This was a winner's tantrum. Angry that the mechanic had not done his job properly.
Wasn't a loser's tantrum, or what is known as 'doing a Pinot'.
Imagine this for a moment...
you have been riding day after day for 3 weeks, in intense heat, in rain, with aches and pains. Your whole body just wants to stop. You can see the end in sight, but you still have 3 more days to go. Your whole team is looking to you for success. You are exhausted from the stress of yesterday and the day before getting over mountains. You've got 2 more chances if everything goes right, and you need everyone to do their job.
But your mechanic has not done his job and has given you your bike with the headset not functioning.
It isn't the first day of the tour when you are fresh and rested...
Well it seems his is back to his old ways in more than one and there is no excuse for his behavior and its not the first time he has done it. I for one dont buy the way he treats people as ok or the 'apology' as making it such . That he feels he can act like this indicates that his feelings and his needs trump others and he has little real respect.
All the riders have been riding day after day for 3 weeks and have much at stake ...some more as they may not get a contract
Cavendish has been a prat for many years and acts like a man child and everyone makes excuses because he is a winner