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Danish radio about blood doping

I haven't had the chance to listen to it yet so I can't bring any details, but i thought I'd post the link here so others could have a listen (if you know Danish).For those who don't I posted a translated link to the intro so you can see what it's about.



New Danish test on road
Behovet for en effektiv bloddopingtest er altså stort. The need for an effective blood drug tests are so big. Og netop derfor arbejder den danske idrætsfysiolog Jakob Mørkeberg i øjeblikket på en ny test, som udnytter moderne genteknologi. And precisely why it works Danish idrætsfysiolog Jacob Mørkeberg currently on a new test that uses modern genetic engineering.

- I forhold til i dag, hvor man måler på proteiner som hæmoglobin, så går vi nu et skridt længere ned. - Compared to today, where you measure the protein hemoglobin, so we are now one step further. Vi går helt ned og kigger på generne, fortæller Jakob Mørkeberg. We go down and look at the genes, says Jacob Mørkeberg.

Helt præcist er det RNA, som forskerne holder øje med. More specifically, the RNA, the researchers are watching. Det er linket mellem DNA og proteinerne. The link between DNA and proteins.

- Hæmoglobin er et protein. - Hemoglobin is a protein. Så hvis en udøver får tilført hæmoglobin via bloddoping, så vil kroppen nedregulere sin egen produktion af hæmoglobin. So if the athlete is provided to hemoglobin via blood doping, then decreasing the body's own production of hemoglobin. Den nedregulering kan man se på RNA, forklarer Jakob Mørkeberg. The downregulation can be seen on RNA, "explains Jacob Mørkeberg.
Oct 29, 2009
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Interesting development, thanks for the link!

It states that monitoring genes are useful as they aren't alterable. Couldn't so-called 'gene-doping' do just this?