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"Cavendish blasts Riccò"


Mar 11, 2009
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"Cavendish blasts Riccò"

In this VeloNews article by Andrew Hood:

Cavendish "called Riccò a “parasite” and said the unrepentant Italian doesn’t deserve a warm welcome from the cycling community.

“He’s like a parasite coming back. It’s not just the fact of what he’s done, because everyone can make mistakes, it’s that he’s not even sorry about,” Cavendish said. “It’s the lack of regret for all the damage that he’s done, that’s what upsets me.”


Not sure if I agree with Cavendish.

I'm a bit deflicted...part of me (the Bianchi Dealer part) wants to see Ricco kick ****:)

But the fan part of me wishes he would have stayed out of cycling:(

Ricco is one of the more honest riders in cycling. Everyone else claims they are sorry or ashamed or gave in to temptation (often only once) or whatever pathetic story they can come up with expain their doping. Prime case is David Millar. If Ricco does not feel any remorse for doing what everyone else is doing, it is more honest for him to not cry crocodile tears.

It is Cavendish who looks like the corrupt one here. It is not like he does not know that all the GT GC riders are doped to the moon. He is following the UCI's standard story by scapegoating a few individuals who are caught even as he rubs elbows with those he knows got away with it.

I am waiting for a rider who gets caught to come right out and say, "So, what? Doping is what cycling is all about."
May 6, 2009
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What Cav had to sign in latest issue of PCM:

"To be honest, when I see him, I think I'll have to fight the urge to get off my bike and hit him."
"You see, he think's everybody is doing it. People look at what I am doing and think that I must be cheating. But cycling's the forefront of anti-doping and that's why I can win."
"The doped guys used to be the ones who would ride away at the end of stages. Now everyone's ****ed after 80km and the one who's least ****ed wins."
"Not only that but in the 2008 Tour, I almost finished outside the time limit because of what he did in the Pyrennes. He nearly killed me. And that's just me being selfish - what about the people who lost their job because of what he did?"

It's on page 50 in a side story in the Ricco interview.
Mar 13, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Ricco is one of the more honest riders in cycling. Everyone else claims they are sorry or ashamed or gave in to temptation (often only once) or whatever pathetic story they can come up with expain their doping. Prime case is David Millar. If Ricco does not feel any remorse for doing what everyone else is doing, it is more honest for him to not cry crocodile tears.

It is Cavendish who looks like the corrupt one here. It is not like he does not know that all the GT GC riders are doped to the moon. He is following the UCI's standard story by scapegoating a few individuals who are caught even as he rubs elbows with those he knows got away with it.

I am waiting for a rider who gets caught to come right out and say, "So, what? Doping is what cycling is all about."

Cavendish is an utter hypocrite. He is doped to the moon. A phenomenal talent yes, but doped to the moon no doubt whatsoever.

There is no way a rider like him, can climb the Cipressa and Poggio and then unleash a sprint like that (which in my mind, was the best sprint win I have ever seen) when they are only 24, against other doped riders. No chance.

Great rider Cav. Stupid idiot tho. Cav, save your holier than thou homilies for your drug running brother dude.
Mar 13, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Ricco is one of the more honest riders in cycling. Everyone else claims they are sorry or ashamed or gave in to temptation (often only once) or whatever pathetic story they can come up with expain their doping. Prime case is David Millar. If Ricco does not feel any remorse for doing what everyone else is doing, it is more honest for him to not cry crocodile tears.

It is Cavendish who looks like the corrupt one here. It is not like he does not know that all the GT GC riders are doped to the moon. He is following the UCI's standard story by scapegoating a few individuals who are caught even as he rubs elbows with those he knows got away with it.

I am waiting for a rider who gets caught to come right out and say, "So, what? Doping is what cycling is all about."

I agree with most of that Bro, and you are one of the most informed and insightful posters, us the refugees from CF.

But there is a syllogism there, that the GT GC guys, to win, they gotta dope. I disagree that only the GC guys winning gotta use the heavy plans. The sprinters, classics guys, the chrono riders, to win, they all use the big programs.

Cav's jaw and mouth, his entire visage has changed this last 3 years.

Cipo once went on Italian tv, a sports show, in blacked out shadow, and with his voice changed, and said he could not have ridden as a pro, much less won, without the big program of testo, other roids, epo, etc.

Guys come and go, how about the Spaniard Perdiguero in 2005.

Cyrille Guimard said Baden Cooke would be the next major classics star, after his phenomenal 2002 and 2003 seasons. Then Cookie was implicated with Philippe Boyer and backed off. And just makes up the numbers.

Petacchi came out of nowhere. He was the leadout man for Fabrizio Guidi for heaven's sake.

Cav, charging big time. All the sprinters do it. No difference.
BroDeal said:
Ricco is one of the more honest riders in cycling. Everyone else claims they are sorry or ashamed or gave in to temptation (often only once) or whatever pathetic story they can come up with expain their doping. Prime case is David Millar. If Ricco does not feel any remorse for doing what everyone else is doing, it is more honest for him to not cry crocodile tears.

It is Cavendish who looks like the corrupt one here. It is not like he does not know that all the GT GC riders are doped to the moon. He is following the UCI's standard story by scapegoating a few individuals who are caught even as he rubs elbows with those he knows got away with it.

I am waiting for a rider who gets caught to come right out and say, "So, what? Doping is what cycling is all about."

seriously. pretty much all pro/elite sports. they ain't just drinking water.
Oct 29, 2009
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blackcat said:
Cavendish is an utter hypocrite. He is doped to the moon. A phenomenal talent yes, but doped to the moon no doubt whatsoever.

There is no way a rider like him, can climb the Cipressa and Poggio and then unleash a sprint like that (which in my mind, was the best sprint win I have ever seen) when they are only 24, against other doped riders. No chance.

Making a claim like that, you'll need to come with a little more support than fallacious speculation.


Aug 17, 2009
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Me thinks all the major riders are PED users.

A couple of things about Ricco. compares himself to Pantani,finished Saunier Duval as sponsor, cost a lot of people jobs, made sport bad. Finishing off with some lawyer speak, to let the authorities know that he is repentent and he deserves a shorter sentence......Ricco, I not like that man.

Cav can say what he wants but it would be fun to see Cav KO the Cobra!
Mar 19, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Ricco is one of the more honest riders in cycling. Everyone else claims they are sorry or ashamed or gave in to temptation (often only once) or whatever pathetic story they can come up with expain their doping. Prime case is David Millar. If Ricco does not feel any remorse for doing what everyone else is doing, it is more honest for him to not cry crocodile tears.

It is Cavendish who looks like the corrupt one here. It is not like he does not know that all the GT GC riders are doped to the moon. He is following the UCI's standard story by scapegoating a few individuals who are caught even as he rubs elbows with those he knows got away with it.

I am waiting for a rider who gets caught to come right out and say, "So, what? Doping is what cycling is all about."
Wow, Cav is really going off onto the 'dark side of the moon' with this statement..., cold as icewater... A very pathological statement by Cav.; what a bunch of CRAP it is too!
Aug 12, 2009
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ImmaculateKadence said:
Making a claim like that, you'll need to come with a little more support than fallacious speculation.

Yes your honour, ahem, judge, ahem, police officer. Nice try. Forum. The Clinic. Why post that crap? He isn't trolling, he's following a well established line supported by hundreds of previous threads. The top cyclists are in all likelihood doping. If you don't like the claims, don't open the thread or come in the Clinic. Simple really. This isn't a criminal trial or investigation. Speculation is allowed. Proof is not needed, but logic and reasoning are.
BroDeal said:
Ricco is one of the more honest riders in cycling. Everyone else claims they are sorry or ashamed or gave in to temptation (often only once) or whatever pathetic story they can come up with expain their doping. Prime case is David Millar. If Ricco does not feel any remorse for doing what everyone else is doing, it is more honest for him to not cry crocodile tears.

It is Cavendish who looks like the corrupt one here. It is not like he does not know that all the GT GC riders are doped to the moon. He is following the UCI's standard story by scapegoating a few individuals who are caught even as he rubs elbows with those he knows got away with it.

I am waiting for a rider who gets caught to come right out and say, "So, what? Doping is what cycling is all about."

As usual, right on the spot. What annoys me about Cav is his hubris, apart from his hypocricy. Why isn't he denouncing the likes of Valverde for example, with such brazenness, agianst whom Coni has produced an irrefutable link with "doctor blood?"

And when we read in la Gazzatta dello Sport today that TAS, in a first round of hearings, confirms Italy's right to sanction the Spanish rider. Among those due to testify today, in terms of the curruption of the Spanish sporting authority, is Jesus Manzano, ex-team member of Valverde at Kelme, who, in 2004, brought a box containing all the doping substances he was administered by the team to the Spanish cycling federation. But the federation did nothing. To the contrary, it eliminted the evidence and sanctiond Manzano for his newspaper declarations. Should Coni win here, the UCI would be hard pressed not to extend his ban to all nations and thus give finally a badly needed concrete sign against doping. Should the contrary take place, that is Coni defeated, an interminable quarrel will commence and another clear sign that economic interests prevail over justice and another one representing a dramatic stop to the anti-doping struggle.

Until the majorty of riders are clean, and they are obvioulsy not, Riccò has nothing to be remorseful about having served his ban. Whereas Cav would do well to not dennounce the sins of another to loudly, because, who knows, if the same fate would in time turn agianst your own - and when the entire sport is in any case currupt to its gills. Which makes TAS' decision in favor of Coni absolutly critical to having the truth come out and for the legitimacy of anti-doping at large. Otherwise the usual interests of the powerful will burry this sport. Cav's silence here makes his condemnation of Riccò seem totally hypocritical.
Apr 1, 2009
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Galic Ho said:
Yes your honour, ahem, judge, ahem, police officer. Nice try. Forum. The Clinic. Why post that crap? He isn't trolling, he's following a well established line supported by hundreds of previous threads. The top cyclists are in all likelihood doping. If you don't like the claims, don't open the thread or come in the Clinic. Simple really. This isn't a criminal trial or investigation. Speculation is allowed. Proof is not needed, but logic and reasoning are.

He posted "that crap" cos thats how he feels & hes entitled to it & his opinion. No need to turn this into a shoving match in a schoolyard. It is speculation regarding Cav & dope. Do any of us know for sure? No, no we dont. Sure Cav can sprint but hes crap in the mountains so im not calling it one way or the other. He was the best sprinter left at the end of Milan San Remo & had to take it to Haussler as he bolted early so Cav launched after him & it was no surprise he finished that much ahead.
Dont get me wrong im no Cav "fan" either. Hes a big gob on him & he was asked about Ricco ( who also had a big mouth lest we forget) & let loose. Screw Ricco you all saw what he did in 2008 & he deserved everything he got. If that includes the wrath of Cavendish well i wouldnt get to pent up about it. Im sure lots of cyclists have lots to say about each other. When Cavendish fails a test ill call him hypocritical for what he said, until then just frickin relax we all know what goes on. No need to barrage those who might have a contrary opinion to anyone elses. And can we finish with the Trolling excuse if a debate arises FFS ?? If you have an opinion type away folks, on most forums this is welcomed & encouraged. But here it is just trampled on.
May 6, 2009
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Galic Ho said:
Yes your honour, ahem, judge, ahem, police officer. Nice try. Forum. The Clinic. Why post that crap? He isn't trolling, he's following a well established line supported by hundreds of previous threads. The top cyclists are in all likelihood doping. If you don't like the claims, don't open the thread or come in the Clinic. Simple really. This isn't a criminal trial or investigation. Speculation is allowed. Proof is not needed, but logic and reasoning are.

Because he is passing off opinion as fact? I'm not saying blackcat is wrong or anything like that.
Yes, Bro has more or less nailed it.
How can a guy who is now a big pal of Armstrong, get all steamed up about a doper returning to the peloton?
Needs to turn down the ego, not allow his hypocrisy to run riot, or he will have zero credibility on the subject.


Galic Ho said:
Yes your honour, ahem, judge, ahem, police officer. Nice try. Forum. The Clinic. Why post that crap? He isn't trolling, he's following a well established line supported by hundreds of previous threads. The top cyclists are in all likelihood doping. If you don't like the claims, don't open the thread or come in the Clinic. Simple really. This isn't a criminal trial or investigation. Speculation is allowed. Proof is not needed, but logic and reasoning are.

So The Clinic is not where we discuss actual positive tests or actual specific allegations, but where all cyclists who do well are condemned to doping even if they have never been implicated in doping? Genuine question, not trolling.

I'm all for proven dopers, or those with highly questionable tests, to be debated, outed, villified, whatever. But for a young cyclist who is completely dedicated to his sport and who has worked his a55 off to get where he is, in a country providing more support and at the forefront of training methods, nutrition etc to young riders than almost every other country, to be discarded as "a doper" without his name ever having been linked to a doping ring, without any allegations from other riders, without any positive test or even a questionable result? That's a step too far for me.
Mar 10, 2009
Cav doesn't hate the dopers, just the ones that get caught - I'm not sure he realises that himself but that's the truth of it.

The worse cycling's image is to potential sponsors, the less money there is for Cav to win and make through sponsorship. Hence his hatred of Ricco.

As for the likes of Lance, well there's a doper who's yet to be (officially, in the eyes of the general public) caught, and he's bringing plenty of dollars into the sport and increasing the amount of money Cav can win and make. Hence his admiration of Lance.
Aug 6, 2009
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If there was silence in the peleton regarding Ricco's return and the impact of his actions would you all be happy?

I suspect not. At least SOMEONE is saying how they feel. It will be very difficult to change any current "culture" that exists, little he could say about Valv. for example would change the outcome and even less about Lance. But perhaps his few comments may have an impact on one young rider coming through the ranks e.g EBH, Boom, Bobridge etc. Sorry forgot, all pro cyclist dope!!
Apr 1, 2009
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blackcat said:
ICav's jaw and mouth, his entire visage has changed this last 3 years.

Were gonna need pictures here for something like this if you want to post that. Hes 24 now compared to 21 a few years ago, would natural ageing be a factor as he develops into an actual man (although he still acts like a Baby)? I leave myself completely open to a Bollock kicking on this also.

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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awal3207 said:
If there was silence in the peleton regarding Ricco's return and the impact of his actions would you all be happy?

I suspect not. At least SOMEONE is saying how they feel. It will be very difficult to change any current "culture" that exists, little he could say about Valv. for example would change the outcome and even less about Lance. But perhaps his few comments may have an impact on one young rider coming through the ranks e.g EBH, Boom, Bobridge etc. Sorry forgot, all pro cyclist dope!!

+1 .....

Cav was asked specifically about Ricco - and let loose... Good!

That is what I want to hear - Pro riders in the sport that are not happy with those who return and in particular those like Ricco who are unapologetic.
rolfrae said:
Cav doesn't hate the dopers, just the ones that get caught

+1 I like this way of putting it.

We see the same attitude from fans. Some are ignorant. Some cannot accept that riders they like must be doping. That is understandable. But pros voicing these opinions is rather sordid. It is like vermin tearing apart one of their own after he is injured. Riders must feel very sad to see a friend caught and put on the sport's sh!t list for doing the doing the same thing they themselves are doing. They also must live in fear that the same thing could easily happen to them.

Cav picked an easy target, one who many did not like before he was caught.