The fact that the Op had a question about Joe, in and of it's self, is not the issue. Certainly, there is a connection between Joe and doping at Rock Racing, and Rock Racing is certainly a prominent part of the Novotzky investigation. In that regard, the nature of Joe's activities certainly is an appropriate Clinic topic.
While Joe has friends and supporters here, no one is suggesting that what he did wasn't wrong or that he should be applauded for his actions.
The point of contention I have is with the specific nature of the OP's question: it had nothing to do with what he sold, how he sold it, or to who he sold it: all questions of a highly probabtive nature and geared towards forwarding the discussion of the greater case. Instead, it had to do with the OP's "perceived" confusion over a timeline that has been published and discussed and clarified already in this forum.
Adding to that, the OP would have us believe that the impetus for his question arose from his reading of a Pez Cycling article on Joe. The problem there is that the article in question is a year old and would require the use of a serach function to find: tools also readily available on this forum as well.
We are left to believe that the OP "stumbled' across a year old story on Papp that was likely found by means of a search feature on their website but, rather than performing a similar search here, the OP chose to create a thread.