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Floyd Landis 2006 TdF Champion

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BroDeal said:
ps: The LIVE WRONG Foundation is Lance's lifetime pension plan, NOT a Cancer cure.

BoldDolt: My only wish for you is that you end up in a pad-locked room full of patients and survivors who have been energized by the message that LiveStrong brings, with your rants and raves produced on an overhead projector.

What would REALLY be fun is to watch you debate Lance yourself, in person, on the merits of his organization. I would love to hear you refer to it as his pension plan.

Factless, tactless, pointless and gutless.
Mar 12, 2009
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BroDeal said:
They are NOT big boys on drugs (peptide hormones)---rather they are drug addicted from age 15 or 16. (no legal consent)

Doping apologies for FLANDIS or Pharmstrong are very lame!

ps: The LIVE WRONG Foundation is Lance's lifetime pension plan, NOT a Cancer cure.

you aren't making sense and i'm not sure what your goals are w/the insults, slanderisms, weird nametwists and so forth. seems like have you an axe or two to grind and some real hatred, for lack of a better word. hatred for what i can't say. Lance's cancer work has helped people and raised awareness and raised money for research. simple truths, not subject to opinion, and seperate from his racing. why are you exerting so much negative energy? what are you trying to accomplish and what makes you an authority?
Mar 11, 2009
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Guys, don't bother responding to the trolls. There is plenty of material to have an adult debate when it comes to doping, Landis, Armstrong etc but I fear both "sides" of the debate have plenty of people willing to put simple or even childish arguments rather than weigh up more serious material.


53x11 in DC said:
BoldDolt: My only wish for you is that you end up in a pad-locked room full of patients and survivors who have been energized by the message that LiveStrong brings, with your rants and raves produced on an overhead projector.

What would REALLY be fun is to watch you debate Lance yourself, in person, on the merits of his organization. I would love to hear you refer to it as his pension plan.

Factless, tactless, pointless and gutless.

Sorry, your naive doper apology ward is full up. Your lame apology for fraud is wholly unacceptable.

LIVE WRONG = a Nike sneaker Crime

I wish you a Vodka dreary season.


Stani Kléber said:
Guys, don't bother responding to the trolls. There is plenty of material to have an adult debate when it comes to doping, Landis, Armstrong etc but I fear both "sides" of the debate have plenty of people willing to put simple or even childish arguments rather than weigh up more serious material.

Fraud is not childish. However stealing MONEY from naive doper lovers is hilariously easy. The media, Nike and Lance all count on that to pitch their lame themes.

You might want to grow up before running out of money and no Cancer cure!
Mar 13, 2009
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Robert Merivel said:
Possibly one of the greatest stage victories in the history of the TdF was Floyd's victory on the 17th stage of the '06 campaign. It set the stage for the final outcome and it proved that another American was again in the drivers seat of the world's greatest bike race. Yes, the TdF is the biggest, most influential cycling event in the world. Lots of pride and lots of money connected to that event. Lots of false-pride and lots of corrupt money exchanging hands behind the scenes.

The French don't like it when foreigners win on their turf. The French have an "attitude" that goes back well before the French Revolution. From the same family bloodlines, where "old" world money comes from, lies a power grabbing group that seeks to control anything they desire. Some of those old bloodlines live in France, and they don't like it when Americans with flair kick their a** on their turf. Lance was always riding on the edge during his run. He knew something was up then and constantly had to deal with a media, owned and manipulated by those same families, that questioned his integrity. Floyd was not so savvy in the world beyond his up bringing. He was innocent and naive. He didn't realize what power they had. How they could buy off some lab or lab technician with a few hundred thousand Euros (heck, they may even own the lab). They have power and they love to control the masses. Floyd was about as clean as clean could get, except for that shot of Jack D.

After Lance retired and decided to come back, he knew of their power, knew they could do anything the wanted to do. So, to protect himself, he is getting tested "in-house" by the Astana crew. He was going to have it done by another doctor but when Astana stepped up he didn't need to. Lance knows that once the sample leaves him, what it contains is subject to tampering. As long as those in-house samples of Lances are collected (possibly every day if necessary) by a reputable source, dated and properly stored, THAT is all that matters. What is done with the samples that go to a potentially corrupt lab technician is none of Lances concern. To bad Floyd hadn't taken the same precautionary measures back in '06 and had announced that he had in-house samples after each stage. Wow, imagine the outcome then!

Don't be concerned Floyd. You know you didn't need anything to improve your performance and that is all that matters. You are a great hero and mentor to myself and others in the race cycling world, who know that we live in a world full of corrupt politicians owned by the greedy corporations, who in turn are owned by families with old, very old money that possess' an awful stench.

As those same families continue to siphon off "bail out" money that Americans worked hard for, eventually, after our economy collapses (2009), then people who doubted you (even in this thread) will get to experience first hand, who is running the show and how we are all affected and infected.
Well, a conspiracy theory to explain it all. Perhaps he did not take T/E but he surrounded himself with at least one dope, his business manager. Maybe he was too trusting and naive around that dope.
Mar 13, 2009
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I see the OP is taking a lot of flack for telling it how it is. There was no way the French were going to let another American win the Tour. Combine that with the enemies that Floyd made at the UCI when he demanded his salary from Mercury's bank guarantee after that team folded without paying its riders and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to put two and two together. They were out to get him.

Lance had better watch his back.
Mar 10, 2009
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Thank you Tom Morris...

for that added dimension of clarity.

Truth alone Triumphs!


Editors/Peacekeepers of this forum, thank you for considering the original post. That line that we walk is narrowing to the width of an 11 speed chain.

Differentiating between what is "real" or "not real" in this unreal world is truly a gift.

Keep your heads about you mates, we are "hammering" up Ventoux, and this is no drill!
Mar 10, 2009
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Floyd and Lance. Hated by the French elite.

Robert Merivel said:
Possibly one of the greatest stage victories in the history of the TdF was Floyd's victory on the 17th stage of the '06 campaign. It set the stage for the final outcome and it proved that another American was again in the drivers seat of the world's greatest bike race. Yes, the TdF is the biggest, most influential cycling event in the world. Lots of pride and lots of money connected to that event. Lots of false-pride and lots of corrupt money exchanging hands behind the scenes.

The French don't like it when foreigners win on their turf. The French have an "attitude" that goes back well before the French Revolution. From the same family bloodlines, where "old" world money comes from, lies a power grabbing group that seeks to control anything they desire. Some of those old bloodlines live in France, and they don't like it when Americans with flair kick their a** on their turf. Lance was always riding on the edge during his run. He knew something was up then and constantly had to deal with a media, owned and manipulated by those same families, that questioned his integrity. Floyd was not so savvy in the world beyond his up bringing. He was innocent and naive. He didn't realize what power they had. How they could buy off some lab or lab technician with a few hundred thousand Euros (heck, they may even own the lab). They have power and they love to control the masses. Floyd was about as clean as clean could get, except for that shot of Jack D.

After Lance retired and decided to come back, he knew of their power, knew they could do anything the wanted to do. So, to protect himself, he is getting tested "in-house" by the Astana crew. He was going to have it done by another doctor but when Astana stepped up he didn't need to. Lance knows that once the sample leaves him, what it contains is subject to tampering. As long as those in-house samples of Lances are collected (possibly every day if necessary) by a reputable source, dated and properly stored, THAT is all that matters. What is done with the samples that go to a potentially corrupt lab technician is none of Lances concern. To bad Floyd hadn't taken the same precautionary measures back in '06 and had announced that he had in-house samples after each stage. Wow, imagine the outcome then!

Don't be concerned Floyd. You know you didn't need anything to improve your performance and that is all that matters. You are a great hero and mentor to myself and others in the race cycling world, who know that we live in a world full of corrupt politicians owned by the greedy corporations, who in turn are owned by families with old, very old money that possess' an awful stench.

As those same families continue to siphon off "bail out" money that Americans worked hard for, eventually, after our economy collapses (2009), then people who doubted you (even in this thread) will get to experience first hand, who is running the show and how we are all affected and infected.

The same "families" know how to work THEIR system. Since we can't get him on doping, let's get him on "technicalities." They are always 3 steps ahead of the rest of us...their skill is impeccable. We will see how much power they have. If Lance is removed from the TdF then you can say goodbye to professional cycling as we know it. Welcome to the world of Fascist cycling.


im lost.. is the original post suggesting that landis was the victim of some policital attack, and was in fact clean...

blimey.. you will be suggesting next that ricco was just happy when he left everyone for dust in the mountains..

as for ullrich.. im pretty certain he never doped.. if jan had been anywhere near a lab in his life surely they would have given him a quick lypo treatment while he was in there...

if that first post was short enough to put in a xmas cracker i would.. :/
Mar 14, 2009
buddy' said:
Now this message may just be a total gee up but .......... if the moderators are going to allow unfounded accusations against officials, labs, lab technicians, or anyone for that matter to be posted on this forum it is quickly going to degenerate in to something I will not want to particpate in.



dude, really? It is a place where people come to vent a bit and talk on some common ground. Besides newspapers, CNN and FOX news do it everyday, just the complete opposite. I think this guy is just having a little fun and you all fell hook line and sinker. Just indulge him and have fun with it, it doesnt need to get personal.
Mar 10, 2009
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bjbbiker said:
Just indulge him and have fun with it, it doesnt need to get personal.

Isn't that what life's all about, anyway? Have some fun, explore, stretch ones boundaries a little bit here, a little bit there? Think outside the box? And, of course, as you so appropriately called it: don't take it personally. How can we? We have absolutely no idea who anyone else is at this site. It could be one person pretending to be 100 or 1000. How can anyone possibly take any of these words personally. It would be ludichrist. Contain the Ego/small self, take responsibility for everything that happens in ones life, passionately put in the miles on the bike and enjoy the Bliss.

It's all an illusion, anyway.

Go Lance, stick it to the reptilians!