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Help: The "enemies" of Lance Armstrong?

May 25, 2010
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I'm trying to get a list of the people being in oposition to Lance Armstrong, people who have attacked him in a way during the years.

So far, I have these guys on my list:

1. David Walsh
2. Paul Kimmage
3. AFLD/Pierre Bro.
4. Mike Anderson
5. Emma O'Reilly
6. Floyd Landis
7. L'Equipe/Damien R.
8. Kristin Armstrong (??? Possibly soon i read)
9. Frankie Andreu
10. Betsy Andreu
11. Greg LeMond

Have I forgotten someone? Should Christophe Bassons be here?

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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vendetta78 said:

I'm trying to get a list of the people being in oposition to Lance Armstrong, people who have attacked him in a way during the years.

So far, I have these guys on my list:

1. David Walsh
2. Paul Kimmage
3. AFLD/Pierre Bro.
4. Mike Anderson
5. Emma O'Reilly
6. Floyd Landis
7. L'Equipe/Damien R.
8. Kristin Armstrong (??? Possibly soon i read)
9. Frankie Andreu
10. Betsy Andreu
11. Greg LeMond

Have I forgotten someone? Should Christophe Bassons be here?

None of the people mentioned have "attacked" Lance in any way.

Most were either called to testify and told the truth, or just doing their job. I think you will find they are not "enemies" of Lance - but they are Lances 'enemies'.

If you are looking for someone who actually tackled Lance - here is the story of a 'Doorman', Sean Higgins who stopped the Lance from bringing his drink out on to the street and was subject to LA's fury.
Mar 13, 2009
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Roland Rat said:
Oh dear. Given how obsessive his fanboys are, and the USA's propensity to have crazies with guns, I'm not entirely comfortable with someone asking for a list of people who have crossed him.

Especially if their username is "vendetta" - Italian for vengence!!
vendetta78 said:

I'm trying to get a list of the people being in oposition to Lance Armstrong, people who have attacked him in a way during the years.

So far, I have these guys on my list:

1. David Walsh
2. Paul Kimmage
3. AFLD/Pierre Bro.
4. Mike Anderson
5. Emma O'Reilly
6. Floyd Landis
7. L'Equipe/Damien R.
8. Kristin Armstrong (??? Possibly soon i read)
9. Frankie Andreu
10. Betsy Andreu
11. Greg LeMond

Have I forgotten someone? Should Christophe Bassons be here?

This is really quite pathetic. Of course you should include Bassons, after all he was an outspoken clean rider who was attacked by LA. But I forgot, anyone who is outspoken against doping is an enemy of LA´s. Do a little more research, I´m sure you can find more to add to your list.

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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Willy_Voet said:
M. Anderson

You may want to check "The Clinic". There are some people over there who've said some pretty nasty things. But you will have to ask CN to release their names.

Absolutley - just get a French telephone directory and highligh everyone in it.

Another person who attacked Lance - his step father, Terry Armstrong with a paddle.
Jan 13, 2010
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You can add my name to the list. Until now my words have been pretty circumspect, but my thoughts haven't. So by the standard of the Holy Bible and President Jimmy Carter, I have sinned.

So what are you going to do with this list? Email it to Lance's lawyers?
Mar 11, 2009
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Armstrong's other testicle has been pursuing a hate campaign against him for more than a decade now, it did not take kindly to being shown the door.
Mar 9, 2010
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wow. lance is big enough to have an enemies list now? pol pot, kim jong il, richard nixon, et al. that's big time!

i will know i've truly made it when i can start compiling a list of enemies!:rolleyes:

i'm not really an enemy, as i really don't care enough. but can i be on the list anyway? sounds hilarious!:D

susan, please don't ban me for observing how pointlessly sinister this thread is.