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Landis absolutely OWNS Verbruggen

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forty four said:
yeah la is at best a lying egomaniac at worst a true sociopath. flandis is even worse he is a lying rat ******* can no one see this? how can you respect such a man shows on your morality. your la hatred blinds you to flandis and his actions in general wtf is wrong with you people?:confused: they are both bad people yet because you hate one more your blind to the severe wrongdoings of the other. at least la is not a rat as of yet unlike flandis its disgusting how were some of you raised to believe that floyd's actions are in any way shape or form acceptable.

Funny, the mentality of a child/organized crime leads your pontification on this subject and yet we are somehow morally in question? You were raised to believe that lies should remain hidden because exposing them makes you a "rat." Maybe there should be a test for perspective parents?
May 26, 2010
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Thoughtforfood said:
Funny, the mentality of a child/organized crime leads your pontification on this subject and yet we are somehow morally in question? You were raised to believe that lies should remain hidden because exposing them makes you a "rat." Maybe there should be a test for perspective parents?

there should be a licence before anyone is allowed procreate....;)


Apr 28, 2010
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Benotti69 said:
Interpol might bring him for a nice holiday...:rolleyes:

Only if they get an extradition (spelling). Something that I wonder about, will the charges be serious enough in the eyes of both the US ministry of state as well as the Belgian, or Spanish, justiche department/ministry of foreign affairs. Interpol have no jurisdiction to really extradite someone, this is still up to the states themselves and the domestic judicial system. Interpol is mainly concerned with cooperation between different enforcement agencies, but I don't think they have a jurisdiction of their own, at least not without the consent of the state concerned. I still wonder how the idea of a global police really came into the minds of everyone, they aren't
Jul 11, 2010
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Benotti69 said:
Interpol might bring him for a nice holiday...:rolleyes:

You know that Interpol is just an organisation that helps with international co-operation? It has no power to just arrest Bruyneel in Belgium and magically make him appear in the US. No, if it comes down to it he will probably be able to avoid anything by simply not going to the country.

I agree with the earlier poster, both look weak, sad and a little pathetic. Landis could do this the right way, hold himself in a good manner but I doubt he will, I'm not sure his motives are anywhere near as valiant as they could be.
Aug 6, 2009
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Benotti69 said:
Interpol might bring him for a nice holiday...:rolleyes:

I'm 99% sure Interpol doesn't have that kind of authority, they're just a liaison organisation for police forces from different countries. If Bruyneel won't come voluntarily the US needs the country he's in to extradite him, which depends on the policy of that country and any deals the US have with it. Lot's of countries are reluctant to extradite their own citizens for example, no clue about Brussels specifically though. I think the US is reluctant to hand over citizens for example which probably limits the amount of extradition treaties that the US have. As you can probably tell I''m not firm on the specifics, but I'm fairly sure it's not an entirely straightforward matter, getting US citizens is much easier

ETA: double ninjaed I see.
May 26, 2010
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Barrus said:
Only if they get an extradition (spelling). Something that I wonder about, will the charges be serious enough in the eyes of both the US ministry of state as well as the Belgian, or Spanish, justiche department/ministry of foreign affairs. Interpol have no jurisdiction to really extradite someone, this is still up to the states themselves and the domestic judicial system. Interpol is mainly concerned with cooperation between different enforcement agencies, but I don't think they have a jurisdiction of their own, at least not without the consent of the state concerned. I still wonder how the idea of a global police really came into the minds of everyone, they aren't

Cheers guys, I was kind of joking, as i am not aware of the intracies of Interpol, unless they catch me as well of course...:eek::p

Coni/Italians might go after him should he enter Italy. I imagine the French will want a word or 2, but they might let the feds do all the hard work first and get him delivered back on a plate...
May 13, 2009
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Cerberus said:
I'm 99% sure Interpol doesn't have that kind of authority, they're just a liaison organisation for police forces from different countries. If Bruyneel won't come voluntarily the US needs the country he's in to extradite him, which depends on the policy of that country and any deals the US have with it. Lot's of countries are reluctant to extradite their own citizens for example, no clue about Brussels specifically though. I think the US is reluctant to hand over citizens for example which probably limits the amount of extradition treaties that the US have. As you can probably tell I''m not firm on the specifics, but I'm fairly sure it's not an entirely straightforward matter, getting US citizens is much easier

ETA: double ninjaed I see.

It's not only that. You can also request through Interpol, the collaboration of the police of another country. For instance, Bruyneel might be interrogated by the Belgian police upon request from the US through Interpol (ETA: in the presence of US investigators even!). Extradition is not the only option.


Apr 28, 2010
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Cerberus said:
I'm 99% sure Interpol doesn't have that kind of authority, they're just a liaison organisation for police forces from different countries. If Bruyneel won't come voluntarily the US needs the country he's in to extradite him, which depends on the policy of that country and any deals the US have with it. Lot's of countries are reluctant to extradite their own citizens for example, no clue about Brussels specifically though. I think the US is reluctant to hand over citizens for example which probably limits the amount of extradition treaties that the US have. As you can probably tell I''m not firm on the specifics, but I'm fairly sure it's not an entirely straightforward matter, getting US citizens is much easier

ETA: double ninjaed I see.

If you wait a few moments, I'll edit this post, as I have the US-Belgian extradition treaty opens in a different tab.

God how I love the UN treaty database
Here it is

Allright, I presume that fraud has a one year or more possible sentence, in which it is generally mandatory to extradite, with the exception of a national of Belgian, as JB is. However if this nationality is the only reason not to extradite (other reasons can be ne bis in idem, or humanitarian consideration, general human rights stuff, on which the US most of the time complies) the US can request that the Belgian authorities prosecute JB, which they are than obliged to do. This would mean that the US hands over all possible documents and witnesses (or transcripts) to Belgium in order to prosecute

For anyone that wants to check it:
Extradition treaty

Anyone wants to hear about Spain? but that's going to take a while longer
Jun 20, 2009
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Publicus said:
No. He's suggesting that if HV had popped Lance for the allegedly failed test in 2001 instead of accepting a payoff (allegedly $25,000), then history probably follows a different path. At least that's how I interpret that statement.

accpeting a payoff? do you think someone paying someoen else off would do so in a public forum...gety real...
the only thing we know for certain in allof this is that landis is a sociopath who lies when it will (hopefully) make him money...he lied about the tour so he could get back to ride it...;what is the deal he has made now? he now has two high powered lawyers (Lemonds former lawyers...(just a COINCIDENCE folks)whose retainer is six figures and where did poor broke floyd get the $$$$ to give to those tyow nice fellows? ???wake up!!! btw...what did his father in law know about the tdf doping deal?...did he really commit sucide? probably knew too much so was "taken care of" by some SOCIOPATH...
roadfreak44 said:
accpeting a payoff? do you think someone paying someoen else off would do so in a public forum...gety real...
the only thing we know for certain in allof this is that landis is a sociopath who lies when it will (hopefully) make him money...he lied about the tour so he could get back to ride it...;what is the deal he has made now? he now has two high powered lawyers (Lemonds former lawyers...(just a COINCIDENCE folks)whose retainer is six figures and where did poor broke floyd get the $$$$ to give to those tyow nice fellows? ???wake up!!! btw...what did his father in law know about the tdf doping deal?...did he really commit sucide? probably knew too much so was "taken care of" by some SOCIOPATH...

Muppet alert. Same fanboy as Forty Four. Not that it was hard to figure out. :D
I don't usually think it's worth it to post what others have already said, but for this I'll make an exception.

Chapeau, Floyd. I can't imagine the satisfaction in being able to say what you've wanted to say for such a long time. Doing it with panache and wit and riling up a well-respected (outside of the Clinic) 69 year old statesman of sport is a brilliant cherry on top.

Off the front

Jul 14, 2010
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JayZee said:
It is funny how we can all read the same thing and view it so differently.

In this case I think it's different to seeing something differently. The person posting the thread title clearly has an agenda and is spinning for Landis. They probably did not even read the exchange before writing the subject heading.

Verbruggen's description of Landis transfering his guilt onto others did hit a home run. You can't really argue with that.

Whereas Landis just has the second hand allegation that Verbruggen accepted a bribe, which nobody knows is true or not, and logically sounds more false than true given the cover up that would have to occur to allow something like this to happen. Landis also uses sarcasm to make the point that everybody tells lies, which did not really fit the bill as a credible defense of what he did.

Straight win for Verbruggen...for now.


Jun 26, 2010
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Off the front said:
In this case I think it's different to seeing something differently. The person posting the thread title clearly has an agenda and is spinning for Landis. They probably did not even read the exchange before writing the subject heading.

Verbruggen's description of Landis transfering his guilt onto others did hit a home run. You can't really argue with that.

Whereas Landis just has the second hand allegation that Verbruggen accepted a bribe, which nobody knows is true or not, and logically sounds more false than true given the cover up that would have to occur to allow something like this to happen. Landis also uses sarcasm to make the point that everybody tells lies, which did not really fit the bill as a credible defense of what he did.

Straight win for Verbruggen...for now.

Who is this guy? I guess Foreman kicked Ali's a$$ in 75 as well. :rolleyes:

This guy owes me a computer screen. And money to cover my deductable for sinus surgery from retro-travelling bud light.

Nov 24, 2009
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Off the front said:
In this case I think it's different to seeing something differently. The person posting the thread title clearly has an agenda and is spinning for Landis. They probably did not even read the exchange before writing the subject heading.

Verbruggen's description of Landis transfering his guilt onto others did hit a home run. You can't really argue with that.

Whereas Landis just has the second hand allegation that Verbruggen accepted a bribe, which nobody knows is true or not, and logically sounds more false than true given the cover up that would have to occur to allow something like this to happen. Landis also uses sarcasm to make the point that everybody tells lies, which did not really fit the bill as a credible defense of what he did.

Straight win for Verbruggen...for now.

There was so much Landis win, it's not even close. HV instigated, went down once, then twice, decided the 3rd time was best to play it off and run home. What a sad, old ****.

Oh, and BPC or whoever the **** the troll is, HV presided over the golden years of EPO. He's either stupid, complicit or both. Period. Don't bother to type anything in his defense again. You lose.
Jul 23, 2009
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Heinie presents himself as the wise elder statesman, yet he just had to lower himself to instigating an email exchange with someone he considers a disgrace. Not to help the disgrace better himself mind you, but to ensure that he knew of an article that may not show him in his best light. Heinie took a cheap shot and in return he got burned by someone with a quicker wit. It shows Heinie in a poor light but it also shows that Landis retains a sharp sense of humour.
May 20, 2010
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Poor Hein, poor poor arrogant pompous hein. Couldn't help himself. Had to take his own course of action as he was so angry that someone as lowly, uncultured, and pennyless as Landis would spill the beans.

Landis 1
Hein 0