mcquaid, Spaniards judges, Le Blanc etc plus the riders and the team staff member. But, yes, because I know all these, I'm wandering how many youg boys will dream to became cycling riders? Including my own son...