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Coronavirus: How dangerous a threat?

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Two rounds of another mass testing in Slovakia doesnt help at all and from 8.2. Slovakia is using Covid automat. We will be in worst level of it so it will be still lockdown but we need at least 7 day old test to go to work and even for go to nature. 65+ and children to 10 I think dont need tests and when you go to drugstore or grocery you dont need to. Also children to 10 years are going to schools and last class of high school.One parent and teachers need to be tested

I think Slovakia is world leader in antigen testing. According to korona.gov there is more than 6 milions ag tests and there were 2 rounds of mass testing not count in it and also january 2 rounds probably 1/2 to 3/4 is not counted there. So Slovakia did roughly 14 milions ag tests imo. There is additional maybe 250k positives of course. Numbers on worldmeter are BS except for deaths. But numbers on korona.gov.sk are also BS for antigen tests and positives. I was tested 4 times negative in my town and I would bet my house I am not in that stats for ag tests

With this new automat there will be at least 2,5 to 3 milions ag tests every 7 days couple weeks. I have feelings that antigen testing is not good for mass testing. We should increase capacity for PCR but our prime minister is obssesed with antigen tests.
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Groundhog day in Victoria Australia? I know this is small beer compared to America and Europe but it is relevant.

Victoria reels from the virus escaping hotel quarantine

Australian Open hotel quarantine worker tests positive to coronavirus and now the city of Melbourne risks being placed back into lockdown. For good reason, the last time this happened over 800 people died. The possibility of lockdown if needed means a 3rd wave will likely be avoided. But how many more times do we need to see this before we see the benefits of vaccines?

The problem is poor contact tracing although in this case I am not sure inviting tennis players from US and Europe was such a brilliant idea?

I don't see much discussion of contact tracing capabilities here. Its important because top class contact tracing means you can quickly locate and isolate infected persons before the virus gets out of control.
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Groundhog day in Victoria Australia? I know this is small beer compared to America and Europe but it is relevant.

Victoria reels from the virus escaping hotel quarantine

Australian Open hotel quarantine worker tests positive to coronavirus and now the city of Melbourne risks being placed back into lockdown. For good reason, the last time this happened over 800 people died. The possibility of lockdown if needed means a 3rd wave will likely be avoided. But how many more times do we need to see this before we see the benefits of vaccines?

The problem is poor contact tracing although in this case I am not sure inviting tennis players from US and Europe was such a brilliant idea?

I don't see much discussion of contact tracing capabilities here. Its important because top class contact tracing means you can quickly locate and isolate infected persons before the virus gets out of control.

This sounds to me like the people Australian may want to consider prioritizing for the vaccine are those who work at these quarantine hotels along with points of entry to the country.
Groundhog day in Victoria Australia? I know this is small beer compared to America and Europe but it is relevant.

Victoria reels from the virus escaping hotel quarantine

Australian Open hotel quarantine worker tests positive to coronavirus and now the city of Melbourne risks being placed back into lockdown. For good reason, the last time this happened over 800 people died. The possibility of lockdown if needed means a 3rd wave will likely be avoided. But how many more times do we need to see this before we see the benefits of vaccines?

The problem is poor contact tracing although in this case I am not sure inviting tennis players from US and Europe was such a brilliant idea?

I don't see much discussion of contact tracing capabilities here. Its important because top class contact tracing means you can quickly locate and isolate infected persons before the virus gets out of control.
Three positives now and the UK variant is more contagious so they are obviously worried. I think not cancelling the Australian Open is looking iffy especially when the TDU and the Cadel Evans road race were cancelled among many other events including the summer golf tournaments. The cricket seemed to get by okay. Australia has also called off its cricket tour to South Africa which was no surprise really considering the events going on there with Covid.
Three positives now and the UK variant is more contagious so they are obviously worried. I think not cancelling the Australian Open is looking iffy especially when the TDU and the Cadel Evans road race were cancelled among many other events including the summer golf tournaments. The cricket seemed to get by okay. Australia has also called off its cricket tour to South Africa which was no surprise really considering the events going on there with Covid.

I'm surprised but not surprised to read that government (SoMo quoted in this article) doesn't seem to be taking aerosol spread due to current hotel ventilation seriously enough. I hope this will change as it seems more experts are speaking out:

Also, on the same subject:
Groundhog day in Victoria Australia? I know this is small beer compared to America and Europe but it is relevant.

Victoria reels from the virus escaping hotel quarantine

Australian Open hotel quarantine worker tests positive to coronavirus and now the city of Melbourne risks being placed back into lockdown. For good reason, the last time this happened over 800 people died. The possibility of lockdown if needed means a 3rd wave will likely be avoided. But how many more times do we need to see this before we see the benefits of vaccines?

The problem is poor contact tracing although in this case I am not sure inviting tennis players from US and Europe was such a brilliant idea?

I don't see much discussion of contact tracing capabilities here. Its important because top class contact tracing means you can quickly locate and isolate infected persons before the virus gets out of control.

Strange that you don't mention that on the same day that a family of five in a quarantine hotel managed to infect a guest in an adjacent room, when positive people were supposed to be sent to a different hotel. There is a small chance the hotel worker caught it from the general community, though this would be the third option.
Three positives now and the UK variant is more contagious so they are obviously worried. I think not cancelling the Australian Open is looking iffy especially when the TDU and the Cadel Evans road race were cancelled among many other events including the summer golf tournaments. The cricket seemed to get by okay. Australia has also called off its cricket tour to South Africa which was no surprise really considering the events going on there with Covid.

The cricket tour of South Africa was postponed because players are sick of returning to Australia and going through 14 days quarantine - it should be noted that Sri Lanka just returned from South Africa, the Pakistan women's team is currently touring South Africa, the West indies are in Bangladesh, England is currently in India after touring Sri Lanka, and finally South Africa is currently touring Pakistan - All these tours have gone off fine - There is more to meet the eye regarding the Aussie decision.
I'm surprised but not surprised to read that government (SoMo quoted in this article) doesn't seem to be taking aerosol spread due to current hotel ventilation seriously enough. I hope this will change as it seems more experts are speaking out:

Also, on the same subject:
Yes there was a virus expert talking on the ABC tonight about aerosol spread and how hotel quarantine is not ideal. but she said the Alice Springs quarantine situation is much superior to hotels..Think they are using stand alone buildings and demountables as it used to be an army base. Also suggested that Melbourne build a quarantine facility specifically for that purpose. Not sure what the Vic premier thinks of that idea.
Yes there was a virus expert talking on the ABC tonight about aerosol spread and how hotel quarantine is not ideal. but she said the Alice Springs quarantine situation is much superior to hotels..Think they are using stand alone buildings and demountables as it used to be an army base. Also suggested that Melbourne build a quarantine facility specifically for that purpose. Not sure what the Vic premier thinks of that idea.

The problem is getting workers and REIMBURSING them properly for such work.
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Yup, it ain't China (who can build a makeshift hospital in a week!!!)

It's probably cheaper in Oz to just upgrade the hotel ventilation systems! I think it's better to have quarantines a bit further out - it allows people to go outside, fresh air is needed! As long as they're in access to medical help if someone gets ill and needs a hospital.

Aside from the gastronomical cost of the quarantine (and crazy airfares right now) - one thing that really puts me off the idea of taking a trip to Oz is I might wind up in a hotel where I can't open a window, I'd go stir crazy and would have to pay another thousand bucks or more to ensure opening windows or, even better, a balcony!
Yup, it ain't China (who can build a makeshift hospital in a week!!!)

It's probably cheaper in Oz to just upgrade the hotel ventilation systems! I think it's better to have quarantines a bit further out - it allows people to go outside, fresh air is needed! As long as they're in access to medical help if someone gets ill and needs a hospital.

Aside from the gastronomical cost of the quarantine (and crazy airfares right now) - one thing that really puts me off the idea of taking a trip to Oz is I might wind up in a hotel where I can't open a window, I'd go stir crazy and would have to pay another thousand bucks or more to ensure opening windows or, even better, a balcony!

My information is the State of Victoria has offered contracts for quarantine hotels in 2022 - Reckon this is going overboard seeing Australia will be fully vaccinated by October and a good portion of the world will also be vaccinated.
Interested to know what penalties other countries have for non compliance on Covid-19 restrictions?

Victoria government Covid-19 daily update

You must always carry a face mask with you when you leave home unless you have a lawful reason not to

Frankly I think that is completely over the top. Plenty of evidence where the virus has been controlled or brought back under control without such draconian laws treating people as stupid.
Whatever you want to claim now, you clearly suggested that states would mandate vaccines for children. I pointed out that no one has done that and the vaccines are not even approved for use in people 16 and under, which is the majority of the kids in school. California has traditionally had some of the laxest vaccine laws and policies and that is evident with the recent measles issues that they have had, especially around OC. The most strict states for vaccination are West Virginia and Mississippi. They are the only 2 that have no personal belief or religious exemptions for MMR. The narrative that you are trying to portray is just flat out not rooted in reality.
Some corrections: California has one of strictest vaccine laws not allowing neither a philosophical nor religious exemption. Btw, there are 5 states now that don't allow a philosophical nor religious exemption; WV, MS, ME, NY, CA.

And from what I'm reading, the general consensus from dept of education authorities is that the majority of states will probably require the Covid vaccines for school:

"So while few are publicly advocating for the forthcoming vaccines to be mandatory for school – at least not yet, anyway – most agree that a majority of states probably will require children to be immunized against COVID-19 at some point. Some states may adopt the requirement as early as the 2021-22 academic year, but many more will punt to the following year."

Re: Vaccine passports. As I have mentioned already. Those don't exist here. Vaccination currently does not allow you to travel out of the country and back with impunity, you still need to test negative to come back.
Digital passports are forthcoming showing either proof of vaccination or a negative test:

As for Fauci, you missed this quote from him.
It's Biden & Harris' decision - and both will eagerly embrace the recommendations & advice from Fauci. Remember Fauci said it feels good to be "liberated" and back in the starting lineup after being benched by Trump.

When Fauci makes statements such as the vaccines "may be required" & "everything's on the table" as opposed to stating the vaccines should be optional with informed consent, that's what concerns me the most. Keep in mind that Fauci is on record stating that 90% vaccine compliance would be needed to achieve herd immunity. There's no way 9 out of 10 Americans are going to voluntarily take the vaccine, IMO.

View: https://mobile.twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1351987829790937091
Interested to know what penalties other countries have for non compliance on Covid-19 restrictions?

Victoria government Covid-19 daily update

Frankly I think that is completely over the top. Plenty of evidence where the virus has been controlled or brought back under control without such draconian laws treating people as stupid.

This is part of a wider Australian issue where fines for misdemeanor's are totally out of whack with most parts of the world - When you have fines for these events which are more than the average weekly wage then you have a problem - Why do Aussies accept such a fine system.

Edit - Hong Kong recently increased fines for COVID misdemeanor's but still just over half of an Aussie fine.
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This is part of a wider Australian issue where fines for misdemeanor's are totally out of whack with most parts of the world - When you have fines for these events which are more than the average weekly wage then you have a problem - Why do Aussies accept such a fine system.

Edit - Hong Kong recently increased fines for COVID misdemeanor's but still just over half of an Aussie fine.
True - the problem is democracy - politics. But how long do I need to stay in quarantine when I fly to China? Its the same as the Australian Open or professional cricketers.
Some corrections: California has one of strictest vaccine laws not allowing neither a philosophical nor religious exemption. Btw, there are 5 states now that don't allow a philosophical nor religious exemption; WV, MS, ME, NY, CA.

Digital passports are forthcoming showing either proof of vaccination or a negative test:

It's Biden & Harris' decision - and both will eagerly embrace the recommendations & advice from Fauci.
Do those 5 states have a lot in common? CA changed their laws when they had all those Measles outbreaks in OC, which is why I said they traditionally had some of the laxest laws and policies. They started to see the effects of losing herd immunity and they made changes. I was looking at a map from mid 2010s when there were just two. If you look at the map in the article. There is no correlation with what you are claiming. And no matter what the laws are there are lots of schools in CA and NY that look the other way when it comes to vaccinations. Personally, I think public schools have the right to mandate any vaccine they want. If you disagree, there are other options out there. I doubt that covid vaccination will be mandated in schools (even for teachers), and so far there has been little talk of that since people 16 and under can't even take them.

Vaccination is not going to help ease travel in the short term. Right now, people need a negative test to get back in the country even if they are vaccinated. It is not an and/or situation. A vaccine is not sufficient.

More Fauci.
"We almost never mandate things federally [with regards to health]."
It is not Biden's decision either. Make no mistake, vaccines can be mandatory. But, they won't be for the general public in the US. I think you are fighting with a strawman with all your forced vaccination hype.

Interested to know what penalties other countries have for non compliance on Covid-19 restrictions?
In the US, it is mostly the same penalty as jaywalking. Nothing in practice.
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Interested to know what penalties other countries have for non compliance on Covid-19 restrictions?

Victoria government Covid-19 daily update

Frankly I think that is completely over the top. Plenty of evidence where the virus has been controlled or brought back under control without such draconian laws treating people as stupid.

Japan just passed a law this week allowing fines for non-compliance, though nothing for non-mask wearing - however I've read of people being arrested for not wearing masks where they're supposed to, I guess they get a grilling, kicked off flights, (perhaps a small fine under a non-covid law?). The PM originally wanted double the cost in fines and/or up to a year in jail, but that didn't pass parliament.

Quote from news item:

"Under the revised laws, expected to take effect next week, COVID-19 patients resisting hospitalization can be fined up to 500,000 yen (US$4,760) and those who fail to participate in epidemiological surveys by health authorities, up to 300,000 yen.

"Restaurants and bars that fail to cooperate with orders to reduce their operating hours can be fined up to 300,000 yen. (US$2,850)."

Restaurants and bars are getting paid to close early, however for most establishments it's not going to cover the losses, so there are places that have been staying open longer.
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My information is the State of Victoria has offered contracts for quarantine hotels in 2022 - Reckon this is going overboard seeing Australia will be fully vaccinated by October and a good portion of the world will also be vaccinated.

Crikey, well, I guess if things take longer to settle than expected they'll be, umm, prepared, however, having a relative in the marketing division for a major international hotel - who got forced onto Job Keeper, and then forced into long hours of crappy non-marketing work for the hotel as a result - who will soon be kicked off Job Keeper - I wonder about hospitality staff who will wind up in limbo if the hotels stop paying them. They're at least getting paid for hosting quarantines, will they decide to start covering their staff once the get stop? I'm sure there will be more layoffs - so what happens to the hospitality industry if the hotels are still being used in 2022 as well? Not to mention all the subsidiary industries attached to having regular guests/tourists filling up those hotels.