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Lance "brazens" it out

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Jun 19, 2009
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buckwheat said:
You ever going to face facts about Armstrong?

He's the rare chest-clutching Lance fan left. If you scare him off the forum will devolve into a lame, but rational discourse. Where's the fun in that?


Probably a good strategy for Lance since his team knows there are people out there who think like this;

"If doping is widespread, endemic, and commonplace as Landis alleges, then Armstrong still won on a level playing field. Besides, in the latter part of his career Armstrong was tested more vigorously than just everyone else. So chances are that he couldn't dope as much as others or at all, and was at a disadvantage. Yet he still won."

I'm wondering if this is how LA "admits" without responsibility, or it could be a trial balloon... either way it's pretzel thinking.

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Exactly Scott.

This tactic has been used by many, many people in the public eye. You see it in politics all the time. Try to win in the court of public opinion, and you've won most of the battle. The problem for LA may be that when the evidence is finally laid out and revealed, it may be so damning that it will be all but impossible to overcome. We'll see...
Jun 19, 2009
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Alpe d'Huez said:
Exactly Scott.

This tactic has been used by many, many people in the public eye. You see it in politics all the time. Try to win in the court of public opinion, and you've won most of the battle. The problem for LA may be that when the evidence is finally laid out and revealed, it may be so damning that it will be all but impossible to overcome. We'll see...

That defense would respond to infractions judged by the public's "court of opinion". USADA has their own measure of what is illegal and it appears to encompass alot of things the public doesn't care about, fortunately. Maybe Lance will be able to hang onto a little endorsement income or sign $50 autographs at the Sports memorabilia shop in the Caesar's Vegas Forum shops alongside Pete Rose. Wouldn't that be a scene?
Apr 9, 2009
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Alpe d'Huez said:
Exactly Scott.

This tactic has been used by many, many people in the public eye. You see it in politics all the time. Try to win in the court of public opinion, and you've won most of the battle. The problem for LA may be that when the evidence is finally laid out and revealed, it may be so damning that it will be all but impossible to overcome. We'll see...

I could almost see the "level playing field" argument working with people who kind of know cycling (watched a Tour or two, starting in 2000), but not those who really know cycling, and know there can be disparate doping levels. I can't see it working with the non-cycling wristband wearers who listened to him proclaim his innocence for the last ten years.
Scott SoCal said:
Probably a good strategy for Lance since his team knows there are people out there who think like this;

"If doping is widespread, endemic, and commonplace as Landis alleges, then Armstrong still won on a level playing field. Besides, in the latter part of his career Armstrong was tested more vigorously than just everyone else. So chances are that he couldn't dope as much as others or at all, and was at a disadvantage. Yet he still won."

I'm wondering if this is how LA "admits" without responsibility, or it could be a trial balloon... either way it's pretzel thinking.

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This one is a doozy! Yes Lance was that good clean the other riders took drugs just to keep up!

"Landis is a liar and sold his cycling soul to win in 2006. Then he roped in people in perpetuating the lie and that backfired. He owes people money as well as apologies and is dead broke and cant make money in the livelyhood he cheated in.
What he doesn't get about Armstrong, Contador, and those whom have won a cycling race is that they were great enough to win those races without the drugs, Landis was not great enough to win, top ten rider yes, podium finisher no.
Armstrong, through talent and training, changed the sport to the extent riders had to cheat to keep up.
Landis was on US Postal and was 5th best of 9, left to join Phonak as team leader, Phonak had 4 riders including Tyler Hamilton get busted for doping before Landis joined. He should have known better, but he wanted glory.
Ask George Hincapie if you want to know if Lance Armstrong doped, ask admitted doper Jan Ullrich the same question and you will get the same answer... "He didn;t have too, he is/was that much better than everyone""
Sep 28, 2010
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Either way Lance will win as the courrs are controlled by $ He may get a large fine but jail may not happen. With all the other shnanigans occurring it will get swept under the rug, even if he is found guilty of some portion of the US code. He was very lucky and skilled to win 7 tours, with or without doping products, therefore he will remain as the greatest tour rider in history based purely on his stash of $ and name recognition.

Think about this, you train 10 years and are still mediocre. But for about $1000 a month you can ride much faster and make more $. Kind of sounds like a watered down version of the US congress. Your choice is then simple, you try it!

Let me know i any of you disagree and I will send you the Pewter Chalice I won from the Pewter Chalice 100 drug free....man!


rgrewal said:
Either way Lance will win as the courrs are controlled by $ He may get a large fine but jail may not happen. With all the other shnanigans occurring it will get swept under the rug, even if he is found guilty of some portion of the US code. He was very lucky and skilled to win 7 tours, with or without doping products, therefore he will remain as the greatest tour rider in history based purely on his stash of $ and name recognition.

Think about this, you train 10 years and are still mediocre. But for about $1000 a month you can ride much faster and make more $. Kind of sounds like a watered down version of the US congress. Your choice is then simple, you try it!

Let me know i any of you disagree and I will send you the Pewter Chalice I won from the Pewter Chalice 100 drug free....man!

So, what's the story on the Pewter Chalice?

How about your brother's come back?


Aug 17, 2009
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"Landis is a liar and sold his cycling soul to win in 2006. Then he roped in people in perpetuating the lie and that backfired. He owes people money as well as apologies and is dead broke and cant make money in the livelyhood he cheated in.
What he doesn't get about Armstrong, Contador, and those whom have won a cycling race is that they were great enough to win those races without the drugs, Landis was not great enough to win, top ten rider yes, podium finisher no.
Armstrong, through talent and training, changed the sport to the extent riders had to cheat to keep up.
Landis was on US Postal and was 5th best of 9, left to join Phonak as team leader, Phonak had 4 riders including Tyler Hamilton get busted for doping before Landis joined. He should have known better, but he wanted glory.
Ask George Hincapie if you want to know if Lance Armstrong doped, ask admitted doper Jan Ullrich the same question and you will get the same answer... "He didn;t have too, he is/was that much better than everyone""
Thank you, I could not of written it better myself. Thanks Lance for the great performances. Flicker
Jun 19, 2009
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flicker said:
"Landis is a liar and sold his cycling soul to win in 2006. Then he roped in people in perpetuating the lie and that backfired. He owes people money as well as apologies and is dead broke and cant make money in the livelyhood he cheated in.
What he doesn't get about Armstrong, Contador, and those whom have won a cycling race is that they were great enough to win those races without the drugs, Landis was not great enough to win, top ten rider yes, podium finisher no.
Armstrong, through talent and training, changed the sport to the extent riders had to cheat to keep up.
Landis was on US Postal and was 5th best of 9, left to join Phonak as team leader, Phonak had 4 riders including Tyler Hamilton get busted for doping before Landis joined. He should have known better, but he wanted glory.
Ask George Hincapie if you want to know if Lance Armstrong doped, ask admitted doper Jan Ullrich the same question and you will get the same answer... "He didn;t have too, he is/was that much better than everyone""
Thank you, I could not of written it better myself. Thanks Lance for the great performances. Flicker

Take the return of that great hit from Flicka and add:

"Either way Lance will win as the courrs are controlled by $ He may get a large fine but jail may not happen. With all the other shnanigans occurring it will get swept under the rug, even if he is found guilty of some portion of the US code. He was very lucky and skilled to win 7 tours, with or without doping products, therefore he will remain as the greatest tour rider in history based purely on his stash of $ and name recognition.

Think about this, you train 10 years and are still mediocre. But for about $1000 a month you can ride much faster and make more $. Kind of sounds like a watered down version of the US congress. Your choice is then simple, you try it!

Let me know i any of you disagree and I will send you the Pewter Chalice I won from the Pewter Chalice 100 drug free....man!"

...and you get a combination of spinning, crotch warming contradictory logic and Love! I love it when the entertainment portion of the discussions are so close together.


Aug 17, 2009
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Oldman said:
Take the return of that great hit from Flicka and add:

"Either way Lance will win as the courrs are controlled by $ He may get a large fine but jail may not happen. With all the other shnanigans occurring it will get swept under the rug, even if he is found guilty of some portion of the US code. He was very lucky and skilled to win 7 tours, with or without doping products, therefore he will remain as the greatest tour rider in history based purely on his stash of $ and name recognition.

Think about this, you train 10 years and are still mediocre. But for about $1000 a month you can ride much faster and make more $. Kind of sounds like a watered down version of the US congress. Your choice is then simple, you try it!

Let me know i any of you disagree and I will send you the Pewter Chalice I won from the Pewter Chalice 100 drug free....man!"

...and you get a combination of spinning, crotch warming contradictory logic and Love! I love it when the entertainment portion of the discussions are so close together.
Hey, what can I say, sounds like you have inside info I don't. I know you aren't a hater so what you say has to be true.


Apr 28, 2010
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Oldman said:
Take the return of that great hit from Flicka and add:

"Either way Lance will win as the courrs are controlled by $ He may get a large fine but jail may not happen. With all the other shnanigans occurring it will get swept under the rug, even if he is found guilty of some portion of the US code. He was very lucky and skilled to win 7 tours, with or without doping products, therefore he will remain as the greatest tour rider in history based purely on his stash of $ and name recognition.

Think about this, you train 10 years and are still mediocre. But for about $1000 a month you can ride much faster and make more $. Kind of sounds like a watered down version of the US congress. Your choice is then simple, you try it!

Let me know i any of you disagree and I will send you the Pewter Chalice I won from the Pewter Chalice 100 drug free....man!"

...and you get a combination of spinning, crotch warming contradictory logic and Love! I love it when the entertainment portion of the discussions are so close together.

Concerning Ullrich, I think he'd sooner say this:
Wer immer noch nicht eins und eins zusammenzählen kann, was im Radsport los war, dem kann ich auch nicht helfen.