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I keep reading about pro cyclists and bleached hair. and i don't like it. It makes me feel a certain something has well and truly crept back into the peloton.
Who is the latest victim? Is there a thread for rider hair already...

On that note I hated it when Healy cropped and bleached his hair for the Tour, he had such awesome, long, dark and wavy natural hair prior, and then something possessed him... I think football (soccer) players frequently do stupid things to their hair, but when cyclists do it at least they have to put a helmet over it. So there's at least that.

Edit: I've just become aware of Clinic-related reasons athletes might bleach their hair, but I'll just leave that discussion and speculation to the Clinic.
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I remain of the opinion that the text 'cyclinguptodate.com' should be added to the forum's spam filter.
I think I used that site once for a race thread I had started for the stage writeups they had, didn't know that site was unwelcome here. :(

Is idlprocycling.com a better site? I ask because, hot off the press, they have a story about MvdP sporting a bleached hairdo too! It doesn't look like a mullet though, so thank goodness for that.

I'm kind of surprised MvdP plays golf, any other riders who do? (It's still a slow news day.)

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