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Landis ABC Nightline interview

Sep 25, 2009
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primetime on one of the three major american networks.

just wow.

this is not a printed media but a tele !

don't know but it has all the marks of being a nuclear bomb for many american fans of the sport.

lance will watch it with interest.


Jul 11, 2010
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What surprises me most. Is that Armstrong was so open about using. My own impression that he was such a control freak that no one else knew what he did. I though he roomed on his own and never would have allowed someone to see him dope. I had no doubt that Bruyneel would have encouraged the test of the team but Lance I though would have done it alone. Just shows how normal it was to stick a needle in your arm(strong).

"Do you really think I'd do that? after the treatment I had for cancer? Put that poison in my body? I mean come on! I'm not going to do that"
Feb 21, 2010
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Interesting decision by Landis to speak up again. I think it is good that he kept racing, and is becoming a bit more vocal in his previous admissions. If there is any way to address the calls about his credibility or the validity of his claims and motivations, it is to show your face and address these issues in the open.

If he can clearly address what are probably (at least what can be gleaned from the preview and excerpts) a very sharp set of questions, it will go a long way toward establishing this is not bitter, jealous, axe-grinding (as the LA corner claims). It also will present a fresh set of publicly showcased issues for "a certain man from Texas".

90-minutes of interview? How long does Nightline run? It is not a show I usually watch as US politics are generally what I thought it focused on and that business bores me to tears. If the Landis interview runs 90-minutes, heavens knows what will be dredged through.

I hope Lance has a TUE for a few dozen Xanax.

Awaiting more Atty Herman spin in 3-2-1....
Feb 21, 2010
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ESPN sportscenter is hyping "What Floyd Landis is now saying about Lance Armstrong and drug use...."

It is like the WSJ article never happened and it is all new again. Wow, this is already resonating and the airing has not popped yet.
Jul 24, 2009
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You know, the Lance-huggers are really gonna amp up the name calling after this. I hope Floyd is mentally strong enough to handle it.
May 15, 2010
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Colm.Murphy said:
ESPN sportscenter is hyping "What Floyd Landis is now saying about Lance Armstrong and drug use...."

It is like the WSJ article never happened and it is all new again. Wow, this is already resonating and the airing has not popped yet.

ESPN has been praying this story would die, but now that the broadcast network is running it, they can't broom it, but they will go back to ignoring as soon as they can. Do you ever see ESPN go after the real icons of sport? But they do investigative stories that are pretty solid? Now why does anyone suppose that is? :rolleyes:

Comeback 2011

Jul 23, 2010
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I hope Landis makes clear again that no one ever asked him to dope. He was he that went to Bruyneel and said that he wanted to get on a programme. His decision and his decision alone.
Apr 28, 2009
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Colm.Murphy said:
Interesting decision by Landis to speak up again. I think it is good that he kept racing, and is becoming a bit more vocal in his previous admissions. If there is any way to address the calls about his credibility or the validity of his claims and motivations, it is to show your face and address these issues in the open.

If he can clearly address what are probably (at least what can be gleaned from the preview and excerpts) a very sharp set of questions, it will go a long way toward establishing this is not bitter, jealous, axe-grinding (as the LA corner claims). It also will present a fresh set of publicly showcased issues for "a certain man from Texas".

90-minutes of interview? How long does Nightline run? It is not a show I usually watch as US politics are generally what I thought it focused on and that business bores me to tears. If the Landis interview runs 90-minutes, heavens knows what will be dredged through.

I hope Lance has a TUE for a few dozen Xanax.

Awaiting more Atty Herman spin in 3-2-1....

I think nightline is 30 minutes long
Jun 15, 2009
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Comeback 2011 said:
I hope Landis makes clear again that no one ever asked him to dope. He was he that went to Bruyneel and said that he wanted to get on a programme. His decision and his decision alone.


Umm, yeah, I am pretty sure that's exactly what he's going to say. We all know that no one doped on USPS except Landis.
Jul 12, 2010
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Nightline? How many people watch that? Come on, 11:30PM EST, up against Lenno and Letterman. How come ABC did not include this interview during their Primetime or 20/20 shows?

Comeback 2011

Jul 23, 2010
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powerste said:

Umm, yeah, I am pretty sure that's exactly what he's going to say. We all know that no one doped on USPS except Landis.

Maybe you misunderstood my point. I said that it was Landis' decision to dope, not that he was the only one that doped.

He says he first approached Bruyneel and told him he wanted to go down that road.


Jul 11, 2010
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I'm with you. No one going to watch I'm live. Just a few who happen to be watching the news at 11.30pm. However in the age of new media it will get relayed, shipped, youtubed, facebooked, sounbdbyted, twittered, news scripted and ar8sewiped all over the world.


Lajeretta4Ever said:
Nightline? How many people watch that? Come on, 11:30PM EST, up against Lenno and Letterman. How come ABC did not include this interview during their Primetime or 20/20 shows?

Comeback 2011

Jul 23, 2010
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RideLikeaGirl1 said:
It should be interesting to see how well Armstrong rides tomorrow's time trial after this piece airs.

The WSJ article came out the day before the prologue and he did a good one that day. The probem this time is any damning info won't come out until the morning so it could be more discracting. It was probably timed with the idea he might still be in a top spot in order to put him off.
One thing is for sure, Landis is one quick and witty guy.

Nightline: You realize you have serious credibility issues?

Landis: I think that'd be an understatement.

Nightline: You're an admitted liar and cheat.

Landis: What -- what is a person supposed to do when they make the wrong decision? I mean, are you committed to that path for good? Are you -- once you tell a lie, are you committed to tell that lie forever?

Nightline: Well, Lance says you have no credibility.

Landis: You just said I have no credibility.


Mar 11, 2009
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My sources are telling me that Lance will not start the TT...

Well, if he does start he will not make it into France.

Lance is in big big BIG trouble.