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João Almeida - Bota Lume

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Exactly… Sadly, since Pantani in Madonna di Campiglio, we have been knowing that the Giro isn‘t over till it‘s over.

Federations, organizers, rival teams, rival riders certainly have the possibility to make a certain rider test positive for Covid. Either, they infect him, or, they make a negative test sample a positive one.

I love pro cycling, but it has always attracted people with criminal energy, and probably always will. Covid has become a factor, and decides about victory and podium or DNF/DNS. :(
You shouldn't drink this early in the morning.

Very sad for him, he was doing really well. But as it's dangerous for the heart, better safe than sorry.
Exactly… Sadly, since Pantani in Madonna di Campiglio, we have been knowing that the Giro isn‘t over till it‘s over.

Federations, organizers, rival teams, rival riders certainly have the possibility to make a certain rider test positive for Covid. Either, they infect him, or, they make a negative test sample a positive one.

I love pro cycling, but it has always attracted people with criminal energy, and probably always will. Covid has become a factor, and decides about victory and podium or DNF/DNS. :(
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You're not allowed to race with Covid, UCI's protocols are still in place for 2022 season. Basically A 'negative' PCR test less than 2 days old is required for all riders and official team members and COVID screening tests on rest days in Grand Tours.

UCI needs to get with the science. We have treatments, vaccines, etc that protect the riders. Should not be an auto ejection from the race
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UCI needs to get with the science. We have treatments, vaccines, etc that protect the riders. Should not be an auto ejection from the race
I think that untill we all know the long term consequences in athletes subject to brutal physical efforts while having Covid-19 they shouldn’t be allowed to participate for their own protection. Besides the risk of infecting other riders is there and so I agree with the UCI rule.
Exactly… Sadly, since Pantani in Madonna di Campiglio, we have been knowing that the Giro isn‘t over till it‘s over.

Federations, organizers, rival teams, rival riders certainly have the possibility to make a certain rider test positive for Covid. Either, they infect him, or, they make a negative test sample a positive one.

I love pro cycling, but it has always attracted people with criminal energy, and probably always will. Covid has become a factor, and decides about victory and podium or DNF/DNS. :(
I think you are way above the top with that conspiracy theory! Almeida simply feel hill during the night, woke up with a sore throat and as usual nowadays the team doctor made a PCR test that came up positive. End of story.
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Feel for Almeida ...a top rider
His tenacity is legendary

But it is better to stop racing now as COVID can be very hard in the long run if you dont rest and recover . I know men with long covid and they are unable to do a host of things

Hopefully he will do the Vuelta. One would think the climbs there would suit him well
True, I play football with my friends every Thursday nights and ride my bike for at least 70k every Sunday morning and last year without any symptoms whatsoever middle in the game I felt very very tired, thought at the time that maybe I was without my usual energy and forgot about it, next Sunday I only could ride halfway and then turned back because one more time I was feeling really tired. Next Monday my youngest daughter felt ill so we made a pcr and gave positive for covid. I made a test and was also positive despite not having any symptom. Recovered without any problems but untill today I get tired more quickly then I used to before getting covid. So the effects on the body can be for the long term even if you don’t get serious illness with covid
F-ing hell! Oh well, I guess it would have been pointless to continue anyway. And I believe with the symptoms coming on yesterday, he could not possibly have been up to full strength and only lost a minute! You know what, it probably cost him the drop in performance, when it most mattered and where he lost the most time, on the false flat to the finish, where his deisel engine should have otherwise gotten him back on terms with the trio ahead.
True, I play football with my friends every Thursday nights and ride my bike for at least 70k every Sunday morning and last year without any symptoms whatsoever middle in the game I felt very very tired, thought at the time that maybe I was without my usual energy and forgot about it, next Sunday I only could ride halfway and then turned back because one more time I was feeling really tired. Next Monday my youngest daughter felt ill so we made a pcr and gave positive for covid. I made a test and was also positive despite not having any symptom. Recovered without any problems but untill today I get tired more quickly then I used to before getting covid. So the effects on the body can be for the long term even if you don’t get serious illness with covid
Exactly this. And lock at Martinez and Masnada with different viruses, Cav the same, Declerq etc. Viruses can wreck havoc for a long long time.

And because of the high efforts athletes are at a higher risk to develop persisting symptoms or other diseases as a consequence.

I'm sorry you have been targeted too by that covid beast.
Also for me it is still the question what would have happened on Blockhaus and the Sforzata stage if there was more TT in this Giro. I think it would have meant that the leading trios in those stage might have cooperated better to distance Almeida a bit more.

Precisely y there needs to be more TT so that the climbers have to risk more and attack, leading to more exciting racing.

i hope almeida can develop further and win. Right now he seems a very similar rider to his famous compatriot Joachim Agostinho. Climbed steady just under the best. Very good TT also just under the very best. Agostinho only podiumed the TDF when in his late 30s. So this debate may go on for quite a while.

lol. Had not seen the news when posting the above reply.

Really, really too bad.
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I think you are way above the top with that conspiracy theory! Almeida simply feel hill during the night, woke up with a sore throat and as usual nowadays the team doctor made a PCR test that came up positive. End of story.

I think in this case of Almeida, you‘re right… :)

My fear was rather that it could happen in the future that manipulation concerning Covid and tests could decide about victory or DNS/DNF…
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When someone tests positive during a race where do they go? Do they stay alone in their hotel room until testing negative? It would be such a bad idea to move them when they are ill.

I wondered about this with Bardet as well. Where he went. And I felt sorry for all the drivers and DS in the cars that had to help him while he threw up.