Are you so distracted at this stage that you've forgotten what all this is really about? You need a quick reminder!
WADA are investigating UKAD. They are not looking into the specific gravity of an unnamed athlete's pot of piss. WADA aren't even investigating British Cycling. UKAD is the initial subject of WADA's investigation.
Why are WADA investigating UKAD? Because UKAD may have breached WADA guidelines by encouraging British Cycling to create something that looks a lot like a Soviet-era screening programme, designed to keep the authorities in the dark as to the results of doping tests carried out by British Cycling apparently with the aim of preventing anyone popping a positive.
This is not in and of itself about British Cycling using non-WADA accredited laboratories though this is about British Cycling using non-WADA accredited laboratories insofar as that choice was determined by the desire to keep the authorities in the dark.
This is not about the internal anti-doping programmes operated by other teams - including the one implemented by British Cycling's road squad, Team Sky - which shared their data with the UCI and WADA and did not seek to keep the authorities in the dark.
This is not about a health passport implemented by the FFC even before WADA came into existence.
It is about UKAD. It is about what UKAD did and what UKAD did not do and what UKAD should and should not do and be seen to be doing.
UKAD. Clear? Great.
Now, look over there! It's a dinosaur on a bicycle wearing a clown costume! Let's spend the next three pages arguing over what kind of dinosaur it is!
fmk you really are reading too much into Daily Mail's nonsense. It's clear as day, WADA are perfectly fine with NGB's & UCI & Teams blood testing athletes and identifying potential doping through the use of non-WADA protocols and therefore
before/outside the authorities under the guise of health monitoring, just as UKAD asked BC to do too with a negative trace result 'already' passed through a WADA lab and themselves below threshold they believe might be health issue or supplement explained. I've just given a clear as day example on FFC's website they test riders that are subject to WADA Code
outside of WADA Code. The Pro Teams do almost exactly the same too. I've given links to FFC's Dr even claiming (in 2016 post WADA & Bio Passport) the FFC monitoring is an anti-doping tool and complaining it will be less-effective if FFC can't afford IGF1 testing to spot growth hormone doping (
outside of AFLD & WADA Biological Passport). Do you honestly think that AFLD did not have any say in FFC's blood monitoring set up outside of WADA labs, after Festina and which helped create WADAs Biological Passport too?
Just answer me one simple question, When/If an FFC Olympic riders blood 'health' report comes back from an independent lab, lets say in 2010, nothing to do with WADA or AFLD to FFC and shows a clear highly elevated Testosterone level - What happens? Do they a) call AFLD and say we have this rider doping with Testosterone, he needs to be sanctioned under WADA code using this blood test as evidence from a lab not WADA accredited & paid for by us, or b) Do they deal with it
internally & unknown to AFLD & WADA ?