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Minneoplis tops bike friendly US cities

Aug 3, 2009
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I commute from Eagan to Minneapolis and there really is a huge difference crossing into Minneapolis. Drivers are way more accepting and bike lanes exist. I'm guessing it is a well deserved honor.
Jun 9, 2009
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Maybe in the summer :)

Anyone riding through the streets of Minneapolis in the winter is a true die-hard and deserves much respect.

What about Macinac Island? Was it in the running. I hear there are no cars on the whole island. Paradise.
Jul 27, 2009
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Barcelona in the top 5 foreign cities?

Barcelona is a lovely city, and Spain is very cyclist friendly in my experience, but Bici aside, the bike lane infrastructure seemed rather limited compared to a lot of other European cities I've visited.
Apr 2, 2010
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Yeah Minneapolis is a great city to ride in and most of the neighboring suburbs are awesome too.
Nice roads, trails, parks, and very few road raging drivers.

Great clubs and racing community, also hosts the NVGP which is awesome to watch in Minneapolis and St. Paul.

Congrats Minneapolis!!!
Mar 10, 2009
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Glad to see different cities getting this honor. Hopefully means that cars and bikes are starting to get along better in other cites around the country.

Sad to see Philly drop so low, 2009 was a bad year for cyclist in the city as a couple people on sidewalks got killed by knuckleheads riding on the sidewalk. Plus we had a lot of anti-bike press in the papers when they opened two new bike lanes on 23 bocks or so running between the two rivers in town, this ****ed a few car people off.

Again though Congats to your city, hopefully other towns can copy your car/bike friendship and bike friendly city planning.