Methinks thou loveth too blindly
Rather than confidently and succinctly tell me what his mission is, every poster to date has said "You know what it is", or, "JV wrote something over here", "JV said something in this video".

It's like the emperor's effing new clothes ffs.
Here is what JV wrote:
This is telling - he's concerned with the bottom line. And apparently is anti-doping first, results second. If only it said that somewhere on his website - you know - the public face of his business. And there's nothing about transparency in there. Or something like, "They know if they dope (not get caught, just dope) - they are OUT!".
Here's the brutal reality: results get sponsorship $$. Nothing else. Which is why you can have 2 bad performances before JV ditches you. Or 3 or 4.
Did JV create the UCI's athlete's blood passport? Is that how he got on the anti-doping board? Isn't this JV's team's data, done by him - NOT the UCI? Has he released these results? Can we have some transparency, please?
No more team-based testing in 2009 - I guess ABP is handled by someone else now. Sorry, I can't show you the data any more, but let me assure you, it's definitely getting cleaner.
Sorry JV. With Brad Wiggins, I had not been paying much attention until he implied I was a ****ing ****er. Then I had a really close look and didn't like what I saw at all.
I had not been paying much attention to you either, until you came out. You write well, and I dismissed the ChrisE's of the world but more careful analysis of your words lead me to really question what you stand for. It's been an interesting experience trying to find out. And I still want to know if you can guarantee your 2009 Tour team was clean.