Dr. Maserati
- Jun 19, 2009
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Actually whats really interesting is you didn't provide a link to the piece and that you missed out this bit:blutto said:Just throwing another log on the fire...the following is from an interview gave a while ago...
Greg LeMond: In the 80s when I was racing we did VO2 Max testing, but it was to see the physical fitness. My first VO2 Max test was up in Squaw Valley on a treadmill and I had a 79 VO2 Max non-specific sport. But once I actually really started doing VO2 Max testing on a consistent basis in '89... now you know it depends upon the level of fitness and training...I was on average about 6.2 to 6.4 liters of Oxygen, which translated to my racing weight would be 92, 93, 94 VO2 Max. I think only cross-country skier Bjørn Dæhlie [Generally considered the greatest Nordic skier of all time, 1992 Olympic Gold Medalist 15 km, 50 km, 4 x 10 km relay cross country skiing], had those same numbers. So I think I had one of, if not the highest
...what is interesting here is the huge jump in VO2 Max...and yes Greg does try to explain that away with an exercise specificity argument similar to ideas related to Lance's increased efficiency tests...and frankly neither claim holds much water ( in fact the Lance tests produced quite a battle among academics that would lead to the claims being either withdrawn or highly modified)....what is also interesting is the date of that second series of tests...1989...coincidence?...maybe?...but these kinds of increases in metabolic efficiency are pretty special are they not?...from real great to bestest ever!!!!...I've seen this story before somewhere...
Link to the article ishere.My wattage, relative to VO2 Max...a VO2 Max of 92 or 93 in a fully recovered way...I think I was capable of producing 450 to 460 watts. The truth is, even at the Tour de France, my Tour de France climb times up l'Alpe d'Huez yielded a wattage of around 380 and 390.
You're welcome.