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Breaking News Contador May Quit

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Oct 7, 2010
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Unfortunately I think we're in for a long legal process as Contador and his team will use every avenue they can to make this go away. Bad for him is the percentage of riders who've successfully dodged the doping axe is extremely small. Also, the Spanish Federation has ZERO creditability when it comes to doping with Operation Puerto and 6 or 7 riders recently nabbed. You will find very few riders sticking up for AC because they're concerned about their own survival, and suspicion of Alberto being on something was talked about frequently in the peloton.
May 13, 2009
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Derukeman said:
Unfortunately I think we're in for a long legal process as Contador and his team will use every avenue they can to make this go away. Bad for him is the percentage of riders who've successfully dodged the doping axe is extremely small. Also, the Spanish Federation has ZERO creditability when it comes to doping with Operation Puerto and 6 or 7 riders recently nabbed. You will find very few riders sticking up for AC because they're concerned about their own survival, and suspicion of Alberto being on something was talked about frequently in the peloton.

He might shoot himself in the foot. If he admits, gets his 2 years, he'll be riding again in 2012 (if any team takes him). If he drags this out for one or two years and get a ban in the end, he might not be back until 2013 or 2014 even.

Anyway, has anyone seen his blood passport values? There's been some rumors that it's pretty messed up. I'd really like to see it for the last few years.
Jul 6, 2010
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The UCI is really in a sh*t situation now. They can't get away from banning AC without looking soft, and they can't ban AC without opening their own can of worms as to their history of dealing with positive tests.

Beautiful! Timing is everything!
I hope he quits honestly. His statements the last few days have turned bicycling into a circus. His story is the biggest bs story I've ever heard in my life. He is really talented and I respected his efforts during the last tour, but I'm far from a fan of his.
May 22, 2010
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even if he is cleared, his credibility is shot. pantani couldn't handle it - it's too much pressure and contador isn't lance - it will get to him. he'll never win the Tour again i reckon - regardless of whether the UCI sanction him or not.
Technically, he is only down to get sanctioned for the clenbutarol.

The plasticizers issue is not on the table as far as a sanctionable offense.

These latest accusations, even though many feel are the death knell for Contador, are just that-accusations.

Since we don't know who made them, how is the UCI supposed to move forward with this? How are they supposed to find out who this person is when he spoke to this magazine on the basis of anonymity?
Cobblestones said:
...has anyone seen his blood passport values? There's been some rumors that it's pretty messed up. I'd really like to see it for the last few years.

Yeah, where's the leak for these?

and better yet, get them to these guys first:


The analysis would be fascinating in a somewhat unfortunate and negative way.

I'll feel kinda like a rubbernecker at a car crash, but I'll read it just the same.
Berzin said:
Technically, he is only down to get sanctioned for the clenbutarol.

The plasticizers issue is not on the table as far as a sanctionable offense.

These latest accusations, even though many feel are the death knell for Contador, are just that-accusations.

Since we don't know who made them, how is the UCI supposed to move forward with this? How are they supposed to find out who this person is when he spoke to this magazine on the basis of anonymity?

1 - as he has tested posative for clen ... it is up to him to prove circumstances etc which can reduce his sentence.

2 - as the blood doping theory is just as plausable (if not more so) as his meat contamination theory, its (IMO) pretty unlikely that the UCI will be able to reduce the sentence without raising further eyebrows with WADA and other agencies

3 - as for the latest claims ... the UCI doesnt have to prove them. They dont have to take them into consideration. They already have him being tested posative. They can look at all other evidence, circumstances and inneundo as much as they like to consider the likelihood of his claim of contamination versus the likelihood of doping and blood transfusions

My guess - they will strip the TdF '10 and give him the full ban (at least I hope so) if only to make themselves look better in the lead up to the full Lance fiasco and dirty details to be revealed from that.
May 8, 2009
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Adamastor said:
Not sure it's an interview, rather an interpretation of past comments or the comments given by soemone close to Contador.

Yes, my fault. I was following the story through another site, but I did not have access to the pay-per-view articles at El Mundo, so I just put the frontpage.

The news are that Contador actually would have said so to Carlos Castano, the president of the Spanish Cycling Federation.http://www.libertaddigital.com/deportes/contador-abatido-estoy-pensando-en-dejar-el-ciclismo-1276404160/


Sep 24, 2009
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Vonn Brinkman said:
He would not quit. BS.
Even if he is suspended, he would sit it out, whining the whole way, and returning when he is 29 and take another Tour. No way he'd quit.

He won't come close to winning a Tour in a clean peloton. He relies on dope. He's too mentally weak without it.


Sep 24, 2009
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rzombie1988 said:
I hope he quits honestly. His statements the last few days have turned bicycling into a circus. His story is the biggest bs story I've ever heard in my life. He is really talented and I respected his efforts during the last tour, but I'm far from a fan of his.

Turned bicycling into a circus? It's more like Contador joined the circus.

The problem, which many seem to have missed, is that with all the doping going on, we have absolutely no idea whether he is talented or not. None, nada...

Have you seen a top level doping schedule? These guys are freaks and that's not even a strong enough word.
Jul 16, 2010
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buckwheat said:
He won't come close to winning a Tour in a clean peloton. He relies on dope. He's too mentally weak without it.

I don't think you're mentally weak if you won your last 5 Grand Tours you entered doped or not.

One can for example insult Armstrong of many things, but mentally weak?
Jun 19, 2009
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El Pistolero said:
I don't think you're mentally weak if you won your last 5 Grand Tours you entered doped or not.

One can for example insult Armstrong of many things, but mentally weak?

It's a good and telling point. Are competitors that completely focused and personally identified with winning an event more susceptible to justifying the use of PEDs? It's debatable whether the more sociopathic atheletes create the justification first and then feel comfortable with their position in their world. Aside from the outward behavior; Contador and Armstrong may be very similar in their inner ethics.


Aug 17, 2009
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El Pistolero said:
I don't think you're mentally weak if you won your last 5 Grand Tours you entered doped or not.

One can for example insult Armstrong of many things, but mentally weak?

Contador is mentally weak. All the crybaby stuff about how he was mis-treated by Armstrong/Bruyneel. Come on Alberto showed how strong he was when he smoked the field on the first signifigent climb. 2009 race over at that point.

Secondly he never ever should have apologized on You-tube to Andy. weakness. arm and arm with Andy on a mountain top finish, weakness.

Now threatening to quit when he can have a nice 2 year vacation in Spain with his girlfriend. He can even pal around the med with vaLV-PITI.

What could be finer, why quit now Alberto?
Jul 6, 2010
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flicker said:
Contador is mentally weak. All the crybaby stuff about how he was mis-treated by Armstrong/Bruyneel. Come on Alberto showed how strong he was when he smoked the field on the first signifigent climb. 2009 race over at that point.

Secondly he never ever should have apologized on You-tube to Andy. weakness. arm and arm with Andy on a mountain top finish, weakness.

Now threatening to quit when he can have a nice 2 year vacation in Spain with his girlfriend. He can even pal around the med with vaLV-PITI.

What could be finer, why quit now Alberto?

Based on your attitude towards AC dealling with AS... I'm starting to like you more and more. I really liked the 'face in the dirt' comment the other day! Maybe those crayons haven't infected you too badly...
Mar 13, 2009
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Could be that he quits, but I doubt it would be permanent. Maybe for 2 years or so, until a team with a "completely different approach" (and a big fat paycheck) comes along (most likely Movistar) and then Conti will be more than happy to start over new!
Aug 24, 2010
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El Pistolero said:
I don't think you're mentally weak if you won your last 5 Grand Tours you entered doped or not.

One can for example insult Armstrong of many things, but mentally weak?

i don't know if i would say he's mentally weak but he doesn't seem to have that killer instinct, that all consuming drive to be the best like some of the all time greats have had (not just talking about cycling but sports in general), people who achieve the greatest results in sports are usually not just very talented but also incredibely driven (people like Michael Jordan, Merckx, Nadal)and usually assholes as well