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O'Bee lifetime ban

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May 25, 2010
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Think about this

Think about this;

If O'Bee's girlfriend had not cleaned out his fridge full of junk and turned him in;

Would he still be racing????
Jun 19, 2009
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Race Radio said:

Nice to see O'Neil front and center. It is about time

Kinda funny that a lot of the info came from his ex-Girlfriend. Never make a woman mad

This list of domestic guys is right off my friend's suspect list from almost ten years ago. He always commented on the monumental improvement in form that happened over a couple of week's time. Dead f*cking giveaway.
May 26, 2009
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I wonder how many hairy-chested amateur weekend warriors read the CN article here and are planning a trip to see Ellis Toussier in Mexico for some EPO right now?
yourwelcome said:
I wonder how many hairy-chested amateur weekend warriors read the CN article here and are planning a trip to see Ellis Toussier in Mexico for some EPO right now?

Before they go they should get some training route scouting reports and travel tips from Rasmussen, or was that Italy? Where's Waldo?
Jun 23, 2009
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I like a bit of anger.

Nice to see a bit of fire in people's bellies when discussing convicted dopers.

I'm sick to death of people saying it should be legalised to 'level the playing field'. Those comments always come from armchair wannabe's who know everything about the Euro scene from a friend of a friend racing kermesse's in Holland. They've never personally turned a pedal in anger in their life. If they had, they'd know what it feels like being beaten by dopers. It feels sha-eet.
dr_wok said:
Nice to see a bit of fire in people's bellies when discussing convicted dopers.

I'm sick to death of people saying it should be legalised to 'level the playing field'. Those comments always come from armchair wannabe's who know everything about the Euro scene from a friend of a friend racing kermesse's in Holland. They've never personally turned a pedal in anger in their life. If they had, they'd know what it feels like being beaten by dopers. It feels sha-eet.

Exactly. Then ask them: Would you do it? "Hell no". Would you let your kids do it? "Hell no". Why then? "For my entertainment." Great attitude towards the sport and its future.


Aug 17, 2009
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dr_wok said:
Nice to see a bit of fire in people's bellies when discussing convicted dopers.

I'm sick to death of people saying it should be legalised to 'level the playing field'. Those comments always come from armchair wannabe's who know everything about the Euro scene from a friend of a friend racing kermesse's in Holland. They've never personally turned a pedal in anger in their life. If they had, they'd know what it feels like being beaten by dopers. It feels sha-eet.

I feel bad for the racers who were beat by dopers. My experience in cycling I just got beat by the guys who were better than me!


yourwelcome said:
I wonder how many hairy-chested amateur weekend warriors read the CN article here and are planning a trip to see Ellis Toussier in Mexico for some EPO right now?


Maybe more important is how many have already been to Toussier already.
Jun 18, 2009
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Race Radio said:
Kinda funny that a lot of the info came from his ex-Girlfriend. Never make a woman mad

Or your DS....

Props to Glen Mitchell for testifying for USADA. He exercised some really poor judgment in hiring him in the first place, making everyone on the team look bad. It's nice to see him step up and now do the right thing.

To the people wondering about O'Positive's contract, he was making peanuts. I don't know the exact amount, but is was in the 20-30K range at best. He was damaged goods with the prior positive and with his reputation no one wanted to risk it.

Looks like it's your turn, Nathan.
Jun 14, 2010
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Hairy Wheels said:
I'm actually starting to feel a little vindicated...all of those years racing against those guys (Dopee and O'Deal) and now they get busted. A little late for me (no longer racing) but I definitely feel a little better about getting raped and pillaged by them (and the numerous others it's now safe to say doped!).

I hate them because it's not even like they started doing it to keep their jobs as a domestique...they did it to make as much money as possible in NA.

Someone should make a list of all of the NA based riders to get popped for dope in the past 10 years. I'll start.

O'Neil (and about to again!)
Jeanson (she used to beat half the pro mens field in TT's...we knew that one was coming)
Seattle masters guy...(name?)

There are others I'm sure...anyone?
I could add to this list with some pretty solid first hand and second hand knowledge, but that's where you get in trouble I think. Let's just stick to the losers who've been busted, not the losers still racing or who never got caught.

Kenny Williams

Dont forget about this freaking loser:
131313 said:
Or your DS....

Props to Glen Mitchell for testifying for USADA. He exercised some really poor judgment in hiring him in the first place, making everyone on the team look bad. It's nice to see him step up and now do the right thing.

To the people wondering about O'Positive's contract, he was making peanuts. I don't know the exact amount, but is was in the 20-30K range at best. He was damaged goods with the prior positive and with his reputation no one wanted to risk it.

Looks like it's your turn, Nathan.

You domestic "pro" cyclists are quite a funny lot. Pump yourselves full of drugs for $20-30K per year. What a joke. Sorry 131313 but you are going to be laughed at from now on if you guys don't police your own peloton. WWF on pavement in the local office park. LOL.
Oldman said:
And why the ever-diligent USA Cycling tested Mitch Camado in an out of competition profile and can't catch any pros until someone else does is beyond me. Mitch must've really irritated someone Steve Johnson knows.

I forgot about Mitch, he may win the prize for most PEDs in his system at one time. I think he even beat Dan Staite by a PED or two.
Willy_Voet said:
Didn't Nothstein tested positive about 10-12 years ago? I think it was handled "internally" and nothing publicized. Info came to me from another trackie a few years after it happened.

The story goes Lisa Voight covered it up for him, I don't think there is any proof out there but he sure slimmed down a lot when he quit the track.
Aug 10, 2009
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131313 said:
Or your DS....

Props to Glen Mitchell for testifying for USADA. He exercised some really poor judgment in hiring him in the first place, making everyone on the team look bad. It's nice to see him step up and now do the right thing.

Looks like it's your turn, Nathan.

I was always gobsmacked that O'Bee was hired by Bissel in the first place. His nickname for years had been Kirk Dopee. I think Mitchell was strong armed by the team sponsor who really wanted to see a high profile mid-west rider on the team?

Can't wait to see O'Neil go down... but not sure that will happen. I think he'll just quietly retire because he won't be able to get a contract.
Jun 18, 2009
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shouldawouldacoulda said:
I was always gobsmacked that O'Bee was hired by Bissel in the first place. His nickname for years had been Kirk Dopee. I think Mitchell was strong armed by the team sponsor who really wanted to see a high profile mid-west rider on the team?

Yeah, the Michigan connection plus the fact that he was a sprinter available at an incredibly cheap price was why he was on the team. Oh well, lessons were learned all around.

shouldawouldacoulda said:
Can't wait to see O'Neil go down... but not sure that will happen. I think he'll just quietly retire because he won't be able to get a contract.

Yeah, I expect that will happen and he'll just retire to his coaching business. Seems like doping was a net win for him, which is why I hope USADA goes after him anyway.
Jun 18, 2009
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BikeCentric said:
Sorry 131313 but you are going to be laughed at from now on if you guys don't police your own peloton.

"from now on"?? Trust me, the ridicule has been going on for a long time!

There are guys making a living wage. Guys desperate for contracts with a lot of baggage just aren't among them.

I agree with the need for self-policing, and in O'Positive's case I actually think it had something to do with his out-of-competition test. Still, there's only so much you can do, and as you can see from the USADA notes, dopers tend to stick together.
Aug 10, 2009
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131313 said:
Yeah, I expect that will happen and he'll just retire to his coaching business. Seems like doping was a net win for him, which is why I hope USADA goes after him anyway.

I don't think USADA can go after him, he's Australian... that is one of the big problems with the current system. USADA can't do ooc testing on foreign pros, its the responsibility of their respective ADA's. And because ultimately these 'pros' on Continental teams are kinda small fish--their home nation ADAs don't target them because the costs are prohibitive to travel internationally to test them.

We also know there are very very few in competition tests in the USA. I've only seen it done once at an NRC race (NVGP) and there are only about 10-ish days of UCI racing in the US now. that'll change next year with Quiznos.

It kinda gives these guys free reign to do whatever.

Let's hope USADA forwards evidence to Australia on O'neil and Australia goes after him.

Then again, O'Neil's career is pretty much over. But there are a few other foreign pros in the US who I'd like to see targeted for more ooc testing ;)
Mar 10, 2009
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I was dating a girl who lived w/ Ditterich back in 04. She said he would get packages of "vitamins" all the time (B12 right!?) Every once in awhile he would get all ****ed off because he got letter stating the package never made it though customs. I always thought that was a bit suspect, but what did I know? I was a Cat 3 at the time, and a huge Tyler fan.

Ditterich was from Michigan, as was my X...who also knew O+ from MI...speaking of MI, did I mention Brian Sheedy is also from MI and lived in the same house for a few months. He killed it that year on Seasilver, then rode TOC the next year for Advantage. I'm just saying.


Jun 16, 2009
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Shawn Milne named 2007 Professional Criterium National Champion

Colorado Springs, Colo. (October 7, 2010) – Following USADA’s disqualification of Kirk O’Bee’s results,Shawn Milne (Beverly, Mass.) has been named 2007 USA Cycling Professional Criterium National Champion.

USA Cycling contacted Milne today to congratulate him on his title. A 2007 Stars-and-Stripes jersey was also mailed to the rightful winner.

The updated 2007 national champions list can be found here, while the updated results from the 2007 USA Cycling Professional Criterium National Championships can be found here.
