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Bruyneel on Dutch tv tonight

Jun 22, 2009
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The evening chat show should have taken place outdoors at a table, like usual. Instead, they stood at a tiny round table because it was absolutely throwing it down outside. Towards the end of the show all sorts of electrical things started to go wrong - truly live television.

I thought that there might be some interesting stuff coming when I saw JB standing there in a Livestrong t-shirt, so here's what I've been able to decipher from my scrawled notes.

- tomorrow's first hour will be a nightmare of French escape attempts, but he doesn't think a French rider will win

- he's happy for Nocentini to keep the yellow for another week

- he doesn't expect any shifts in the top till Verbier

- he's made his peace with the VRT (Flemish broadcasting) and will speak to them again tomorrow

- he expects some sort of (unspecified) protest gesture tomorrow, but also that riders will ride without ear-pieces because the UCI today threatened the rebellious DS's that any rider wearing an ear-piece tomorrow would be disqualified and sent home on the spot!

- when asked directly why he was wearing the Livestrong shirt rather than official team-wear, he said, "Maybe I didn't feel like wearing Astana colors today"

- he at first tried to maintain that the atmosphere within the team was perfectly normal, then increasingly dropped hints that it wasn't 100% normal, that there was some tension (especially after Arcalis) but nothing like as tense or strained between AC and LA as the media portray

- Tour radio gives less detailed information than in previous years, JB claims that he only knew about AC's attack 500 meters before the finish, and that the attack was not part of the day's plan

- AC and LA regularly sit together at meals and talk racing

- AC's English is better than people think, though JB always explains more 'intricate' plans or instructions in Spanish too

- he tries as far as possible to stay 'neutral' between AC and LA, though AC understood from day 1 that JB and LA have a special relationship going back many years

- he tries to keep his distance from the daily AC vs. LA issues, as he's in an "uncomfortable position"

- he said that LA understands that he (JB) will always take decisions in the best interest of the team, and that he's convinced that LA will work for AC if the circumstances warrant that

- he wasn't surprised by LA's showing in the tt, he didn't really expect more

- he was very pleasantly surprised by how strong LA is riding uphill and said that nobody knows what he's still capable of in the Alps

- he thinks the biggest danger to an Astana win comes from Schleklet, based on what he has seen on the road

- when asked if he thought Evans or Wiggins were serious threats, he smiled and said, 'no'

- when asked, 'who is your no. 1?', he again smiled ruefully and said, 'that's a difficult question', but went on to say that there was no doubt that AC was the strongest rider on the team

- he said that his job was to make sure that whatever went on between AC and LA in the way of rivalry or petty niggles did not cost Astana the win

- he also thought that only AC could beat AC - "Contador is his own biggest enemy because he rides on instinct" - but that he did not expect this to happen

Phew. Selected other highlights from tonight's strange, but informative program -

Excellent interview with Frank Schleck - he told his brother to 'cool it' twice on the final Arcalis climb when he wanted to attack, by pointing out that he'd be riding against four Astanas - says Andy is very strong - said that LA "is way, way smarter than anyone else in the peloton" and that nobody knows what he might still be capable of, but they're all wondering. Frank is an amusing and witty guy!

AC gave a press conference by himself! JB was off talking to ASO and LA was 'resting'. Practically all questions centered on the AC vs. LA thing. AC at first tried to maintain the 'everything is normal' line, but soon conceded that there had been strains, but that these had been discussed and dealt with internally, and he also reiterated that things were nothing like as 'strained' as the media wants us to believe.

Report ends.
Jun 16, 2009
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Amsterhammer said:
- he also thought that only AC could beat AC - "Contador is his own biggest enemy because he rides on instinct"

And instinct never gets you anywhere :confused:

Its good to finally see some official confirmation of the in-fighting. Sounds like both Johan and Alberto handled it well
Thanks for taking the time to take notes and to share this with us. Very interesting. Much appreciated.

So AC is strongest per JB and LA is smartest per AS... it's brawn vs. brains.

So I guess it depends on how much stronger AC is than LA. If he's only a little bit stronger, than LA might be able to outsmart him (again).

But Ventoux seems to favor strength over IQ...
Ninety5rpm said:
Thanks for taking the time to take notes and to share this with us. Very interesting. Much appreciated.

So AC is strongest per JB and LA is smartest per AS... it's brawn vs. brains.

So I guess it depends on how much stronger AC is than LA. If he's only a little bit stronger, than LA might be able to outsmart him (again).

But Ventoux seems to favor strength over IQ...

Or it will depend on how much better AC's instincts are than LA's. I get the sense that whatever happens, this is going to turn out to be one of the most exciting tours in recent memory. Well here's hoping that is the case. :)
Jul 10, 2009
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Yes thanks for posting that interview. That does give a little insight to what Johan is thinking.
As far as brains vs strength if Armstrong plays the waiting game and lets the others attack and wear down Contador he might just be able to put time into him. He has already said if he were the other contenders waiting is what he would do. By letting Andy, Carlos, Cadel and anyone else attack with Alberto, Levi, Andreas and possibly Popo and Hamir covering them and getting wore down he could end up getting the time he needs. Since nobody really knows what kind of legs he has he can hang just far enough back to not have to use too much effort on the counters.
Honestly though I think it will come down to which one of them has the legs when opportunity comes knocking in the Alps. I think Contador had the legs on the Arcalis when opportunity knocked and he answered the door.
Mar 10, 2009
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Amsterhammer said:
The evening chat show should have taken place outdoors at a table, like usual. Instead, they stood at a tiny round table because it was absolutely throwing it down outside. Towards the end of the show all sorts of electrical things started to go wrong - truly live television.

I thought that there might be some interesting stuff coming when I saw JB standing there in a Livestrong t-shirt, so here's what I've been able to decipher from my scrawled notes.

Yes, thanks...for taking the time and articulating the info.
Jul 13, 2009
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Publicus said:
Or it will depend on how much better AC's instincts are than LA's. I get the sense that whatever happens, this is going to turn out to be one of the most exciting tours in recent memory. Well here's hoping that is the case. :)

I hope you're right.
Jul 14, 2009
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Ninety5rpm said:
So AC is strongest per JB and LA is smartest per AS... it's brawn vs. brains.

But Ventoux seems to favor strength over IQ...

If it comes to it, the tiebreaker will be who has the most balls. AC has at least 2, LA is down to 1... :D
Thanks for posting that Amsterhammer.

We all have our own opinions on The Hog's morals but for me that interview reaffirms that JB is certainly a very smart guy regardless.

Very interesting that he comes right out and says that Contador is the strongest. I really have to think that if Contador and Armstrong are two of the strongest guys in this Tour then one or both of them is going to be disobeying some Bruyneel orders at some point because we all know that true competitors do not hold themselves back when they have a chance to win.

Bruyneel obviously knows that he'll look like an idiot if his team loses due to infighting but I think neither Armstrong nor Contador is the type of person to give away a win for the good of the team. I expect some high drama to unfold as this Tour goes on.
Jul 7, 2009
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just a thought on the Livestrong wear instead of Astana gear.

As we all see Lance only wears Astana gear when he really needs to. Neveda his kit was Livestrong. He has also used Mellow Johnny's kit as well. Levi has a livestrong bike and does wear livestrong attire more then most other teammates. Livestrong is on Astana's official team kit so wearing livestrong is part of team astana.

In my opinion I feel Johan, Lance, Levi, Popo, and probably old discovery/postal teammate will reunite after this year. In a creation of a new pro tour team next year. The CEO of nike in a team car is a good sign that maybe Lance, and Johan have a deal with nike to sponsor there new team next year. Livestrong can not sponsor a cycling team because they are a charity. As for Trek you know they will go with lance. This is just speculation but, there is evidence to come to that conclusion.
Mar 12, 2009
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dadoorsron said:
In my opinion I feel Johan, Lance, Levi, Popo, and probably old discovery/postal teammate will reunite after this year. In a creation of a new pro tour team next year. The CEO of nike in a team car is a good sign that maybe Lance, and Johan have a deal with nike to sponsor there new team next year. Livestrong can not sponsor a cycling team because they are a charity. As for Trek you know they will go with lance. This is just speculation but, there is evidence to come to that conclusion.

Im almost certain something like this will transpire.
dadoorsron said:
s for Trek you know they will go with lance. This is just speculation but, there is evidence to come to that conclusion.

It seems to me that Trek would be much better off sticking with Contador. They have already played out Armstrong for all he is worth. Contador could be the most successful GT rider for the next six to eight years.
I saw some of the show.
Didn't JB, at one point, draw back from using the word, "conflict"? Not that I speak Dutch. I did get the impression, he's trying to keep fairly neutral.
Had to laugh when they raised their customary glass of red wine, to say "bon nuit", it what appeared to be disused chicken shed!

One thing you forgot and I picked, as it was in English. Menchov said he's getting better, feeling stronger by the day........but then gave a shrug when asked about the Alps.
Jun 22, 2009
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Mellow Velo said:
One thing you forgot and I picked, as it was in English. Menchov said he's getting better, feeling stronger by the day........but then gave a shrug when asked about the Alps.

I've written Menchov off, so I decided to ignore the Rabo/Menchov bit, no? :D

Whatever you may think of the Hog, he's no dummy and since he and Mart Smeets also go back many years and I felt sure that some interesting stuff would come out, hence my effort. It was my pleasure,guys. ;)

For what it's worth, on the same evening show on previous nights we've also had Boogerd denying Kohl's accusations that his blood was centrifuged in Vienna. Boogerd reiterated that the Austrian investigation wants to speak to him as a witness, not a suspect.
May 6, 2009
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BroDeal said:
It seems to me that Trek would be much better off sticking with Contador. They have already played out Armstrong for all he is worth. Contador could be the most successful GT rider for the next six to eight years.

I thought Armstrong had a life contract with Trek?
dadoorsron said:
just a thought on the Livestrong wear instead of Astana gear.

As we all see Lance only wears Astana gear when he really needs to. Neveda his kit was Livestrong. He has also used Mellow Johnny's kit as well. Levi has a livestrong bike and does wear livestrong attire more then most other teammates. Livestrong is on Astana's official team kit so wearing livestrong is part of team astana.

In my opinion I feel Johan, Lance, Levi, Popo, and probably old discovery/postal teammate will reunite after this year. In a creation of a new pro tour team next year. The CEO of nike in a team car is a good sign that maybe Lance, and Johan have a deal with nike to sponsor there new team next year. Livestrong can not sponsor a cycling team because they are a charity. As for Trek you know they will go with lance. This is just speculation but, there is evidence to come to that conclusion.

Ohhh really ?!!
And Alberto Contador ( Astana B ) must ( for some unknown reason ) to obey Johan Bruyneel's ( Livestrong a.k.a Astana A ) orders and be a good teammate of Lance ( Livestrong-Astana A )
Very interesting indeed...
Jun 18, 2009
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dadoorsron said:
just a thought on the Livestrong wear instead of Astana gear.

As we all see Lance only wears Astana gear when he really needs to. Neveda his kit was Livestrong. He has also used Mellow Johnny's kit as well. Levi has a livestrong bike and does wear livestrong attire more then most other teammates. Livestrong is on Astana's official team kit so wearing livestrong is part of team astana.

In my opinion I feel Johan, Lance, Levi, Popo, and probably old discovery/postal teammate will reunite after this year. In a creation of a new pro tour team next year. The CEO of nike in a team car is a good sign that maybe Lance, and Johan have a deal with nike to sponsor there new team next year. Livestrong can not sponsor a cycling team because they are a charity. As for Trek you know they will go with lance. This is just speculation but, there is evidence to come to that conclusion.

LA has a lifetime contract with Trek (I believe). So yes, LA will always race on Treks.

Agree on the new LA/JB team. Some of it depends on what Astana does though. I know AC is signed through 2010. Not sure about LL and Popo.
richwagmn said:
LA has a lifetime contract with Trek (I believe). So yes, LA will always race on Treks.

Agree on the new LA/JB team. Some of it depends on what Astana does though. I know AC is signed through 2010. Not sure about LL and Popo.

What about Kloden and Zubeldia? Anyone know the length of their contracts? And Horner?
richwagmn said:
LA has a lifetime contract with Trek (I believe). So yes, LA will always race on Treks.

Agree on the new LA/JB team. Some of it depends on what Astana does though. I know AC is signed through 2010. Not sure about LL and Popo.

Astana may be defunct after the Tour so all of the contracts would be void.
Jul 7, 2009
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richwagmn said:
LA has a lifetime contract with Trek (I believe). So yes, LA will always race on Treks.

Agree on the new LA/JB team. Some of it depends on what Astana does though. I know AC is signed through 2010. Not sure about LL and Popo.

Trek even without a lifetime contract with Lance would go with Lance.

Vino has made statements prior to the year that he wants control of his team astana. Why would Johan stick around with a team that can't pay its riders. Lance is a freeagent. and Lance has made statements about creating his own team. Lance and Johan went looking for sponsors if Astana couldn't come up with the money to race the tour. the writing is on the wall. Astana will be here next year but will be a shell of what it is this year. or two Astana folds up after this year.