Frosty said:
Have heard of that before. They may feel pretty awful while running out of energy but their muscles arent as tired because they arent being used as hard. Therefore they are fresher the next day. Maybe also they have a point to prove or have lost enough time that they are allowed some leeway.
Totally my theory on his performance. If you bonk, you're going full bore, but nothing much happens. A car with little fuel coming to the cylinders, will provide little power, but also not wear as much.
The time lost due to bonking vs less fatigue the next day may be a positive balance for the bonker. Time lost is only on the last climb (uphill finish), which is also the most intense part, especially for those who don't bonk and fight for every second. If then you make the next day a long TT (FL's solo), you use your advantage over a loooong effort. Say if you have a couple % edge over the rest, do that for many hours, forcing them into intensity they are not ready for, for a duration they're not ready for, you kill them.
You'd prefer to bonk the last say 25mins of a flat stage, and have your teammates drag you home 1-2 minutes from the competition. FL lost more, but his ballsy (plural) ride took all the advantage out of the bonk possible. It's the greatest ride IMO, made possible primarily due to the binking, and FL being so hugely distraught about it. Pressure off, anger mode on, see what he could fix of his stupid mistake. The man was on fire. And scotch.
When he tested positive I was hopeful the bonking in combination with the drink could somehow bring such testosterone values to appear, but now, I think those are either a UCI setup or a badly timed BB draw.