I see he and Amendola are still friends. Hey, there's a receiver the Pats sure could have used this season.
I'll both be surprised if GB can go to SF and win, but I'll also be surprised if the 49ers blow them out like they did in November.
The Titans will have to do to KC what they did to Baltimore, play mistake free, grind the ball out, and make key plays. Even then, I'll still take the Chiefs.
KC really did show they had something that Baltimore did not. And to watch that game one day after they lost has to be a lesson that hit the Ravens in the gut as they watched KC come back the way they did, not getting rattled, staying true to who they were, and pulling through. Great poise by Mahomes, and great coaching by Reid.
If a coach were to be fired here, how about canning Bill O'Brien and giving Eric Biemeny, the coach that just whipped him, that job?