Speaking of pot, why does the NFL even bother testing for it? In no way is it performance enhancing. It's legally used for pain management in a medicinal way in 23 states. It's also legal for recreational amounts in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and Miller's state of Colorado. Furthermore, let's' be honest, as a society no one really gives a crap anymore if someone smokes pot in their own home, as long as they aren't doing stupid things with it, like giving it to kids, or driving completely stoned.
As to Cam, I'm not sure what to make. I think the fumble showed indecision as much as anything, as the game was slipping away. But he's right in that one play doesn't make a game. I'm just hoping he learns from this, he certainly showed a lot of talent all season.
Jeffrey Gorman, who was a media relations VP for the Colts for years, and worked with Peyton Manning for nearly that entire time, he had some interesting things to say about the HGH. He tiptoed around it, but basically said he felt it was bunk, because if you knew Manning, you'd know how completely controlled his life is around him. Everything he does is very calculated, very well planned out, several layers deep. Also, it's, ahem, easy for players in the NFL to get this stuff if they look for it (you're not surprised, are you?). So for PM, if he wanted to do HGH he'd have much easier access, and much more discrete ways, than visiting some shady clinic and having it shipped to his wife. Does this mean it's all BS? Gorman thinks so. But he may be covering for PM as much as anything (I do get the feeling his relationship with him was a bit strained though), but it does add a wrinkle to the story.
As to Cam, I'm not sure what to make. I think the fumble showed indecision as much as anything, as the game was slipping away. But he's right in that one play doesn't make a game. I'm just hoping he learns from this, he certainly showed a lot of talent all season.
Jeffrey Gorman, who was a media relations VP for the Colts for years, and worked with Peyton Manning for nearly that entire time, he had some interesting things to say about the HGH. He tiptoed around it, but basically said he felt it was bunk, because if you knew Manning, you'd know how completely controlled his life is around him. Everything he does is very calculated, very well planned out, several layers deep. Also, it's, ahem, easy for players in the NFL to get this stuff if they look for it (you're not surprised, are you?). So for PM, if he wanted to do HGH he'd have much easier access, and much more discrete ways, than visiting some shady clinic and having it shipped to his wife. Does this mean it's all BS? Gorman thinks so. But he may be covering for PM as much as anything (I do get the feeling his relationship with him was a bit strained though), but it does add a wrinkle to the story.