greenedge said:
Those are all good valid sprinting options but we would need a classics rider/leader to base our team around and that rider will have to be foreign. However HTC are mainly built around Cav so it could be feasible. To build it around Goss.
Yea Haussler is the obvious one. But Matt Hayman, Stuey O'Grady and Baden Cooke are all Aussies capable of top 10-ing in Flanders and Roubaix in the right form with the right luck and team. The other decent Aussie cobbles guys are Docker, Goss, Sutton, Tanner and Clarke.
I think it is important to be competative in the week long stage races for the overall GC so that whilst most of the team can be dedicated to sprint's/stages there must be a few good climbers too. That way not all of the teams eggs are in one basket and they can be active on all stages. Apart from Porte I dont see any other Aussies who can do that job (Rogers could but i imagine he's still contracted, obviously Evans is contracted, not sure bot Rory Sutherland, Matt Lloyd would be good but cant TT so well so wouldnt be suited to all stage races, and Gerro is better off riding Ardennes and shooting for GT stages IMO) I think this is the hole that can be plugged by a couple of strong foreign riders of the Brajovic, Lovkvist sort of type who could would also have to bring some WT points with them. The other option would be to just buy Gilbert because having him wouldn't really hinder the chances of any Australians.