While our team did not design the site or build it, we're confident we are going to make massive improvements to where it is now. We know its frustrating for some readers at the moment because there are issues we need to resolve, but I hope those of you that are frustrated understand we are working really hard to fix these issues as fast as we can.
Generic outsourcing? Sounds like it, given that a one size fits all 'design' template was used, I checked some of the other sites from this company and they are all the same design/layout.
Since it's not my job to spend my time fixing a failed layout/design, for free, I have to find other sites that don't insult me as a user this badly.
The fact that anyone has to explain to the site operators why presenting basiclaly no usable information per screen scoll on a news site that offered easily the best at a glance cycling overview anywhere to me shows there is a fundamental problem with the people tasked with trying to deal with this mess, the concepts are so simple, it's not about 'being used to something', it's about this site FAILING TO DELIVER cycling news efficiently. If this is too complicated to get across, then there is no real hope of this site getting fixed any time soon. I realize there is a problem with bruised egos etc that don't want to admit that this is a messed up rollout.
The notion that real a/b testing was done with this is a joke, a total and complete joke, I've been engaged for a while now doing serious a/b testing and there's no way it was done here in any real way, and if it was done, it ws done badly.
Since all I'm going to see here from the admins is defensive reactions, and claims to be reading feedback, which this forum thread is filled with, and which is unambiguously pointing in one direction, I have to assume that the people who are grappling with this mess internally can't fix it beyond small tweaks here and there.
If this project was outsourced, then that's all I need to know.
with this said, it is true you will hopefully make massive improvements on the site, and I'll check back now and then to see if simple usability concepts have sunk in and been implemented, since at this point there is basically no usable information per screen view of scroll compared to the old layout, it's true that really you can only get better, it being unusable at this point.
All the comments I read here are spot on, it's your job as admins to read them and note the content, not ours to then go to some feedback form. There's nothing hard to understand in the comments here unless you have some type of misplaced ego type attachment to this this current failed layout. And why would you have that? It's useless, a generic drop in that doesn't seem to have really had any thought put into it.
Definitely time to find a good cycling news site, apparently cyclingnews.com is confused and thinks it is something other than a cycling news site, what? I can't say, but I am saddened, like others here, this was the site I pointed people to who wanted cycling news, for the odd reason that it delivered cycling news in a really really good way. Now it's just a mess, and no longer is a cycling news site. Maybe change the domain name to something else then just redirect the old domain to the new one that better fits whatever it is supposed to be.
Sad, I really liked this site, it was my by far favorite cycling site, easy to follow the races during the season, at a glance overviews of things like, you know, cycling news. Maybe it's time to get someone on the dev team that actually likes reading about cycling news.