@Armchair Cyclist
As for your suggestion to include yellow card system on the list. We for sure could extend the list to prior to the 2024/2025 off season if that is desired. I don't object to that. Especially considering this is the first edition and we can start focusing on measures taken during the off season starting in 2025/2026 off season. Or better i can check all measures that will be listed in this thread and categorize them if some measure to prevent severe injuries and deaths was implemented prior or in between 2024/2025 off season. So in the end we can have it both ways. Some prior work done mentioned and then a separate list for the 2024/2025 off season work done. Indicating if UCI was doing something in the off season or has done nothing at all. On top of that if yellow card system will mainly be used to prevent things like littering, then likely it would make sense to try to categorize this things in the list based on the predicted impact in terms of preventing severe injuries and deaths. But for now i am OK if we don't do that, i am OK with anything at all. Just as long as it gets done and it bears some remote resemblance it could help then it's legible for the list inclusion.
As for negligence and governing bodies. I feel that if UCI will do nothing, consistently, then when confronted with severe injuries or even deaths, then IMHO they are automatically liable for being negligent and are automatically subjected to taking objective responsibility. Obviously first in court of public opinion, on the long term for sure in official courts, if needed.
As for proposals and suggestions. Please read this thread, for sure we had lengthy discussions and a lot of people suggested a lot of things. So a whole lot of things can be done and i am sure that UCI officials were at some point already confronted with most if not all of them. Current climate and especially the level of severe injuries and even deaths involved keeps this topic alive as one of the most pressing topics in need of immediate attention. Higher on the list compared to for example doping allegations and similar.
As for me personally and for what i stand for. On the long run i feel it's important to introduce more safety oriented apparel in the pro peloton and by doing that in all aspects of cycling. More specifically i support introduction of air bag equipped wearables. This would be my top priority, as this measure taken actually prevents severe injuries and even deaths. So the impact would be high in regards to lowering the statistics. On top of that it works when needed and is relatively cheap and AFAIK no other proposed solution does that. Said that i am not demanding for UCI to start with this specific measure, although it would be great if they would, the demand for now is to do anything. Tipping point for me being when another young cyclist died in the 2024 season they went silent, to protect the championship, then after the championship they remained silent.