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O'Bee lifetime ban

US Postal 2000

Team Roster:

Frankie Andreu
Lance Armstrong
Jamie Burrow
Dylan Casey
Julian Dean
Viatcheslav Ekimov
David George
Tyler Hamilton
George Hincapie
Levi Leipheimer
Marty Jemison
Patrick Jonker
Benoit Joachim
Steffan Kjaergaard
Kevin Livingston
Kirk O'Bee (lifetime ban)
Christian Van de Velde
Cedric Vasseur
Steve Vermaut

We can only hope.

But, not on the Dope Squad for that year's Tour - so doper yes, but probably out of the loop:

Last update: 2150, June 30 CET Year 2000

U.S. Postal Service

1 Lance Armstrong (USA) (1999 samples positive)
2 Frankie Andreu (USA) (confession and subpoenaed)
3 Vjatceslav Ekimov (Rus)
4 Tyler Hamilton (USA) (lifetime ban and subpoenaed?)
5 George Hincapie (USA) (subpoenaed?)
6 Benoit Joachim (Lux)
7 Steffen Kjaergaard (Nor)
8 Kevin Livingston (USA) (subpoenaed?)
9 Cédric Vasseur (Fra)
All results after second proven offence scratched.
Valverde got off better I suppose, having all results between first proven violation and actual sentence remaining in the books?

This is a good ruling. Makes a doper wonder, if he may have ridden the past 5 years for zero results, and just not know it yet.
Jun 8, 2010
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to bad for the sponsor and teammates? how about the other clean cat 1 or 2riders that spent their own money traveling to these races only to beaten by him or some teammate that used his drug form to win...what a tool!
May 24, 2010
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Its About Time

I am happy to see another doper get nailed with a lifetime ban.

He should have been given a lifetime ban for his first offense when he was santioned in 2001.

I tell you when they get serious about cleaning up the sport and start implementing lifetime bans coupled with huge financial penalties for the teams and riders only then will we start to see a change towards a cleaner sport.

I mean look at it the way it is now. Those that dope rarely get caught and the most of them are reward huge the windfalls of success.
Aug 17, 2009
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I had my *** handed to me on a plate by Kirk in the Escape Velocity spring series which he occasionally attended (I usually had my **** kicked as a lowly cat 2 anyways). And to think he was doping all that time! Makes by head shake.
Jun 19, 2009
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Anyone wondering how Armstrong and Co. will get tied together during the Novitsky investigation simply needs to look at how O'bee's internet activity got him.
Jun 19, 2009
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Now I know how he beat me by 2 1/2 minutes in a 12 mile time trial. I still wonder how some of the Cali Masters beat me by almost 2 minutes...
Jun 19, 2009
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ricara said:
That's simple - EPO + masking agent.

Masters racing=no testing and no headache. Others at Mt Hood Classic were wondering wtf.

Big hope, stated again & again is that they will announce testing at Masters Nationals in Bend, Oregon. We'll see who shows and compare times to prior efforts. No, I'm not a whining guy that plans to win a TT but I have capable friends that deserve to play on a level field.
Feb 21, 2010
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Was just reading the AAA decision in the O'Bee case. What a sordid affair.

Calls into question Nathan O'Neill just a bit...

Anyone else given it a read?
Sep 20, 2010
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Jerk O'Bee

Bummer. Jerk EPO'Bee gets a lifetime ban?!

What's this sport coming to when really fast drug-addled guys like EPO'Bee can't compete?

And please don't take his results and prizes away without offering him reimbursement for his "program" costs. Only seems fair.
Sep 20, 2010
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Oldman said:
No doubt. When 3 guys on the same team do it and I've never heard of them I'd like to know what their training regime is.

I understand the suspicions. If they're clean then the naysayers look like whining jerks. But if they're charging-up, then the cynical folks get the last laugh.

It's a tough spot for all. Nobody really knows until we all know.

So...we need the Joe Papp names. Other than Fred Chodroff and PZ, there are another 185 names from Pappsmear's client list.

That's just the start, but it's an easy one.

Where is this information??
A little vindicated....

I'm actually starting to feel a little vindicated...all of those years racing against those guys (Dopee and O'Deal) and now they get busted. A little late for me (no longer racing) but I definitely feel a little better about getting raped and pillaged by them (and the numerous others it's now safe to say doped!).

I hate them because it's not even like they started doing it to keep their jobs as a domestique...they did it to make as much money as possible in NA.

Someone should make a list of all of the NA based riders to get popped for dope in the past 10 years. I'll start.

O'Neil (and about to again!)
Jeanson (she used to beat half the pro mens field in TT's...we knew that one was coming)
Seattle masters guy...(name?)

There are others I'm sure...anyone?
I could add to this list with some pretty solid first hand and second hand knowledge, but that's where you get in trouble I think. Let's just stick to the losers who've been busted, not the losers still racing or who never got caught.
Sep 20, 2010
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Hairy Wheels said:
I'm actually starting to feel a little vindicated...all of those years racing against those guys (Dopee and O'Deal) and now they get busted. A little late for me (no longer racing) but I definitely feel a little better about getting raped and pillaged by them (and the numerous others it's now safe to say doped!).

I hate them because it's not even like they started doing it to keep their jobs as a domestique...they did it to make as much money as possible in NA.

Someone should make a list of all of the NA based riders to get popped for dope in the past 10 years. I'll start.

O'Neil (and about to again!)
Jeanson (she used to beat half the pro mens field in TT's...we knew that one was coming)
Seattle masters guy...(name?)

There are others I'm sure...anyone?
I could add to this list with some pretty solid first hand and second hand knowledge, but that's where you get in trouble I think. Let's just stick to the losers who've been busted, not the losers still racing or who never got caught.

You SHOULD feel vindicated. We've had many cheaters amongst us and I'd like to know more names.
Sep 20, 2010
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Race Radio said:

Nice to see O'Neil front and center. It is about time

Kinda funny that a lot of the info came from his ex-Girlfriend. Never make a woman mad

The names also include: Marty Nothstein, O'Neill, O'Bee, Toussier and Detterich.

Might as well put Nothstein and Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa in the same category. All had the cover of Sports Illustrated and looked like masively superior humans.

And they were. Sprint, Marty, Sprint!! Go Navigators!
Sep 20, 2010
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rgmerk said:
How much (ballpark) would O'Bee have made per year while he was winning doped?

I think the quick answer is about $100-200K US. He's a USPro champ, so money is decent.

It's so hard to determine in the USA. UCI has a minimum Pro salary. USA Cycling doesn't (or didn't in the past). So compensation can take many forms from year to year. Example..take a car when you're on Saturn and Subaru. Variables are base salary , expense reimbursement. winnings, cash, appearance fees, sponsors, endorsements. And in the US..selling lots of team, prizes, sponsor stuff on ebay can add up.
Jul 5, 2009
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I remember one February weekday morning, doing hill repeats (~1.5 km @ 8%) at the same time as Kirk, who was in his Navigator's gear. He was in the big ring and I remember thinking that he was past the dope and doing the hard miles in order to succeed. I was hoping, anyways.

John Swanson
Apr 29, 2010
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Juicy McDrip said:
I think the quick answer is about $100-200K US. He's a USPro champ, so money is decent.

It's so hard to determine in the USA. UCI has a minimum Pro salary. USA Cycling doesn't (or didn't in the past). So compensation can take many forms from year to year. Example..take a car when you're on Saturn and Subaru. Variables are base salary , expense reimbursement. winnings, cash, appearance fees, sponsors, endorsements. And in the US..selling lots of team, prizes, sponsor stuff on ebay can add up.

I'd guess something near 50k. Anyone have any solid #s?