Señ said:
Well, if that's the case then 1) Nadal's parents and uncle know he's doping, in which case it is something they can get in trouble for with The Law, not to name the fact that it would probably put them on a leve similar to those parents who sexually prostitute their own kids for money, or 2) Nadal's parents and uncle don't know he dopes, which would make someone else in his entourage a criminal and his parents very ****ed off.
I, for one, choose not to believe he dopes.
But, then, all the evidence shows that over the years, thousands of people in hundreds of sports, mega stars, proffesionals, amateurs, have doped. Hell in sports like our thing alone, it seems certain we have had hundreds of proffesionals dope in the last decade. ANd how many more going back to Roche, Mercx Antequil etc.
So did all of these people have bad parents? Does Nadal have some sort of super parents which make him special compared to everyone else in the world? I think if we looked at the parents of everyone who ever doped, sure you would get a lot of broken families but my guess is you would get a lot of parents who cared more about their childrens health than acomplishments.
You also compare yourself when you were 19 to nadal when he was 19 regarding stamina. Judging by the things you claim to have been doing at that age, im guessing your parents didnt control your life too much. Well why would Nadal be any different. He is a grown man. What do his parents know?
Do his parents know about his doping? Maybe maybe not. Maybe you are right and he doesnt dope. But for me i wont rule out Nadal just because he has superparents.
Oh btw, Micahel Phelps mom attends every race he ever competes in. There is a lot of evidence that Phelps dopes. He fails your " if they do recreational drugs they are more likely to dope" theory and he has broken every world record he ever tried for. Surely after swimming 3 races every day for 7 days and winning them all his hematocrit would be down. But even on the 7th day he beat guys for whom it was their first race.
Now Michael Phelps mom really seems to me to fit the great parent category in every way. But i wont rule him out from doping because he has such a good mom. I look at who her son is and his amazing results and lack of testing in his sport (kind of like Nadal on both counts)