karlboss said:I think he should slowly move up the doubles and then take the triple.
1st Giro Vuelta
2nd Tour Vuelta
3rd Giro Tour
4th Giro Tour Vuelta
I don't want to see him ride this giro, as I don't want him to lose the tour and have an excuse. I want him to win the Tour, but more I'd prefer he gets to the tour inform and the strength tactics of someone else takes it.
That makes sense.
I hope he doesn't try the Giro/Tour this year, it may be too soon and effect his career longevity. I think he's said something to that effect himself.
Planning with the Vuelta as a possibility this year gives him a fallback position if something gets in the way of a good Tour; and if he has a good Tour he can assess the Vuelta based on his condition. Giro/Tour this year puts the Tour at risk.