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Fuentes interview

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Jun 15, 2009
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Alpe d'Huez said:
So yes, cycling has doping problems, and the UCI is impotent, but imagine if it turned out somehow UCI officials were rigging races to where certain riders and teams were winning all the time in order to maximize profits. That's the NBA.

Thank god, we have incompetent McQuaid and only doping, but true competition. Good to know at least one person knows the real danger of sports (gambling)...

Chapeau Alpe, nice to know you got the 60 minutes interview
Jun 15, 2009
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That´s why i love cycling. Men earning a living like just everybody else. No business only, here. Riding in rain, dust and wind... to earn 2.000 € for a living. Men fight against Men. Honest.
FoxxyBrown1111 said:
That´s why i love cycling. Men earning a living like just everybody else. No business only, here. Riding in rain, dust and wind... to earn 2.000 € for a living. Men fight against Men. Honest.

Yep. I always liked this. Its one of the few sports where the money is an incentive to go win a race. Not just for the rider but his team as well. A domestique on a lone break looking for a gt stage win, thats a Christmas Bonus right there. Theres a reason for him to take the pain and make this interesting, not just personal glory. Like you said. Real men.
Mar 4, 2010
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"EPO is the problem," Jim Courier told Newsweek in 1999, referring to erythropoietin, a blood-boosting drug that became ubiquitous in cycling in the 1990s. "I have pretty strong suspicions that guys are using it on the tour. I see guys who are out there week in and week out without taking rests. EPO can help you when it's the fifth set and you've been playing for four-and-a-half hours."

When I brought Courier's concerns to spin-Dr. Stuart Miller, the ITF official in charge of anti-doping, he said that no tennis player has ever tested positive for EPO. "I'd love to see the evidence on which he based that," Miller says. "If he's got some good personal evidence to bring forward, I'd love to see that; and if he's got scientific evidence, I'd love to see that as well." (Courier declined to comment further.)

One reason for the lack of positive tests might be that tennis doesn't really test for EPO. According to the ITF's statistics, it conducted a grand total of 20 EPO tests in 2008, all at major tournaments. One player was tested for EPO at the Australian Open, three at the U.S. Open, and none at Wimbledon. Zero.

"It may be that tennis is not conducive to EPO," says the ITF's Miller. "Maybe tennis is not a sport that is driven by a need to maximize stamina, which is what EPO essentially does." Nonsense, says WADA director general David Howman. "It has been the drug of choice by the cheaters over the last six to seven years. I think EPO has advantages in all sorts of ways, to anybody, in any sport. The days when we thought it was only helpful for endurance sports are long gone."

Miller argues that tennis, a sport that requires power and stamina and speed, "doesn't lend itself to any one particular kind of performance enhancement."

Tyler'sTwin said:
Courier saying EPO is used in tennis /QUOTE]

Funny. Today on Eurosport olympic magazine in an interview with Rogues (whatever his name is) they said that EPO is a drug used only in the more extreme endurance sports. I read the same thing yesterday in some old old article about marathons.

For a second i believed them. But if its used in tennis then i cant think of many sports where it wouldnt be used.

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