Armchair Cyclist
It would seem strange indeed if the UCI did such a test, but the ADAMS system is surely predicated on the principle that one might be tested any day of the year, wherever you are. I know the article says it was the UCI, but I strongly suspect that it was USADA: Lopez is not quoted as saying UCI. In which case it is a bit of a non-story.Miguel Angel Lopez was tested by the UCI while serving the ban and vacationing in Disney, USA. You can't make this stuff up.
UCI probably wanted to test him to make sure he wasn't doped in the Space Mountain!!!
Miguel Ángel ‘Supermán’ López reaccionó por control antidopaje sorpresa en Disney, Estados Unidos
El formidable rutero colombiano, Miguel Ángel López, quien se encuentra suspendido provisionalmente por la Unión Ciclista Internacional (UCI), fue sorprendido en sus vacaciones, ya que le hicieron un control antidoping en Disney, Estados Unidos, en el hotel donde se hospeda con su familia.