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CMS Doping in sport revelations/discussion

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Interesting comments from Wiggins re. UKAD tribunal, Freeman's patient confidentiality lifting, DCMS wrapped up in protecting the full story being revealed, what sounds like could be a deeper back story about Lord Rotherhithe v Murdoch, money & newspaper rivalry during Team Sky success perhaps. He seems very happy the UKAD investigation has ended because people can finally talk and the real story will come out. Says it will make him a rich man, I assume because the level of damages him and I assume Freeman will then be able to sue. He doesn't' even say if the story comes out, but it will come out once the investigations have all ended.
View: https://youtu.be/hIMQ8YDD2pw
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I was talking to Nick Harris from Daily Mail / Sporting Intelligence who had talked to Freeman quite a bit during the tribunal and I asked what Freeman was going to do if he lost his licence and he said he wasn't too concerned because he said iirc Freeman is fully qualified osteopath anyway so was going to do that instead of GP work. He also said Daily Mail were slowly coming round to the idea of telling the real story about jiffygate, but not everyone who worked on it had left Daily Mail but they were opening up to the idea to what sounded like some sort of reconciliation with Wiggins/Sky & Freeman. Obviously nobody can say anything until UKAD is fully completed, then it should come out, which is the same as what Wiggins says in the link above, although Wiggins seems to think the real story is so shocking he's going to make a lot of money from it, so not sure if he means in damages or no doubt the media frenzy to publish the story/book/film, so we'll see what happens. I think UKAD's tribunal already begun last month but I've no idea how long it will take to reach a decision, but that seems to be what everyone involved is waiting for, then the floodgates will open on it I think when nobody needs to maintain silence any longer.
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Four years.

Richard Freeman: Former British Cycling doctor gets four-year doping ban

The doctor who was a central figure in the success enjoyed by British Cycling and Team Sky between 2010 and 2017 has received a four-year doping ban for possession of a banned substance and lying, twice, to UK Anti-Doping (Ukad) investigators.

What's he guilty of, you ask? Gosh!

He was found to have ordered 30 sachets of Testogel, containing the banned testosterone, to the National Cycling Centre in Manchester that was home to both Team Sky and the Olympic and Paralympic teams “knowing or believing it to be for an unnamed rider in May 2011 to improve their athletic performance”.


A statement from Ukad said Freeman had “violated the UK Anti-Doping Rules” on three counts, “(1) by taking possession of an order of 30 sachets of Testogel and (2) lying to Ukad in respect of that order”. The latter offences equate to “tampering” with an anti-doping investigation, with his ban backdated to start of his provisional suspension, on December 22, 2020.

And more:

“There are no medical notes which suggest in 2011 that Mr Sutton had any need for Testogel or testosterone. The medical notes made available to Mr Sutton from Dr Freeman and British Cycling do not provide any evidence that Testogel was clinically indicated for Mr Sutton’s condition or prescription.

“There is no evidence that Dr Freeman wrote to any “non-rider” member of staff seeking a waiver of confidentiality and no such correspondence has been produced or any proper explanation given as to why it could not be produced.”

And to think, this decision is impossible. Makes you think, dunnit?
The unnamed rider, is it Wiggins or Froome?
There is no rider, that was dropped from the charges last year by GMC so UKAD have done the same it looks like.
It now gets interesting because Freeman is no longer tied to patient confidentiality. If you remember he requested the person he got the Testogel for to waive patient confidentiality but they refused so why this has dragged out for so long. He can't waive it as a Dr without their permission because doing so would have had him struck off the GMC register anyway and as he claimed the Testogel wasn't for a rider he couldn't tell UKAD either because then again, he would be breaking patient confidentiality if they hadn't given him permission.

As Wiggins said above, Freeman's no longer subject to GMC or WADA code now, so he can finally name who it was for. Will he be bothered to is another matter.
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Who knows? I could, like certain others who troll here, claim to have inside knowledge but the fact is none of us know nothing. Anyone claiming to know what's going to happen next is full of crap.

There's always more to tell, of course there is, whichever side you take in this, but it doesn't get told very often.