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Lesser known races thread 2022

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Was Stybar really a favourite there? He isn't that fast.

Of course that's easy to say now.
Yes, Stybar used to be quite punchy in his day. When he was still a CX rider, the other guys (Nys, Boom, Albert...) always had to drop him because they would all get beaten in the sprint. Of course, that's against a select few riders, but CX riders are usually quite punchy due to the nature of the sport. I also remember Stybar winning some uphill sprints and he beat Van Aert in E3, even though Van Aert had been working and he could sit in the back since Jungels was up ahead, still not everybody can beat Van Aert even if he had to do more work.
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'Sam Watson' looks like he's still in high school

These English talents coming through are like when you leave championship manager running for 10 seasons and it just starts generating random names

I remember when we only had Millar who I didn't even like and wasn't even English.

Really hope Robert Donaldson makes it to the WT. Everyone in the country can get behind that name.
Stybar says he got a cramp in the final 50 meters.
still good to see him coming back in shape after a longer break due to covid and so on. If he was a bit closer to his best, he probably would have finished it off in Poland and won the stage, and now another good showing yesterday.

Not sure there are many good races still to come for him, though. Maybe Plouay/Canada or even the World Championships.
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Vuelta a Colombia Femmes.
Stage 1:

The stage was 110 K. Other than the altitude there weren't very difficult obstacles in the race.
And by altitude I mean the whole stage was above 2500 meters. LOL. That's like doing a circuit at the top of the Galibier.

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