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Landis letter re drug use in cycling

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Roland Rat said:
From the ToC:
@johanbruyneel: There was a huge crash, with Chechu and Lance involved. LA had to abandon and is going to the hospital for Xrays.

There is a river of my tears in my home.......


Roland Rat said:
From the ToC:
@johanbruyneel: There was a huge crash, with Chechu and Lance involved. LA had to abandon and is going to the hospital for Xrays.

that is soo funny..
Apr 20, 2009
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Moose McKnuckles said:
I don't think anyone will file it, but if anyone does, it'll be Armstrong's group. Why would Floyd file?

I don't think there is any chance Armstrong's people would file. What do they possibly have to gain by filing suit against Floyd?

Which is why I was surprised by the comments about using the photos in court. But this thread is really, really long and really fast moving so perhaps I missed something.


Moose McKnuckles said:
I'm not surprised to see Lance abandon one bit. I bet he wants to get away from the race as fast as possible.

apparently he fell into a deep hole full of ***

update: seems it was primerily his team involved in the crash.. so erm, radioshack conveniently crash into each other and only lance is hurt..

guess we now know what they have been doing all afternoon.. guess lance did the old wwe trick of a razorblade hidden in his bartape for effect..
[Comment From Conal Andrews Conal Andrews: ]
Hey Neil, what is Floyd's state of mind now? Is he able to handle the stress of this situation, and does he have people to support him? Thursday May 20, 2010 2:35 Conal Andrews

2:36 Ariel Helwani: Neil Browne: He was in good spirits, making jokes, and he does have a group of friends that are there to support him.
Apr 20, 2009
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Roland Rat said:
[Comment From Conal Andrews Conal Andrews: ]
Hey Neil, what is Floyd's state of mind now? Is he able to handle the stress of this situation, and does he have people to support him? Thursday May 20, 2010 2:35 Conal Andrews

2:36 Ariel Helwani: Neil Browne: He was in good spirits, making jokes, and he does have a group of friends that are there to support him.

I hope Neil's right about that.
[Comment From JT JT: ]
Does Floyd fear retribution from Lance's phalanx of lawyers? Thursday May 20, 2010 2:37 JT

2:38 Ariel Helwani: Neil Browne: No. Sorry--I've got to go. Seeing that Lance is down means I've got TOC duties to pursue. Thanks all for following along. Neil.


eleven said:
why do you find that funny?

I find it funny because after all of todays events, radioshack have gone to such efforts to (apparently) stage a convenient crash to get lance away from the media attention.. it just shows to me how in the hole they are.


Roland Rat said:
Ha ha!

SSbike RT: @irishpeloton: Now Lance has abandoned California. The text commentary didn't seem to think the crash too serious.

So predictable...

his face was bleeding a bit apparently..

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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--oisin-- said:
Does anyone know if Pat's claim that for the early 2000s (before WADA) any drug test result was sent from the Lab directly to the governing federation AND the IOC?

I asume Pat forgot to point out that Hein Verbruggen - as well as being President of the UCI at the time was also part of the IOC.


eleven said:
I don't think there is any chance Armstrong's people would file. What do they possibly have to gain by filing suit against Floyd?

Which is why I was surprised by the comments about using the photos in court. But this thread is really, really long and really fast moving so perhaps I missed something.

Exactly, he knows that a civil trial is too risky. He will fight in the court of public opinion. The problem is that crimes were committed in 3 different countries. A criminal trial is a possibility, but I doubt it comes to that in the US. In France? That I wouldn't doubt. Spain? Surely you jest.

Landis cannot file suit in civil court because nothing that has been said about him, nor anything that will be said about him by any of those involved will provide justifiable grounds for a case to be brought because there is no valid claim for slander. Mr Landis is a public figure, and it would need to be proved that whomever made a statement against him did so with knowledge that they were making a false claim.

The only civil case that could come out of this would be from Armstrong's side, and that won't happen.

We will then have to see what criminal charges if any are brought. You can bet that there will be investigations. When someone alleges bribery of a governing body, those charges will be examined.


Thoughtforfood said:
There is a river of my tears in my home.......

Hilarious...so armstrong magically leaves TOC...! ****ing hilarious...they will check him out and see he is ok...gosh, thought he was there to support Levi as best bud...not good...easy for him as my predicition of DNF at this year's tour is already preempted...
Apr 20, 2009
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TeamSkyFans said:
I find it funny because after all of todays events, radioshack have gone to such efforts to (apparently) stage a convenient crash to get lance away from the media attention.. it just shows to me how in the hole they are.

So you believe that RS staged the crash that Armstrong was involved in?

I'm moving Alcoa from "hold" to "buy".
Mar 10, 2009
Colm.Murphy said:
Lance abandons...that does not look good. Someone should be posted at the Austin airport watching for his plane in a few hours.

Do we think that's the last we see of him racing this year, perhaps ever? I'm not sure I can see him riding the Tour anymore.
Mar 18, 2009
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The International Cycling Union (UCI) categorically rejects accusations made by Mr Floyd Landis, in particular the allegation that a positive doping result by Lance Armstrong during the 2002 Tour of Switzerland was concealed after an agreement was reached between the American rider, his directeur sportif Mr Johan Bruyneel and the former UCI President, Mr Hein Verbruggen.

Deeply shocked by the gravity of this statement, which considerably impinges on the honour of all persons who have dedicated themselves to the fight against doping, the UCI wishes to clearly state that it has never changed or concealed a positive test result.

The accusation by Mr Floyd Landis, guilty himself of a breach of the Anti-Doping Rules in 2006, is thus completely unfounded and the UCI can only express its outrage at this new attempt to harm the image of cycling. Our sport has long paid a heavy price for the fraudulent behaviour of individuals such as Floyd Landis and we cannot accept the principles governing our work being challenged in terms of their ethics and honesty by a person who has not hesitated to breach such principles.

By way of information, the UCI would like to point out that Lance Armstrong did not participate in the 2002 Tour of Switzerland.

Finally, the UCI wishes to make clear that it will undertake all necessary measures to defend its honour as well as the honour of all its executives who have been unfairly accused by Mr Floyd Landis.

That says everything you need to know about the UCI right there.

Specifically that they are willing to distort Landis' words to screw with his credibility.

Landis never said it was the 2002 TdS. He said That in 2002 Armstrong told him that at the time the EPO test was introduced which was in 2001, those events happened.

Who won the 2001 Tour de Suisse? Lance Armstrong