BroDeal said:
The NFL is non-profit. Seriously! It negotiates multibillion dollar media contracts, pays the guy who runs the thing $11 million a year, but it is non-profit. Figure that one out.
We're going political now. And beyond.
In the early days of stock markets listing a company was all about shareholders getting maximum dividend. Stock value appreciation was secondary. Then we moved to stock value appreciation becoming the primary reason for companies listing. Now listing and running companies is all about maximizing expenses for the senior team to a level that shareholders will tolerate. And the 'not-for profit sector', etc are classic examples. Should rename this to 'maximize management expenses sector', a much more accurate term. Even the recently become trendy 'philanthropy' sector is mostly a PR exercise/total joke.
In parallel and overlapping we have the 'i' generation trend. What 'i' can get out of the system. Never mind the system being screwed over, as long as 'i' do well out of it. Screw the many in the system who have to suffer from me doing well. And the better 'i' do (and often others suffer), the more recognition and award we bestow. Work that one out.
Longer term this developing social inequity is the stuff that caused major revolutions. Like the ones that changed governance in Europe in the 1500-1800's. Only so much people in the system will take. Sports may well be the canary in the mine. IOC/UCI/FIFA have been a senior boys rort for decades. What's best for the sport is not the key driver for its leadership, instead its 'i' Pat and 'i' Hein (and 'i' Sepp and 'i' Jaques, etc). And cycling may well become the canary of sport. And social media the tool to drive the change. And "The Clinic" to change cycling
And cycling to change sport. And sport to change the world. Vive le sport! Vive le cyclisme!