doping in the masters is getting out of control. everyone know who is doing it, yet nothing is done about it. usacycling needs to wake up and smell the coffee and start testing these losers at the local level who are in the midst of a mid life crisis. when did bike riders start looking like body builders, and masters racers at that?
they used to be known as masters fatties and looked like a sausage stuffed in their skinsuits.
it's pathetic when people have to define their life by how good they do in a bike race, especially at a masters age. really who the hell cares? these people are a joke and are socially *** and it is the equivalent of chicks getting botox and lip injections.
what's everyone else think? do you have some masters juicers where you live?
it's pathetic when people have to define their life by how good they do in a bike race, especially at a masters age. really who the hell cares? these people are a joke and are socially *** and it is the equivalent of chicks getting botox and lip injections.
what's everyone else think? do you have some masters juicers where you live?