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Mar 9, 2013
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Movistar are disgusting. Worst than Sky who the hell were the riders riding like moto's on early slopes of Zoncolon? Izaguirre was one i think but they were in a another race you only have to watch that clip to see the GC riders getting destroyed by Movistar's doms. It was so funny they were even putting Quintana in trouble for a moment.
Oct 16, 2010
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Dear Wiggo said:
I completely missed this post (CN forum software cookies never work for me in maintaining last read post in a thread :mad:) and then saw it quoted.

Thank you, Hitch, for understanding what I was saying. It was exactly as you have written.
hrotha also had some good posts pointing out that the terms of an equation cannot always be turned around.
There are certain factors (e.g. non-exhaustion after big performance, training in tenerife, testing positive, having a dodgy doc on board, etc.) which indicate doping. But the absence of those factors does not provide any proof of cleanliness.
TANK91 said:
Movistar are disgusting. Worst than Sky who the hell were the riders riding like moto's on early slopes of Zoncolon? Izaguirre was one i think but they were in a another race you only have to watch that clip to see the GC riders getting destroyed by Movistar's doms. It was so funny they were even putting Quintana in trouble for a moment.

Izagirre and Igor Antón.

Izagirre dropped several minutes later on the climb, and Igor Antón won on Zoncolan in 2011 and is a mere shell of the super-climber he was in 2008 and 2010.

Movistar are almost certainly shady (though whether they've gone to an organised program now instead of pursuing the old "we won't ask any questions, you don't tell us anything we don't want to know" approach is another question), but while it looked ridiculous, it looked to me for all the world like the DS told them to get on the front and make it hard, and they made it... well, too hard to be able to sustain, so they were told to cut it out.

On the other hand, if Igor Antón is going to go back to climbing like that as a habit, I'm probably going to get quite excitable.
sniper said:
hrotha also had some good posts pointing out that the terms of an equation cannot always be turned around.
There are certain factors (e.g. non-exhaustion after big performance, training in tenerife, testing positive, having a dodgy doc on board, etc.) which indicate doping. But the absence of those factors does not provide any proof of cleanliness.

Love the way you equate four thing as the same when they are not

testing positives shows almost certain doping
having a dodgy doctor increases suspicion

training in tenerife and how you look at the end of a performance are complete red herrings
TANK91 said:
Movistar are disgusting. Worst than Sky who the hell were the riders riding like moto's on early slopes of Zoncolon? Izaguirre was one i think but they were in a another race you only have to watch that clip to see the GC riders getting destroyed by Movistar's doms. It was so funny they were even putting Quintana in trouble for a moment.
Only for a few meters. How can you conclude anything from that pull???
Apr 20, 2012
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TANK91 said:
Movistar are disgusting. Worst than Sky who the hell were the riders riding like moto's on early slopes of Zoncolon? Izaguirre was one i think but they were in a another race you only have to watch that clip to see the GC riders getting destroyed by Movistar's doms. It was so funny they were even putting Quintana in trouble for a moment.
The coffee and honey finishing bottle kicked in too fast, dont worry.
Libertine Seguros said:
Izagirre and Igor Antón.

Izagirre dropped several minutes later on the climb, and Igor Antón won on Zoncolan in 2011 and is a mere shell of the super-climber he was in 2008 and 2010.

i watched it again
100% one of them was castroviejo. 100% neither of them was igor anton
the other one was jose herrada but not sure. it wasn't izagirre

it was uspostal 2003 alpe going wrong:p
Netserk said:
I don't even have to try to 'outsmarten' you ;)

You clearly don't have a clue, so let me dumb it down to kindergarten level for you.

That calculated W/kg is only based on the time of the ride, not the weight of the rider. When calculating with the weight of the rider [CPL], a heavy rider would in reality do less than 5.99 and a lighter rider (like Quintana) would do more than 5.99 as you can see here:

I know the weight probably is wrong, but it doesn't really matter, as long as it's way under 70kg my point stands (with 59kg it's 6.19 W/kg, still far more than Ferrari's number).

ROFL...wow...physics fail in a big way. Stop using some pseudo scientist's explanation of calculations (Ferrari, who doesn't attribute any success of guys he trained due to the EPO they used!!!!) and let's just forget gravity exists on planet Earth.

Now that is stupid beyond all belief, unless ignorance is part of the formula, then it makes perfect sense.

Making a claim that 24lbs makes no difference as part of a time to climb, when we know as a fact from actual physics calculations, it ludicrous.

Interesting. Berzin closes the thread on Quintana because apparently the clinic isn't allowed to have unfounded accusations (news to me) yet we have a 50 page thread on movistar where quite a few people are questioning Quintana along with them.

I don't follow the policy.

I think there is plenty to talk about myself. Being on Movistar doesn't help. It was pretty unbelievable that he somehow got stronger in a grand tour despite being horribly sick and in cold bad weather the whole time. Impressive recovery without rest. Possible without drugs? Then of course there is the Columbia connection which opens a can of worms in itself.
As far as I can tell this is more evidence than most of these threads start with. It certainly seemed worth a conversation. I was most curious to see what the forum experts have to say about it. I would have loved to see people put out the evidence (for or against) such as VAM on some of the Giro climbs.
offbyone said:
Interesting. Berzin closes the thread on Quintana because apparently the clinic isn't allowed to have unfounded accusations (news to me) yet we have a 50 page thread on movistar where quite a few people are questioning Quintana along with them.

I don't follow the policy.

I think there is plenty to talk about myself. Being on Movistar doesn't help. It was pretty unbelievable that he somehow got stronger in a grand tour despite being horribly sick and in cold bad weather the whole time. Impressive recovery without rest. Possible without drugs? Then of course there is the Columbia connection which opens a can of worms in itself.
As far as I can tell this is more evidence than most of these threads start with. It certainly seemed worth a conversation. I was most curious to see what the forum experts have to say about it. I would have loved to see people put out the evidence (for or against) such as VAM on some of the Giro climbs.
I don't buy into the story of being very sick. He has a history of playing mind games. He will do it again.
Aug 16, 2011
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offbyone said:
Interesting. Berzin closes the thread on Quintana because apparently the clinic isn't allowed to have unfounded accusations (news to me) yet we have a 50 page thread on movistar where quite a few people are questioning Quintana along with them.

I don't follow the policy.

I think there is plenty to talk about myself. Being on Movistar doesn't help. It was pretty unbelievable that he somehow got stronger in a grand tour despite being horribly sick and in cold bad weather the whole time. Impressive recovery without rest. Possible without drugs? Then of course there is the Columbia connection which opens a can of worms in itself.
As far as I can tell this is more evidence than most of these threads start with. It certainly seemed worth a conversation. I was most curious to see what the forum experts have to say about it. I would have loved to see people put out the evidence (for or against) such as VAM on some of the Giro climbs.

Jun 4, 2014
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TANK91 said:
Movistar are disgusting. Worst than Sky who the hell were the riders riding like moto's on early slopes of Zoncolon? Izaguirre was one i think but they were in a another race you only have to watch that clip to see the GC riders getting destroyed by Movistar's doms. It was so funny they were even putting Quintana in trouble for a moment.
I don't understand Movistar are disgusting,but if other teams are doing it is ok.Wtf
May 26, 2010
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MBotero said:
I don't understand Movistar are disgusting,but if other teams are doing it is ok.Wtf

you posted this twice and yes movistar are another disgusting doping team but where do either poster suggest that if other teams are doing it is ok?]

You do realize Unzue runs movistar, look at who he has had under his reign as riders and you will see a guy who fully embraces doping.
Jun 4, 2014
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Sorry for double post.As a cyclist fun i don't get this full slaming of a team don't matter if is Movistar,Sky etc doping or not doping this attitude looks extreme.
May 26, 2010
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MBotero said:
As a cyclist fun i don't get this full slaming of a team don't matter if is Movistar,Sky etc doping or not doping this attitude looks extreme.

Why not slam teams, the majority have at least 4 doctors to run their programs and whether every single rider is on the same program is moot. The riders at the bottom of the team rung are probably not getting the full program but are getting what the team deems worthy of their abilities for the races they race in.

No point in hiring a rider and not dope him to see how well he responds to the program. Might have a Dawg hanging onto motorbikes and then boom, GT podiums..........:D

I mean it is not like guys like Unzue, Lefevere, Riis, Saronni, Martinelli et al have not been doing this for years and years.....
Route du Sud, then preparing for a Worlds visua at the Spanish nationals is most likely. Which is a bit of a favour towards the big name Spanish riders I think, giving them a chance to race the Worlds course ahead of time. Which is why I'm kind of rooting for a rank outsider to win it and force their selection for the Worlds.